• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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Please take a listen to this: My mother arranged for this couple to buy the house next door. They are inconsiderate at best. There are so many examples I could use to prove they are in fact inconsiderate & selfish people, but I'll only use the dog faecal matter & urine ordeal here. They have no yard to speak of, and the yard they do have is cluttered with trailers, sea-doos, ski-doos, vans, trucks...this & that. This is odd, because my mother hates messy yards, but seems to condone their crap. They have two little mouthy dogs who appear to hate everybody but them. They have a habit of letting the two dogs outside, and out the door, down the back steps to the beach, up our steps and into our yard. There, they both immediately piss & shit in our yard on our lawn. Not once a day, but several times a day. Last year, I stepped in a pile and drug it in the house. 11 blotches of faecal matter on the stairs and carpet I had to clean up. They know about this, so the wife there actually walked her dogs, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES, but it only lasted but a week if that. This year, I've picked up over 70 piles of crap from their dogs...I stopped counting at 70 piles, literally. All the crap is in a plastic bag and it is as big as a football now. I noticed that they now ALLOW their dogs to do this, but as my father said, "They pick it up now, I watched them." Just as he said that, I saw a pile. I picked that pile up, put it in the bag, put the bag away, and saw two more piles immediately after that. I said to my dad, "Well, they missed these piles." These people seem to think it's OKAY to allow their mouthy dogs to relieve themselves on our lawn...BECAUSE THEY'RE TOO LAZY TO WALK THEM. The by-law here in town states that the owner MUST walk their pets on short leashes and carry a scoop & bag to pick up the dogs faecal matter. How can anyone just assume that letting their dogs defecate & urinate on someone's private lawn is remotely "OKAY" by any standard of couth and/or respect? My mother is reluctant to let her three cats outside because the dogs scare them and chase them. I've seen the dogs chase the cats in my own yard. These dogs seem like they want to attack me. Maybe I should just defecate & urinate right beside their 2'X6' back deck, but on our property...just leave it there to fester and smell nice. Thing is, I actually have some respect and couth, contrary to what I heard the said neighbour say to his wife a few times. I've heard the guy bad mouth me when he was in his house with the window open several times. Hey buttplug, I never moved in beside you, it's the other way around.
^ If you havn't done so already, speak to the people directly and tell them to stop letting their dogs do this. Talk to your city's code enforcement office and let them put the couple on notice. Then maybe they will take you seriously.
Yes, only houses with yards that have a sidewalk border around the neighborhood's main circle or with an open yard to a bike/lake/pond path, though. I only let the dogs in as far as the leash'll allow with me staying on the sidewalk (about 4-6 feet), and only in grass. They're normally just walking on the grass right next to the sidewalk... I think it's just a more comfortable terrain for them to go on 2-4 mile walks on, I dunno, I just know my dogs prefer walking on grass to some hot as hell pavement and I don't blame them.

I never let them poop or pee on anyone's property either, if I can help it. Sometimes my dogs'll sneak a quick shit before I can stop it, though, I can't even lie... That's when shit-bags come in handy. =D
I lost my kitty 4 days ago.
His name was Jules.

He only had 4 months... I had him for two months before he went through the window and crashed some 80m lower...

He sure was beautiful.



I'll had some photos later. I'm in the train, going to sign the sale of my grandfather's flat who died same day but 18 years later than my mother, his daughter. I'm 20.

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Cat Problem

So I need some advice on what to do about a problem with my neighbor's cats, but first I guess I'll start with my own. I've had her for probably at least 2 years and she's an indoor/outdoor cat. There are other cats in the neighborhood but I haven't any problems with fights or anything like that. There may have been a few standoffs here or there but nothing I ever noticed as far as actual fighting. Well fast forward just in the recent year my neighbor's roommate moved in with her cats which I suspect she took in as ferals. The first time I ever noticed was when her one cat got in a fight with mine and left my cat needing medical care that wasn't cheap. For months I couldn't figure out who's cat it was because I had never seen it before, but it kept coming back on our property.

Anyways I find out it's actually our next door neighbor's room mate's cat at the same time I get introduced to them actually. I tell them that their cat attacked mine and cost me quite a bit in an emergency vet bill to which they didn't really say anything and just looked kind of shocked. I asked them if it had had it's shots and if it was fixed and they said it was but didn't even offer so much as an apology.

Since then...

Another one of their cats has attacked my cat on more than one occasion.

Both the first cat and second have actually come INTO OUR HOUSE, the latter being fairly recently to which I found it eating my cat's food in the kitchen with my cat crouched in the corner hissing.

Their dog has been loose on more than one occasion although it is friendly, and I'm sure I'm missing at least one other thing, but you get the idea...

Anyways, I'm trying to figure out the best way to solve this problem. It's pretty clear that the room mate of my neighbor doesn't care. Someone I know actually went over to complain also but it was just one of their friends there at the time and they said they would tell them (the owner). Right now I'm just going to see what happens, but if this keeps happening I'm going to have to do something about it.

My cat is extremely friendly and as far as I know is not a fighter, and I can not afford any more expensive vet bills. And I know it's easy to assume my cat isn't starting it, but from what I've witnessed my neighbor's roommate's cats are aggressive and unfriendly. Any time I've ever gone out to chase them away or throw something they pretty much run away before I can even open the door and they still keep coming back terrorizing my cat. I'm thinking if this keeps happening to get something to shoot at them with that would hurt but not cause any real injury but I don't even know if that would keep them away. I would never want to hurt someone's pet since I'm a pet owner myself but I'm at my wit's end.
Cats are territorial animals and these cats are new to the territory and are trying to establish their dominance because that's what cats do. A squirt bottle with a mixture of vinegar and water is something you could try to deter them with that won't hurt them (but they will hate the smell and get the message). Set the squirt bottle to stream mode and it goes a long way. If that doesn't work you will have to ask the neighbor to somehow enclose her cats when they are out. I've seen some great backyard enclosures that let cats go out but keep them safe from other animals and cars etc.
Well they've been there a while now and the weird thing is the first cat doesn't seem to be getting into fights anymore with my cat, now it's the second one. But as far as I know all the cats have been there since the person first moved. A squirt bottle might work well indoors to get your own cat to not do things it's not supposed to but I highly doubt I could hit any of their cats with one since they pretty much bolt before I can even get out there. I'm almost thinking a supersoaker or nerf gun but I don't know how far either of those would travel. The thought of an airsoft rifle also crossed my mind but it seems like at least the higher power ones can do some significant damage.
I'm a bit confused. When you say she is an indoor/outdoor cat does that mean you let her out and she roams around where she wants and comes home when she wants? Or is there a specific supervised enclosed area you put her that she doesn't leave until you put her back inside?

If it's the former... Either let them handle their business as cats do or don't let your cat outside. One of my cats had lost an eye to another outdoor cat years ago but that's not the fault of their owner. Cats fight in the wild and can get hurt very badly, they can get terrible infections, lose chunks of their tails, get Feline aids from other cats etc. Cats are going to hunt in the wild, they are going to go kill other animals and proudly bring them to your feet to display their prowess. I can't count the amount of birds and rodents my cats have brought home, nothing like smelling and searching for dead animal for days only to realize he had stashed a few bird corpses behind a shrub near the front door. If this is something you are not able to accept and if those potential medical problems are something you are not prepared to pay for then i would just keep the cat indoors.

It sucks but cats are vicious animals in the wild. Especially if there are ferals in your area, then it's only a matter of time before there are more expensive vet bills.
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I let her in and out throughout the day, and no there's no enclosed area obviously, or this wouldn't be happening... I get what you're saying but I guess I just am just pissed because for the longest time it really was the optimal situation. My neighborhood is pretty quiet and cat friendly until now but I guess that isn't necessarily the norm depending where you live. And as far as being an indoor cat, she wouldn't be happy and would want outside all the time. When I got her she was an outdoor cat that someone probably dumped since it turned out when I took her to the vet for something unrelated that she was fixed. I suppose there isn't much you can do if you choose to have an indoor/outdoor cat and I still think it is the best option and cats are happier, but I just wish this dumbass hadn't moved in next door with their aggressive cats. And I still think it's pretty unacceptable that her cats have even come inside our home. If it happens again they'll just be going to the pound and they can pay to get them out if they care so much about their asshole cats. :X
I let her in and out throughout the day, and no there's no enclosed area obviously, or this wouldn't be happening... I get what you're saying but I guess I just am just pissed because for the longest time it really was the optimal situation. My neighborhood is pretty quiet and cat friendly until now but I guess that isn't necessarily the norm depending where you live. And as far as being an indoor cat, she wouldn't be happy and would want outside all the time. When I got her she was an outdoor cat that someone probably dumped since it turned out when I took her to the vet for something unrelated that she was fixed. I suppose there isn't much you can do if you choose to have an indoor/outdoor cat and I still think it is the best option and cats are happier, but I just wish this dumbass hadn't moved in next door with their aggressive cats. And I still think it's pretty unacceptable that her cats have even come inside our home. If it happens again they'll just be going to the pound and they can pay to get them out if they care so much about their asshole cats. :X

I know what you mean, it sucks to see your own cat get hurt. As far as other cats coming in your home.. How is it coming in your home? Has it found a way into the foundation and into the vents or something? Or are you leaving doors and windows open without screens?

If we left our doors or windows open without screens we would have all sorts of birds and cats in our apartment, it would be a wreck lol.
HA... We usually leave the door cracked in warmer weather so she can just go in and out, that's how they got in. But right now it's AC weather so I guess that solves that.
HA... We usually leave the door cracked in warmer weather so she can just go in and out, that's how they got in. But right now it's AC weather so I guess that solves that.

I can kind of picture the neighbor cats being all like "don't mind if I do!" as they walk through your door lol
I would forward them all the bills for the vet and tell them to pay or you will go to the police.
Also tell them that the cat is not allowed in your house.

Edit: or just walk into their house (her bedroom?) and be like "oh, I thought you were okay with this since your cat is always in my house"
** that may be a bit immature lol
When your cat is allowed to roam you can't really blame someone else for their cat be allowed to roam. Cats fighting is not a moral thing--it is a very natural territory establishment. Some cats get along, some don't. The only way to control things is to enclose your cat. I hate the idea of cats living indoors but you can enclose a garden or a part of a garden so that your cat can still be outdoors and come and go at will. Check out cat fencing. My sister is a cat veterinarian and she ends up with all the cats people want her to euthanize for no good reason. She has the kind of cat fencing that attaches to her regular wood fence. In all the years that she has had it only one of her cats ever managed to figure out how to get out. My yard is on many levels and only partially fenced so I haven't yet figured out a good way to do it but so many problems can be avoided (cars, fights, diseases, predators) if they aren't roaming.
Don't want to jinx myself, but I think the last fight may have established some boundaries. I suppose I have been a bit spoiled with my situation before her cats, but was just fed up with them harassing mine. Guess I'll just see what happens.
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I would forward them all the bills for the vet and tell them to pay or you will go to the police.
Also tell them that the cat is not allowed in your house.

I'm pretty sure there's no legal ramification for one outdoor cat beating up another unfortunately. As far as it coming in our house, that's partially someone else's fault for not using screens when the door is open, although I do keep the sliding glass door open a crack so she can go in and out.

Edit: or just walk into their house (her bedroom?) and be like "oh, I thought you were okay with this since your cat is always in my house"
** that may be a bit immature lol

That may be a good way to get shot.
I think some cats are more aggressive than others, though I've always had dogs. My grandma had a big orange male tabby who would come home with some battle scars. One time I was in bed and got woken up by this howling/growling noise I didn't know what it was.

Come to find out one of "Lawrence's" fight club buddies was pacing up the porch looking through the front window. Why else would he be there besides wanting to scrap? I shooed him away with a broom.

Trouble is, once a cat is accustomed to being outside they will not be content staying indoors. My aunt has never let her cat out and he's none the wiser. I would do what Herbavore said and get the water bottle mixture. Sit in a lawn chair and wait for him to show up. If you spray him enough times, hopefully he will get the message.
My pet snake just died :( I bought her only 12 days ago, she propably died from an underlying health problem resulting from the poor living conditions in the pet shop owned by a layman.

http://i57.tinypic.com/2s6q2x5.png She didn't live in that box btw. I just used it to carry it home.

I'll cremate her tomorrow. This is really affecting me as I've also literally lost a total of 4 quails, another 5 died (2 of which drowned in 1/2 in of water.), I started raising them around 4 or 5 months ago. And most importantly, a family member in her 90s died a week ago. She was a truely great person.