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[MEGA]Growing advice, tips, tricks and experience: Mark 3

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Are there special considerations like temp. and humidity? (besides the general information on indoor cannabis cultivation) ? Any info. would be helpful. Thanks! :)

No, not really. They don't have any particular requirements that you need to be aware of imo ;)
Finally uploading pictures of my grow. Hindu kush, Plain soil, canna terra nutes and a 200 watt envirolite for lighting.

Just after she sprouted.

Getting bigger


I didnt take any pictures for a while, i took the plant for some natural sunlight after the leaves were looking washed out, more nutes helped the problem though.


Nows shes 2 weeks into flowering and looking good





Any tips/feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Finally uploading pictures of my grow. Hindu kush, Plain soil, canna terra nutes and a 200 watt envirolite for lighting.

Just after she sprouted.

Getting bigger


I didnt take any pictures for a while, i took the plant for some natural sunlight after the leaves were looking washed out, more nutes helped the problem though.


Nows shes 2 weeks into flowering and looking good





Any tips/feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Those look great! And what and awesome first post that is!
What is the strain?
Your plant is extremely healthy, so I don't think you need any of our advice really! I would think about doing some training and/or pruning in future to increase your yield. You could supercrop her still in flower (you can supercrop during the flowering period, despite the common misconception that this is not possible).

Apart from an occasional seaweed foliar spray with yucca extract (acts as a spreader to stop beading up on the leaves) and a mollasses soil drench, it seems like you've got all your bases covered.

When you say 'plain soil', what do you mean? I assume you don't mean garden soil/earth...
Has anyone here had experience with polyploid

I've managed to obtain six second generation seeds. Would like to start like 3 of them. I'd like to make some more of these seeds but am unsure if these seeds are sterile, (unable to make seeds), also last time I saved a couple of males (non polyploid) for oil etc. with two closed doors between the males and females. What a mistake. My whole effort was wrecked. Very badly pollinated females. All seeds, no potency.
Would like to like pollinate like one branch to get more of these seeds.
Am unsure about the polyploid. Are the plants sterile, (no seeds). If not Just even keeping a male plant anywhere freaks me out because of previous experience, but I need some pollen to get some more seeds.
Any tips?
^ what do you mean when you say second generation (I'm not asking for a definition, I literally want to know what you believe it means)? Your seeds won't be sterile, so don't worry about that.

You need to make a pollination bag by gluing together vegetable parchment bags (Robert Clarke, Marijuana Botany), which is a strong breathable paper made for steaming vegetables and clear nylon oven bags (for an observation window to see what's going on inside) with silicon glue.

You also really need to find a way of isolating the males more and have a ventilation system that extracts the air to a separate location. Either that or collect the pollen whilst the female plants are not in flower. You can do this by just keeping the females in the vegetative stage for longer than the male(s).

Anyway, once the male has shed it's pollen (you need to observe the male plant closely and regularly to determine exactly when this is happening so you don't miss it!) you collect it in a bag or by holding a mirror below a recently-opened male flower that looks as if it's releasing pollen and by tapping it lightly. You can also place the male flowers on glass and allow them to dry in a cool dry place and after a while the pollen will fall naturally. Place this inside the bag made from parchment bags and place this around the female flower, sealing it with an elastic band (not too tight and don't use string since this can cause damage). Remove the bag after two days to a week and you should get seed from that flower. You can re-use the bag on future crops since it will work so well for this purpose.

The pollen, if not used more or less immediately, should be stored in something like film canisters in the fridge and used withing 12 months. It definitely won't last longer than 18 months at the most.
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^ I'd say indoors the temperature gradient between the foliage and the roots is actually greater than with a plant outside. If you measure the temperature at the bottom of your indoor grow room you'll find it's significantly lower than the temperature of a couple of feet up in the foliage. This is not so much the case outdoors.

It's more the fact that outside temperature swings are brief and not sustained. However that said, outside if the plant is in the earth then yes, the roots will be a bit cooler than if it's being grown in a container, meaning it might be more able to withstand a bit larger temperature swings.
^ what do you mean when you say second generation (I'm not asking for a definition, I literally want to know what you believe it means)? Your seeds won't be sterile, so don't worry about that.

You need to make a pollination bag by gluing together vegetable parchment bags (Robert Clarke, Marijuana Botany), which is a strong breathable paper made for steaming vegetables and clear nylon oven bags (for an observation window to see what's going on inside) with silicon glue.

You also really need to find a way of isolating the males more and have a ventilation system that extracts the air to a separate location. Either that or collect the pollen whilst the female plants are not in flower. You can do this by just keeping the females in the vegetative stage for longer than the male(s).

Anyway, once the male has shed it's pollen (you need to observe the male plant closely and regularly to determine exactly when this is happening so you don't miss it!) you collect it in a bag or by holding a mirror below a recently-opened male flower that looks as if it's releasing pollen and by tapping it lightly. You can also place the male flowers on glass and allow them to dry in a cool dry place and after a while the pollen will fall naturally. Place this inside the bag made from parchment bags and place this around the female flower, sealing it with an elastic band (not too tight and don't use string since this can cause damage). Remove the bag after two days to a week and you should get seed from that flower. You can re-use the bag on future crops since it will work so well for this purpose.

The pollen, if not used more or less immediately, should be stored in something like film canisters in the fridge and used withing 12 months. It definitely won't last longer than 18 months at the most.

As far as I know orig seeds were soaked in colchicene, then germinated and grown.
That was the first generation. Seeds from these would be second generation.
My main concern is isolating the males well enough in an apartment. Before I had two closed doors between the males and females. This was the first time I had grown indoors. I should have known better. Considering how many seeds you get outdoors even from plants even a couple of miles away
^ I would then veg the females longer which will give you a larger yield anyway. Keep them vegging until you've harvested all the pollen from the males and the males have either been destroyed or revegged.

I would not mess around with colchicine in general, even if those seeds should theoretically be safe to use. I just don't think it's needed tbh, even if I find the chemical fascinating and would like to experiment with it myself (on plants I would not use for harvesting bud or seeds or for breeding). How confident are you that colchicene was used? Is there a possibility the guy you got them from was just bullshitting?
The seeds have never touched colchisene

^ I would then veg the females longer which will give you a larger yield anyway. Keep them vegging until you've harvested all the pollen from the males and the males have either been destroyed or revegged.

I would not mess around with colchicine in general, even if those seeds should theoretically be safe to use. I just don't think it's needed tbh, even if I find the chemical fascinating and would like to experiment with it myself (on plants I would not use for harvesting bud or seeds or for breeding). How confident are you that colchicene was used? Is there a possibility the guy you got them from was just bullshitting?

As I understand it the seeds are from the plants whose seeds were soaked.
The colchisene causes a genetic modification to the plant. the seeds from that plant have never been exposed to the chemical. My brother got the seeds from a friend of his out of state. for free. I doubt BS.
My concern wouldn't be chemical residue on the seed, but unpredictable genetic modification resulting in some sort of harmful effects. Also unless you've done it yourself it's hard to know whether it is as you say it is. But if you say you trust him then fair enough.

It'll almost certainly be fine - I'm just saying I wouldn't do that myself personally. I don't mean to put you off or anything.


This is the Northern Lights thats been outdoor since 13-14 hrs of light, currently getting 16 hours. Should I let it finish flowering or chop what bud it does have and just let it reveg? Also have another pic of my other plant which looks pretty pathetic , but its been over watered due to the rain we've had the past 3-4 days, though the fully flowering plant doesnt seem to mind.

Hows it look for outdoor though?
My concern wouldn't be chemical residue on the seed, but unpredictable genetic modification resulting in some sort of harmful effects. Also unless you've done it yourself it's hard to know whether it is as you say it is. But if you say you trust him then fair enough.

It'll almost certainly be fine - I'm just saying I wouldn't do that myself personally. I don't mean to put you off or anything.

Gosh, why apologize. I don't know a whole lot about it either. Nothing wrong with an honest concern about what you're putting into yourself.


This is the Northern Lights thats been outdoor since 13-14 hrs of light, currently getting 16 hours. Should I let it finish flowering or chop what bud it does have and just let it reveg? Also have another pic of my other plant which looks pretty pathetic , but its been over watered due to the rain we've had the past 3-4 days, though the fully flowering plant doesnt seem to mind.

Hows it look for outdoor though?

Yes if it were me I would definitely give it the chop asap. The last thing you want is it to start partially revegging just whilst your at the end.

It looks great, Prelude! Each time you grow you'll get better and better (as long as you don't try to many new things during the grow) and you'll find it more and more easy to get great results, but from what I can see the plant looks brilliant.

Gosh, why apologize. I don't know a whole lot about it either. Nothing wrong with an honest concern about what you're putting into yourself.

I didn't realize I did, but anyway I wish you luck with your grow anyhow.
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Why not make u a isolation box for a male. Clear tub of Rubbermaid material with a fan sucking hot air in at the middle and a hole at the top pushing air out. Cover the fan and the hole with filters so pollen doesn't get out. When u need the pollen take the whole thing out and work on it somewhere far away.
^ He would have to open it regularly to water the plant, causing the same issue. I think if it's in a tent or wardrobe at the other side of the property and the extraction is being directed outside of the property then the risk would be minimized.

However either of these methods still risks pollinating the crop and the only way to ensure it doesn't happen is the flower the females when the males are still vegging. The males don't have to go under powerful lights - just enough light to allow them to produce pollen is needed.
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