• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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I think if you really love your pet/ sibling/ parents, you will know when it is time to put them down.

I certainly would do it, but I would be worried about legal ramifications. My father has repeatedly requested that I "take him up to the mountains and shoot him" once he starts shitting his own pants. I can totally identify with that, but in the current political and legal situation here, you just aren't afforded those rights anymore.

I've had to put down several animals in my life, but never a dog or a human.
I think people that live on farms deal with that kind of thing a lot better than non-farmers would. It's something they have to do from time to time, and yeah they probably don't like it, but it's not like absolutely traumatizing to them. And they are doing it for a good reason after all, because the animal was in pain.

That said, I could absolutely never do it. I love animals, especially my pets, as if they were my own children. If I knew my dog was in pain, I would tearfully take it to the vet to have it put down but it would no doubt be traumatizing to me still. I have a very old doggy in my family now and this topic gets me all choked up :( I wish doggies lived forever!
If euthanasia was not available I think I could but generally I too would go to the vet and hold him/her while they passed.
Do you think she possibly has been getting at them because of flea's? I have seen my dogs do this when they are in need of a bath... chewing away at their toes.

I don't think its fleas. She doesn't seem to be scratching or biting anything else.

Anyway, my guess is she got bit by a bug of some sort and she licked that area raw. In any event, I made her a makeshift 'cast' out of my sock and an old shoelace to prevent her from licking her paw anymore and making matters worse. Seems to be healing. :)
I had to do it to our last old Cat, she was old - she was obviously in pain.

I wrapped here head with Cling film, it was quick. We can't have guns.

I did not feel bad about doing it, just sad that she was gone.
Max Something similar happened to my lab last summer, She skidded weird outside on our concrete patio and rubbed it raw that way.. kinda like a rug burn but with concrete.. It must have looked worse then it was because she didn't seem to notice it.
I grew up on a farm and this was common place.. hell even our farm vet took care of the ailing animals with an 18cent kiss goodnight. So it really does not bother me one way or the other. I live in the suburbs now though and would probably choose to take my dog to the vet when the time comes... Just seems right.

I have put down dogs at the vet and I have to say people assume this is an easy passing.. it isn't.
In older styles of living, there was no euthanasia. Therefore, for those still out on a farm or near woods or a large field that have no immediate access to euthanasia, a gun is the best (and sometimes, only) option.

For those of us in the city / suburb, we can't exactly take our animals to the backyard and take a shotgun to their heads. That would ignite a scare in the neighborhood. Therefore, there are hired veterinarians that have a permanent tranquilizer.

Same effect, different ways of life. I do not and probably will not ever own a gun, but if I was living in place A, I'd ask a neighbor if they could loan me a gun. I wouldn't have a problem with doing it, as long as it's properly pursued.
I really thought this thread was going to be different. I guess if you found it a nice personal touch to end your old buddies life with your own hands instead of a strangers, I could see not going to the vet(money issues as well/no vet access as well)besides those I have nooooo idea why someone would shot their dog. I thought coming in this was going to be a scenario like "Your in the woods and your dog is attacked, obviously mortally wounded and in terrifying pain" sort of thing. To which I would answer of course I'd kill 'em, its what I would want done to me if it was me. Quick answer, no I would no fucking shoot my dog to kill it when it could properly go to the vet and be assured it will be killed. I'm not going to flinch or botch the shot to watch my buddy roll around in the ground in worse pain, even if it is for only a second!:( Obviously if it was the old days I would do it, theres no other choose if the dog is yelping in pain daily.
I couldn't even be the one to drive my cat to the vet when he was sick and needed to be put to sleep, so no, I could never actually be the one to pull the trigger. I would need someone detached from the situation to be the one to do it.
Yeah, my cat gave me fleas and pooped on the kitchen counter. I guess I feel special about it...

A picture of this poop might be fitting, but I'll spare you...
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Pictures of your adorable pet small animals/rodents + questions/anwers about them

After speaking to a few other moderators, I realize many of us enjoy small animals as pets. As far as I know, I'm not sure there is a place on BL dedicated for this. This would be a good place to post pictures of our hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, bunnies, rats, nice, ferrets, chinchillas, etc, and devote time to asking questions and giving advice. Animals like hamsters are often too expensive to the vet and I think a place on BL with information about these small beautiful creatures here on BL.

SO mods, I think this is the right place for this, if not feel free to move. Thanks to animal_cookie and llama112 for motivation to make this thread:

To start, I've owned two guinea pigs but don't currently have pictures, both have passed. I inherited a hamster that was incredibly stupid, I had to neosporin a cut on her face since she would swing from one side of the cage to another and hurt herself. She was born and taken care of by loving people, I inherited her..may she RIP, but Butter was incredibly stupid...I don't even think she knew she could bite, honestly, definitely would have been a great hammy for kids:
(I'm in this picture, and usually I don't post pictures here but I think for Butter's sake and my lazy editing it's okay)

This is my current little baby boy, although he's nearing 2 now. He's much smaller, and not very social, he bit me during a car ride once but I honestly think he felt bad for it. He's really sweet, a little on the tiny side and eats like a fatty, I don't even think he stashes food like hamsters normally do, he eats it ALL. He's called "Hammy"... I tried naming him but no names ever stuck, he's just my lil hammy:

Please share your pictures and stories and ask questions/give advice fellow small animal lovers!!
yay for the thread :)

but, one of my gerbils ate the other :( is this common? i don't think i have appropriate stories to comment...
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I had two mice once as a child.. Got them from the same cage at a pet store.. took them home.. got them all set up.. Next day.. half of one of them was gone and the other one was dying. I called the pet store and they told me that they do not usually sex the animals and it could be that the two men were fighting for new territory.. Sorry it happened to you! I was only 12 when it happened here and I was pretty traumatized.
