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[MEGA]Growing advice, tips, tricks and experience: Mark 3

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Weird, my plant outdoors is getting 16 hours a day of light, is still continuing to flower, and my plant I just put outside it starting to flower too, WTF!?

I just wanted one of those plants to flower, I figured I put the first one out too early, and it started flowering, no big deal, as long as it produces some buds (which it seems to be doing, slowly....)

and now the other plant I can tell is starting to flower as it just stretched about 6 inches in less then half a week and the area in which the new leaves are coming out looks like a bunch of pistils...

Really hope 1 of these plants fully flowers and the other just grows through out summer... But , guess I cant control nature, unfortunately. Northern Lights is prob about 3-4 weeks into flower, Ill take a pics...[problem is , we are getting more and more light every day, so....Im curious as to whats going to happen to the plant thats already started to flower, its a beautiful plant, I dont wanna have to hack it down , and I dont know if it will reveg with all the whole plant already budding... same goes for the other plant , if its starting to flowering in 16 hours of day light what the heck can I do?! They are both in the ground ahh, Im at a loss.
Question about the Elf Carbon Filter - I just opened the box and its in a bag filled with charcoal... Its everywhere. Granulated, powdery charcoal.... is this normal? Do I just take it out of the bag and hang it up? Whats the best method for hanging it? I'm using a grow tent with bars on top.

I dont know what to do with this thing... charcoal all over it and there are cotton sheets? inside the filter...

You didn't get any directions?

If you bought a whole carbon filter, there should be a pre filter (cotton type cloth)
and there should be a piece of metal with holes in it....you put the cotton around that piece of metal (as a prefilter) and the charcoal is supposed to go into the metal piece (google images of a carbon filter)

Once you have that down, you have to have inline fans to fit the filter, and you want to suck air through the metal carbon filter(where it passes through the carbon, and the carbon absorbs the smell, or something close to that effect, but, you want to have an outlet, a place where you can let this air pass into another room or something. I.E. , I have my carbon filter in my grow room, and it is set up to blow the air into the attic..
Some people blow the air outside, some people blow it into a different room, depends on your setup.

Did you buy an inline fan? if not, you probably made the same mistake I did , and you'll have to go buy an inline fan, but make sure you know how big your room is and how much power in the fan your going to need (measured by CFM, the higher the CFM, the more it blows air)

I would go further into detail but I gotta go shopping for soil, as I just used up my last bag.
Ill try to get back to ya on that one, or maybe AE can help ya out like he did me.

Anywho, hope all grows are going well, Ill try to come back with pictures this time instead of just continuing to say Ill take some, lol
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Sigh, I hate this shit, I write a 5 paragraph message but OH no, you have to login again, OH there goes everything you wrote....

AE, you told me to try outdoors, and I did, so , now Im more confused than I was when I was just growing indoors....
My plant that I JUST put out there 2 days ago , receiving 16 hours of light, is ALSO flowering.

Now , I put that plant outside when there was 16 hours of light as I was HOPING that it wouldn't flower. But from what Im seeing on the top of the new plant looks like its starting to flower, its a bunched up and there are lots of pistils on the top of the plant (none of the branches/stems though)

What ever happen to the 12/12 rule...? I know plant can flower in 14 hours, but, 16?

I just took pics with my crappy phone camera, Ill try to post more in a bit, but I still havent left to go shopping, lol...Anywho...


Thats my outdoor plant, 4 weeks into flower. I have more pics , that I will put up, but Im really getting confused... (bit skinny bud wise, Im guessing it might not really finish flowering *sigh*)
Guess the other plant if it starts flowering will be garbage too?

AE you told me to grow outdoor, i took you advice, but , just like when I started indoors, this is all new to me now as well, Im looking for places in my backyard to put the plant (back yard faces south)
But I really wouldn't even know where to put it anyways....Im just really hoping this plant finishes up flowering before it just, dies off, or what ever weed does after its done budding (Ive never had an outdoor plant, just used to budding them for 2 months or so and hacking them down to trim)

The outdoor plants are MUCH healthier than the indoor plants, but, its such a hassel to grow outdoors, Im never home, It gets to hot , I already spent 600$ on a set up for inside, I dont wana spend another few hundered just for an extra plant our two in the back yard unless I can make a crop that would last me through out the year (which I pretty doubtful of, as I dont really know much about where they should be placed, how to shade them when I have no shade in my back yard, how to keep them cool in 110 degrees, (I know you said as long as the roots are cool the plant should be fine) but , its barely even hitting 90 and the plant I just put outdoor about a week ago is drooping like a Mofo when it gets hot...I know its possible, I just dont know if I'd be worth it, as quality from outdoor bud to indoor bud makes a big diff IME. but Ive also had great outdoor bud, guess it depends in the grower, anywho, just wish me luck , better go get my check and buy my soil

Outdoors theres just so many variables which I can't control, indoors, completely different story, but I do have to say , if that plant does fully flower, or even if it would have (if it doesnt) it would have produced much more than my indoor plants, but I dont know about the quality, guess we will find out in a month or two...

Ill post more pics later... Hopefully i can remember what I was trying to say in my last post that got deleted because I took too long to type it and had to re-login.

it is glad to see you are still one of this broads most professional home growers. That is astounding, as is some of the previous work I have seen. How much have you tried your hand at actually cross breeding rather then just using clones and seeds which were bought or ordered?

Anyway man, that is great work brother. I remember when the first grow thread was up, your skills have improved significantly since then and its been documented!!!

The rest of you who have been posting here as well, you guys have some some insane work! I hate that I don't remember every name, but Wise, Aerob, etc, you guys have also been awesome contributers. Whenever someone has a grow question I point them here as you guys have soaked up so much information in a short period of time it is baffeling. After trying my hand a few times at wood-land growing I respect some of the work done a lot more.

Just a reminder to everyone - please - no prices, no links to grow items, no sourcing whatsoever. The same rules that apply to the rest of the forum, bluelight, and the contract you signed when you made a bluelight account all state that. Just had to throw that in as a reminder because I have heard there has been some trouble in here and I would deeply hate to see the potential this Grow Log mega thread has go to waste, because some of you are doing awesome work here and making this one of the most informative threads in CD.

So, I certainly thank a majority of you and thank you again for following the rules and making this a great thread. I hope the post came out correctly as currently I am half awake due to the post surgery medication :p Great work guys, keep the bud porn coming because it is HAWT.
I wish I would consider myself professional, but , Ive got to give alot of credit to AE & Wise helping me out along the way through the bumps and struggles, Ive really gotta give thanks to all of the regulars to the thread. Even when others ask questions, I learn from them asking questions to something I might need help with in the future. And alot of people helped me out in mega 1 & 2 . so , thanks to all of you too as well!

Thank you Chainer, though, none of this would have really happened had you not helped me with the mega thread, so , its greatly appreciated, and Im glad this thread can help the mods a bit by throwing growing questions into this thread, (atleast hopefully its helped a bit)

Im going to start working on the intro & title to the next grow thread pretty soon.
So you wont have to worry about making any names or have to have someone else start it, apologies for not being available when this one started, was in a garage 12 hours of the day trimming for a few weeks, lol.

Chainer, I hope you recover quick and healthily. Best of wishes. Thanks again for all your hard work here at BL.

And those are my two dogs in that picture, haha, they've been so mad at me for putting that fence up so they cant dig my plants up , they get jealous and watch me go behind the fence every day :D

Oh yeah, and to all the new people to this thread, you might want to check out the 1st and 2nd Mega Growing Tips threads as they had ALOT of information on just getting started from scratch, as thats what I did, Started with CFLS and moved up to MH/HPS.
So, checking those previous threads might help a few people out, Ill try to link them.
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Cooling Problem - Please Help

I have both my rooms set up. The room I'm concerned with is the flowering room. I have one 4" fan blowing air from outside to the room. I have one 4" fan with carbon filter attached sucking air out of the room. I have one 6" fan attached to my HPS Hood sucking air out of the room, through the hood, out the window. I have one 4" duct from a portable A/C Unit blowing air into the room.

Here is my problem. The portable A/C unit is outside of the tent. The A/C turns off and starts blowing room temperature air into the tent once the internal thermostat feels it is cool enough in its current location. I don't have room to move the A/C unit into the tent. Is there a way to have the A/C consistently blow cool, air conditioned air into the tent without it switching off? Should I place a small heater next to it so it thinks it's always hot in the room? Please help...
Sigh, I hate this shit, I write a 5 paragraph message but OH no, you have to login again, OH there goes everything you wrote....

AE, you told me to try outdoors, and I did, so , now Im more confused than I was when I was just growing indoors....
My plant that I JUST put out there 2 days ago , receiving 16 hours of light, is ALSO flowering.

Now , I put that plant outside when there was 16 hours of light as I was HOPING that it wouldn't flower. But from what Im seeing on the top of the new plant looks like its starting to flower, its a bunched up and there are lots of pistils on the top of the plant (none of the branches/stems though)

What ever happen to the 12/12 rule...? I know plant can flower in 14 hours, but, 16?

I just took pics with my crappy phone camera, Ill try to post more in a bit, but I still havent left to go shopping, lol...Anywho...


Thats my outdoor plant, 4 weeks into flower. I have more pics , that I will put up, but Im really getting confused... (bit skinny bud wise, Im guessing it might not really finish flowering *sigh*)
Guess the other plant if it starts flowering will be garbage too?

AE you told me to grow outdoor, i took you advice, but , just like when I started indoors, this is all new to me now as well, Im looking for places in my backyard to put the plant (back yard faces south)
But I really wouldn't even know where to put it anyways....Im just really hoping this plant finishes up flowering before it just, dies off, or what ever weed does after its done budding (Ive never had an outdoor plant, just used to budding them for 2 months or so and hacking them down to trim)

The outdoor plants are MUCH healthier than the indoor plants, but, its such a hassel to grow outdoors, Im never home, It gets to hot , I already spent 600$ on a set up for inside, I dont wana spend another few hundered just for an extra plant our two in the back yard unless I can make a crop that would last me through out the year (which I pretty doubtful of, as I dont really know much about where they should be placed, how to shade them when I have no shade in my back yard, how to keep them cool in 110 degrees, (I know you said as long as the roots are cool the plant should be fine) but , its barely even hitting 90 and the plant I just put outdoor about a week ago is drooping like a Mofo when it gets hot...I know its possible, I just dont know if I'd be worth it, as quality from outdoor bud to indoor bud makes a big diff IME. but Ive also had great outdoor bud, guess it depends in the grower, anywho, just wish me luck , better go get my check and buy my soil

Outdoors theres just so many variables which I can't control, indoors, completely different story, but I do have to say , if that plant does fully flower, or even if it would have (if it doesnt) it would have produced much more than my indoor plants, but I dont know about the quality, guess we will find out in a month or two...

Ill post more pics later... Hopefully i can remember what I was trying to say in my last post that got deleted because I took too long to type it and had to re-login.

Interestingly enough, there is no 12/12 rule. It's a myth propagated by a misinterpretation of a grow guide writted by Greg Green in the 80s. He himself aknowledges this and has attempted to clarify the issue in his later books. Some plants flower with 14 hours of light. Some don't flower with any number of hours of light or darkness if they are not sexually mature, including clones taken from these plants. Are you sure there are 16 hours of light? It is possible for a plant to flower in that situation (well if you believe your eyes). If you want it to veg, put a light out there to keep them from flowering. All it takes is a stroll with a flashlight a couple of times for 10 minutes a time!

By the way you NEED to harden off your plants, otherwise growth will be piss poor if temps drop at night. This is important! A cold frame is good for this, or religiously putting them out for longer each day over the course of a couple of weeks will work too, but is a pain to do.

I'm a bit confused about you saying growing outdoors can cost a lot. You can do it for pennies (or nothing at all). You don't need shading if they're out in the open, only in greenhouses is this useful to help lower temps due to the greenhouse effect (same thing that causes global warming). Cannabis likes full sun!

I think you're worrying too much about hot spells during the day. Outdoors, if the plant is hardened off and planted after the last frost, you do not need to worry about the temperature at all. Nope, usually not even one bit if the climate is okay and there is no risk of frosts. Cannabis is genetically adapted to growing in very hot conditions (especially sativa-dom plants). Don't worry about the heat outside at all. If the plants are drooping, they are not being watered frequently enough or the pot size is too small (meaning it will lose water quickly) or you're not using a mulch to seal the moisture in. However, the ultimate solution to this is to plant them in well cultivated soil. This will mean you will only need to water your plant probably only once per week.

Trust me, you will get much more yield from a good strain grown outdoors that's grown well than an indoor plant 99% of the time. You should get enough weed from a few plants grown outside to last most of the year, if they're cared for. I'm not sure you're aware just how much a good outdoor grow can actually yield. If you don't have serious issues with mold (don't think you will where you are), then yields should be staggering. Cannabis basically can't get too much sun, practically, so I would advise against shading.
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High Pressure Sodium question

My flower room temperature is currently between 68-70 degrees F. My question is, how many degrees of increase will there be once I've added a 1000W HPS bulb. Estimates are fine.

I have one 4" fan blowing air from outside to the room. I have one 4" fan with carbon filter attached sucking air out of the room. I have one 6" fan attached to my HPS Hood sucking air out of the room, through the hood, out the window. I have one 4" duct from a portable A/C Unit blowing air into the room.
^ depends how far away it is from the plants (which also should depend on the size of your grow area). Also depends on what reflector you're using (a parabolic reflector behaves dramatically different from a normal horizontal reflector), as well as your ventilation system and whether it's controlled with thermostats etc.

Basically the question is kind of hard to answer without more info. Even then it would be difficult to answer. You're better off setting it and just seeing how it goes. That's what I would do.

By the way, I don't think it's worth using that a/c system at all in your setup. Those things piss away power like there's no tomorrow and are really worth using in specific situations/setups.
The room is 56" by 56" by 78" - The reflector is XtraSun. The bulb will be about 1 foot above the plants.
^ That's too close to the plants. The light won't cover the whole area.

Frankly I wouldn't feel comfortable telling you how hot it will get. I don't think anyone really can, to be honest. However, the AC should keep working until the temp reduces to the desired range if it has a thermostat.
The AC is outside of the room. It isn't taking the temp inside the tent.

Then I will move the light 2 ft. up.
^ I'm not familiar with that hood, but I wouldn't measure it at 1 foot or 2 feet. The best way is to pull the light up and down (using easy rollers) and visually look at the light footprint until it appears to be evenly distributed uniformly over the whole area. Too high and the walls will be reflecting too much light as it won't be focused evenly on all the plants but too low and you'll have a hot spot with too much light focused on too small an area.

I find the best hood is a parabolic hood, because it gives the most even light footprint of any reflector (especially the grostar). The temps are far cooler than any air cooled hood (I've tried the best air cooled hood on the market, made by Sunsystems, which is sitting in the other room gathering dust right now). I know you've bought your kit and everything, but I would try and change to this type of setup if you can at some point.


My plants survived whilst I was in Poland for 4 days!!

I got my KC36 seeds which I plan to sow tomorrow.


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AE - I thought the HPS light can't be too close to the plants... If I do a light measurement, and it's perfectly positioned and spreading perfect light to the ground evenly... but the plants are too tall and sitting RIGHT under the light, then what good is it? Isn't that bad for plants?

Also - I know the ideal temp for both veg and flower rooms are 75 degrees F. If both my rooms run a little hotter during the day (around 79-82 dergees) is that ok? If so... what is the cutoff temperature... when is it TOO hot? 90F ?
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HPS lights certainly can get too close to plants. It can cause bleaching and burns on your plants to death if too close!

The idea is to control the height of the plants using one of the many ways, such as scrog nets, lst etc. That's one of the main ways you make your indoor garden more efficient. A low profile is extremely important and you certainly will find it difficult to approach 1g/W yield if you just let your plants grow freestyle with no training. I think the easiest method overall is LST, so if you want to play it safe use that technique. Either that or supercrop them.

There should be about a 10 degree celsius difference max between the day temp and night time temp. Max lights on temps should be 28C (82.4F) and min lights off should be 18C (64.4C).
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I have a problem with that... My air conditioner clicks on and off in like 10 min intervals. It will shoot up to 91 for a few minutes... then drop to 84 the next. I dont know what to do.

Also - what is LST and when/how do I do it?
^ don't worry, as if your ventilation system is working you definitely won't need it, unless you live somewhere extremely hot.

LST=low stress training. A quick Google search revealed this result.
Im a bit confused as well, lol.

I put that plant outside about 2 months ago, (maybe 1 1/2) , when sunrise and sunset were about 12-13 hours apart (didnt look into that aspect until after I had planted it outside and it started to flower), the plant has hardened, thats for damn sure, weather here has been fucking weird as hell, Going from one day hitting 95 and low of 60, the next we a high of 70 & a low of 40 at night.with wind gusts of wind up to 35mph. (thats within the last week)

If temps really aren't that big of a deal then why do people worry about them indoors so much? I mean, if Im putting a plant outdoors in 110-115 degrees, and worrying about my plants indoors being 95 degrees during summer. Doesn't make sense, Im just trying to give my plants the best environment I can, I'm trying to care for them, I know they will grow where ever the hell I put them, but I'm quite sure there has to be a way to get the best results....

Why would a plant outdoor withstand temps over 110 and be completely fine(if what you say is right, and I have no doubts that you are), and plants indoors cant even handle 85 without getting stressed out or wilting?
Im going to go out on a limb since I don't know much about this but Im going to guess roots? as the further down the plants roots go outside, the cooler the temps underground will be, and indoors, where as the plant is in a pot, its roots are probably the same temperature as the air around it? Idk, just a shot in the dark from what Ive been learning in the past year or so.

One thing thats going to bother me though is, once it heats up around this part of California humidity each day hits around 40-70%, will that be a problem or will that help the plant....?

And for the whole money aspect, I was just saying, I spent quite a bit setting up my indoor closet, and I will be setting up 3 foot raised beds instead of just digging into ground(as the ground is as hard as cement nearly) but I did make a 3X3 hole for the plant thats flowering, and a 3X3 for the other plant I just put outdoors (both northern lights)

Yeah, it doesn't look like its going to finish flowering, looks like it wanted to flowered, did for a month and a half, might have stopped unfortunately.

Thanks again for the help, and sorry if I confused you or was unclear about anything, I just think you have much more indepth knowledge of plants all around and not just weed, where as Im just thinking "weed weed weed what does it need?" and not plants in general and how they develop and what they need.
Guess I wont learn if I don't ask, lol, Im glad you're not a therapist I have to pay for information AE...lolol

And as for outdoor yield, well, its the reason I put one outside in the first place, when I made a reference to being in a garage trimming for 12 hours a day for a few weeks to a month, that was all weed from one plant, grown outside, yielded 16 ozs. 1 plant. 1 pound.
Thats why I wanted to try outdoors, only problem was, I didnt like the quality of the bud, it was loose, dirty, and just riddled with stuff I don't want to smoke, dust, pesticides, dirt, bug poo(im sure it was in there somewhere)

I would normally say it was the growers fault, but, he's grown for over 17 years, Hydro, soil , indoor, outdoor, all of the above, I go to him for just as much info as I come here for.

but again, thanks for all the info and help

oh yeah, whats your definition of extremely hot, at what temps should I be worried. Indoor and out. if you could give a round about number, Id appreciate it. thanks you
^ outdoor conditions (temperature, wind etc) is transient in nature. A cold period doesn't last long. If you have a plant indoors exposed to over 28C daily every day that's going to have more of an effect. If you harden off the plants they get somewhat used to drops in temperature at night.

The real sunlight every day has more of a positive effect than the negative effect of the peaks or troughs in temperature. It's swings and roundabouts.

A greenhouse would allow better control over the environment and better yields though. You don't need to really worry about the relative humidity unless it's high late in flowering. Even then, why worry if there's nothing you can do to change it? If you get mold, deal with it when it's a problem by harvesting early or using something like Plant Magic Essence, a spray of beneficial fungi and bacteria.

edited: to delete 'on temperature' so it makes sense.
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Hello... I have some questions about Bubba Kush. Getting some teenage bubba clones, and I have a cycle all prepared with my nutrient system. They'll probably be ready to bud in about 3 weeks. Are there any particular factors I should consider when cultivating bubba? Are there special considerations like temp. and humidity? (besides the general information on indoor cannabis cultivation) ? Any info. would be helpful. Thanks! :)
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