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[Mega] Harm protection supplements

7. 5-HTP
Description: Precursor to Serotonin, increases serotonin levels

Dosage: 100mg x 3 post MDMA usage. Do not take it for more than 5 days in a row without dopamine precursors; otherwise it will cause depletion of dopamine – take with Green Tea

8. Green Tea extracts (EGCG)
Description: Another MUST GET supplement, VERY POWERFUL antioxidant, 200x more than Vitamin E. COMT Inhibitor which is one of the many enzymes responsible for the breakdown of MDMA. It is also a Decarboxylase inhibitor so it potentiates 5-htp and l-dopa

Dosage: Take with 5-htp so that 5-htp gets converted to serotonin in the brain and not in your gut, also before MDMA usage for potentiation and powerful antioxidant activity. Dose: 300mg of 40% EGCG extract

14. L-Dopa
Description: like 5-htp, its a direct precursor to Dopamine, a lot better than tyrosine.

Dosage: Take in morning before food with Green Tea, 200mg. its a good idea if your taking 5-htp at night to have this the following morning for optimal neurotransmitter levels.

Note: DO NOT TAKE for atleast 24 hours after MDMA usage as the excess dopamine may get trapped by SERTS that have been activated by MDMA and cause oxidative stress.

Thanks for the scrupulous research... it has made it a lot easier for me.
It's good to know that green tea extract acts as a Decarboxylase inhibitor... I was searching for one that was feasibly attainable.
Thanks for the scrupulous research... it has made it a lot easier for me.
It's good to know that green tea extract acts as a Decarboxylase inhibitor... I was searching for one that was feasibly attainable.

purebulk.com sells relatively cheap Green Tea at 98% (40% EGCG). i dunno if its okay to post websites here??
sweet my oncle owns a green tea company and they do "Ginko" green tea... two birds with one stone... goood post
I just had a question about sleeping after rolling. If you're in that bad situation where you simply can't sleep, what is the best thing to take to help you sleep?
A few of my friends take valium but im kinda apprehensive about it. I noticed melatonin at the top of this thread helps sleep regulation but is it strong enough to actually help you drift off to sleep after a roll?
I just had a question about sleeping after rolling. If you're in that bad situation where you simply can't sleep, what is the best thing to take to help you sleep?
A few of my friends take valium but im kinda apprehensive about it. I noticed melatonin at the top of this thread helps sleep regulation but is it strong enough to actually help you drift off to sleep after a roll?

When it comes to sleep, Melatonin just increases the sleep hormone. doesnt really do anything unless you take it right before you are sleeping at night. this usually increases the quality of your sleep.

Valium works by decreasing cadiac output, thus relaxing you. resulting in sleep.

so im assuming the reason why your not able to sleep because the pills are cut with amphetamines. this causes higher than normal blood pressure and higher cardic output. melatonin wont change this.
Regarding tianeptine will extended use of this down regulate serotonin receptors in the brain?
This is the only thing I would be worried about with taking it.

Also I've read that L-Theanine has a synergistic affect when used with caffeine, would this be a bad idea to preload with caffeine?

Excellent list otherwise, I have about half the list to go until I have everything.
Regarding tianeptine will extended use of this down regulate serotonin receptors in the brain?
This is the only thing I would be worried about with taking it.

Also I've read that L-Theanine has a synergistic affect when used with caffeine, would this be a bad idea to preload with caffeine?

Excellent list otherwise, I have about half the list to go until I have everything.

i dont see how it would, if anything it would upregulate your serotonin receptors even more efficently than how it was before first time MDMA use...

all tianeptine does it enhances the reuptake of serotonin, in otherwords more are taken back to storage ready to be fired again (recycled) rather than left to be destroyed by MAO enzyme.....

SSRI's on the otherhand would downregulate the receptors, that is because the first week of use, serotonin levels in the synapes would be very great (due to adjustment to drugs effect) and the great deal of free serotonin will downregulate the receptors

I actually tried Caffeine and l-theanine. it promotes relaxation while still awake and alert. this is because caffeine inhibits GABA, and L-theanine is a GABA precursor. i wouldnt say its synergistic?
First off, amazing post man. Cant really get better than this.

I'm just wondering advanc3d, what is your personal pre and post loading regimens? Theres so much info there and these supplements are so expensive its kind of hard to decide on what to take.
Though the following is for a hardcore night (i.e 4 pills in a night)
so maybe somethings can be cut out but doesnt really hurt.. in this case, more _does_ mean better, but it actually depends.
My Regime

Preload (1 hour before)

2000mg - Vitamin C
2500mg - Acetyl-L-Carnitine
400mg - Alpha Lipoic Acid
500mg - Green Tea extract
1x - Quercetin
4000mg Piracetam


2x 300mg Alpha Lipoic Acid

2x 2000mg Vitamin C
2x 400mg Alpha Lipoic Acid
3x 100mg 5-HTP
1x Green Tea Extract
1x Quercetin
400mg Magnesium
3000mg Piracetam
1500mg GABA
9mg Melatonin

p.s when you see "2x" that means like doses a few hours apart
Can I keep taking 5-HTP if I also take 5-DOPA?

I have been taking 5-HTP even before I started doing mdma... been taking it around a year.

I have not noticed any negative side effects from taking 200MG a day.

Here is what I am taking Daily(i dont take 5-dopa or 5-htp day of roll):

250 mg L-DOPA
200 mg 5-HTP
250 mg Magnesium Chelate
1200 mg Green Tea Extract
1000 mg Vitamin C
400 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine
2000 mg Omega 3 Fish Oils

When I roll I usually take around 150 MG of MDMA. I do this once a week and eat extremely healthy and get 8+ hours sleep a night.

Should I be worried about long term consequences using it weekly?

Im not sure I can stop my weekly E usage even if it is terrible for me... Its just too good :(
For anyone that lives in Queensland you can by PROXAN - perfect in my experiance for recovery ( you can not buy Proxan in NSW )
Though the following is for a hardcore night (i.e 4 pills in a night)
so maybe somethings can be cut out but doesnt really hurt.. in this case, more _does_ mean better, but it actually depends.
My Regime

Preload (1 hour before)

2000mg - Vitamin C
2500mg - Acetyl-L-Carnitine
400mg - Alpha Lipoic Acid
500mg - Green Tea extract
1x - Quercetin
4000mg Piracetam


2x 300mg Alpha Lipoic Acid

2x 2000mg Vitamin C
2x 400mg Alpha Lipoic Acid
3x 100mg 5-HTP
1x Green Tea Extract
1x Quercetin
400mg Magnesium
3000mg Piracetam
1500mg GABA
9mg Melatonin

p.s when you see "2x" that means like doses a few hours apart

Thanks dude! I'm gonna follow that as close as I possibly can next time I roll.
hey all,

quick question: does anyone know by any chance if cysteine's contribution to MDMA-induced neurotoxicity applies to other ring-substituted amphetamines or methcathinones as well.
I have read somewhere that cysteine potentially exacerbates MDMA neurotoxicity by boosting GSH levels, which then make HHMA (an MDMA metabolite) more neurotoxic (put in simple terms).........I wonder if that, for example, applies to HMMC, a metabolite of methylone (BK-MDMA) as well???

thank u Advance!!!! wicked information,, how do you keep trk of all the supps,,, how do you take them all,,
i tried the paracetam,, a bit of preload 5htp,,, is the ALA really better before,, during, and after??
if a newbie, or rookie were reading all this,, what would be,, say the top 3 or 4 most important, best bang for buck, must haves,,,,, ?? say like 1 to 4,,,
fascinating!! its pure science