• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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^^^I can think of very few situations in this day and age where someone would need to pull the trigger on their own pet. Their are plenty of programs out there like what gsx mentioned that can put a pet to sleep painlessly, and with out a mess.

One would look at the question in a super hypothetical way and then answer. My answer? No. I don't think I could ever end my pets life. Which is not to say i wouldn't be able to make the call if my pet, which I consider family, was in crippling pain and could not be fixed. I can recognize suffering and do not want that, but I could never be the one to "pull the trigger".
Yes, and have done many times. Farm boy. always had 12+ farm dogs on the go. 9 times out of ten if a dog was hit by a boar or stomped on by a stear then the only thing for it was to give it a quick/painless death. i can understand with a real "pet" it would be totally different, but for me dogs are more like farm equipment and if they dont work or are broken, you through them out. Sounds hartless but it is the way of the world sometimes. Didn' stop me crying like a girl when my pet snake died.
I guess what Im trying to say is that it comes down to emotional attachment and the quality of life the animal will lead. Im pro choice by the way so maby that has something to do with it. I dont want to end up being a burdon on my family if worst comes to worst.

Maby im just twisted, but this seems like the sort of place without alot of judgment so i feel comfterble speeking my mind.

PS: Spelling sux, deal with it.

jeckel - my mum lives on a farm, and the same applies to her. She has 7 dogs and there have been times where her partner has had to shoot one of them due to sickness/injury. It's unlike other 'pets' where people will spend thousands on vet bills (as i have done in the past with my late cat). I find it hard to swallow, but it's understandable. Mum has also told me that when one of the bitches has had an 'accidental' litter, the newborn puppies are immediately drowned - thinking about that made me teary, but i also understood.

One of the hardest things for her has been raising pigs from tiny piglets, only to send them to the abbatoir to process. :\ One of the piglets used to fall asleep with her on the couch when it was tiny, and would follow her around the house (constantly tipping forward because its head was too heavy for its little body).
Unless I was in a moment where she was in absolute pain and there was no one else around to help (eg. she'd been hit by a car and was laying there dying) I'd never, ever be able to hurt her on my own.
I got custody of my ex's cat. His name is Dean but I just call him Broken.

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I could if I HAD to but not while they were looking at me. I become very attached to our pets. They are my "babies".
The guns we have would blow a dog or cat's head clean off and what a mess that would be.
Lethal injection is cleaner although it is more expensive, we have chosen this option in the past.
I have. My cat Midnight got attacked by a bobcat and somehow made it back home after missing for 2 days completely torn, mangled, an ear was missing, An eyeball was semi-popped out of the socket,full of deep, bone-visible lacerations, and the right leg was obviously broken. I was hysterical. I knew that there was no saving her. She was the sweetest cat I've ever had.

I gently picked her up, wrapped her in a blanket, put her in an open box, grabbed a .22 pistol, and put her in my car. The whole while i'm tearing and saying it's going to be ok sweetie. We go to a dirt road outside of city limits and I set her down. I keep talking to her telling her how much I love her. I couldn't see her suffer anymore. I gently petted her and wrapped her head with the blanket, took out the pistol after saying a prayer, and shot. I shot my fucking cat. after I did, I was so lost. I just sat down.

I re-wrapped her in more towels, picked her up and put her back in the box and drove home. I made a very nice grave and put all of her things (Toys, 1 Oz. bag of Catnip because she loved to get stoned, heh.) and said another prayer. I was so lost for about 2 months. I never realized how much happiness an animal could bring to someone, and how so much pain they could bring someone when they die.

Good job, BL. You made me all teary-eyed and shit. Makes me feel like a puss, and I'm a guy!

R.I.P. Midnight. 2005-2009
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This is pretty redneck, but there is a dentist office beside my house. The roof is very flat. Whenever a cat dies, dad just throws them on top of the dentist office. Off-topic I know, but thought you guys would get a kick out of that.
^ Doesn't seem to me that that's "getting rid of [a] body"--Seems like that's "making it someone else's problem." 8)
I have. My cat Midnight got attacked by a bobcat and somehow made it back home after missing for 2 days completely torn, mangled, an ear was missing, An eyeball was semi-popped out of the socket,full of deep, bone-visible lacerations, and the right leg was obviously broken. I was hysterical. I knew that there was no saving her. She was the sweetest cat I've ever had.

I gently picked her up, wrapped her in a blanket, put her in an open box, grabbed a .22 pistol, and put her in my car. The whole while i'm tearing and saying it's going to be ok sweetie. We go to a dirt road outside of city limits and I set her down. I keep talking to her telling her how much I love her. I couldn't see her suffer anymore. I gently petted her and wrapped her head with the blanket, took out the pistol after saying a prayer, and shot. I shot my fucking cat. after I did, I was so lost. I just sat down.

I re-wrapped her in more towels, picked her up and put her back in the box and drove home. I made a very nice grave and put all of her things (Toys, 1 Oz. bag of Catnip because she loved to get stoned, heh.) and said another prayer. I was so lost for about 2 months. I never realized how much happiness an animal could bring to someone, and how so much pain they could bring someone when they die.

Good job, BL. You made me all teary-eyed and shit. Makes me feel like a puss, and I'm a guy!

R.I.P. Midnight. 2005-2009

You just made me cry - seriously. <3

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and from what i read, you really had no choice but to put your friend out of her misery. The fact that your cat actually came home to you after she had been mortally wounded (cats notoriously go somewhere quiet and alone to die), says a lot about your friendship. You did what you had to do, that would have taken a shitload of guts.

As for your second last sentence - i had my cat Falcor for 12 years - he died of complications of his illness and i had to have him put to sleep in April. for a really long time I felt like i'd been kicked in the chest, the grief was so strong :(
I had a dalmation that contracted leukemia unfortunately. He loved to sleep on my bed with me. He had to be put down so we got the vet out to the house and had her give him the injection to send him to sleep.

This is the most humane way really. If I had to shoot my dog, I really don't think I could personally but that doesn't mean I wouldn't get it done. I am stuck in two minds to be honest.
I would get a friend to do it if needs must. But the cocker spaniel I have now, I absolutely love and could never shoot her, regardless of her suffering. However, I would definitely get someone else to do it, because it would be cruel to keep her alive.
Then part of me thinks that it isn't my place in the universe to take an animal's life. I may have a conjured moral obligation, but strictly speaking, I have no authority or right to be able to take another being's life. But of course I wouldn't want to see my best friend suffer, so yeah. Would end up getting a friend to do it probably.
When walking Fido, do you let him walk on people's lawns?

When you're walking your dog, do you let it walk on other people's lawns? If so, how far in do you typically let it go? If not, why not?

I live in a small gated community minus the gate and people have come out of their houses to yell at me for letting my dog walk on their lawn, so I've gotten into the habit of not letting my dog walk on other people's lawns. Today while driving home, I saw a lady walk about 15 feet in on someone's property to where her dog just pooped--Had that happened here, a neighbor would certainly come out and be screaming about how rude that is and how you should have them go on your own lawn. 8(
I would get pissed if someone brought their dog onto my lawn, for one.. it would drive my dogs nuts, and for two.. it's just rude... You wouldn't walk onto my lawn and shit.. so what makes it ok for your dog to do it?

My dogs are very well trained and do not go on other people's lawns.

ETA: I had a problem similar to this, a neighbor that lives down the road would let her Giant Poodle pee on my lawn, that dogs piss was ruining my lawn, turning my grass white in spots. I told her politely a few times to cut it out.. till I had to yell... Now her dog doesn't piss in my lawn.
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