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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 4)

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I've gone up to 50mg of Sertraline and feeling a bit out of it. Is this meant to happen at 50mg?

I had the same when I started with the sertraline, probably normal in the first few days after beginning/higher dose. If it lasts over 1-2 weeks you can reduce the dose again. For me 25mg worked fine.
Did the anxiety go away ever?

For quite a while my stomach churned daily, but its all better now. I only get anxiety when its understandable/normal to have anxiety.

The body symptoms like issues with the head can really kick in with deconditioning as well as issues with the neck muscles like scalenes. I would try looking up some scalene stretches on youtube and aim to do cardio while eating a lot. Getting the heart rate up a bit for 10-15 minutes is definitely much different than walking for 30 minutes.
Yes. For ages my friend. Took me 8 weeks to really get the benefits and I've moved up to 100mg- went through another 2 weeks of hell upping the dose as well.

But it's well worth the wait out, I mean it doesn't get much worse than total anxiety anyway.
Yes I have the same problems, but they are slowly getting better after 1 year now. I often had a complete blackout when I went to the cinema, after half the movie was over I couldn't even remember the main characters and went totally paranoid.

Now after about 1 year and 2 months, a one month sertraline therapy (25mg/day), daily Turmeric (5g) and omega-3 fish oil (about 4-8 capsules/day) my short term memory improved a lot, in percent I would say 70% of normal. I still have some problems with motorics, verbal skills and higher cognitive functions, but they are also improving. I must say that a lot got better after the sertraline, and I haven't got any negative long term side effects such as sexual dysfunction, etc.

The turmeric has a noticeable effect on my short term memory and other cognitive functions, but only slight effect on my mood.
The omega 3 oil boosts the effects of the turmeric and has an antidepressant effect on it's own.

When I'm feeling really down and foggy, I drink a cup of St. John's Wort tea (about 1 tablespoon per cup), that brings up the mood in a few hours, but it's not a long term solution.
I'll probably try liposomal curcumin and liposomal B12 soon, it may help too…
There are some supplements that help, try them on your own, not everybody can agree with some supplements.
Keep it up :)

Very unlikely to happen, especially on such a low dose of sertraline, but SJW and SSRI's mixed can cause serotonin syndrome.

I took daily SJW for 8 weeks before taking SSRI's. I seen no benefit. SSRI's on the other hand worked perfectly.

I have underlying anxiety, I had every symptom listed here for months. It was all caused by my underlying anxiety triggered by the shock of draining all my brains serotonin.

People go through very similar experiences without taking any drugs.
Holy shit I feel like I'm relapsing....I had some Kava tea a few hours ago (I've had it in the past and done ok) and had some valerian root capsules now I feel nauseous, real shaky, diarrhea, thirst.....bad anxiety....this can not be happening. Would this be a time to take a valium???!!! My heat is jumpy I feel like I'm going to throw up wtf is happening!!!
Fuck it also had Passion flower in the valerian too....shit I'm relapsing 100% bad
Lay down somewhere, drink enough and wait until it's over, it won't last forever. And it won't cause any damage to your brain, if this calmes you
Thanks man it does..... It feels just like when I relapsed the last 3 times. Thinking taking a valium will help?
Has it helped? I once had a nearly seizure like experience when I smoked too much weed while I took St. John's wort in the 1st month, it was for sure not a real seizure, but I also felt like you described it.
Yeah I had to take 10 mg though to put me to sleep..... Only got a few hours of sleep and still have that racy feeling throughout body and also like the heart will beat out of my chest.... Its a relapse.... Hopefully it passes relatively quickly.
Try to do something to free your mind, like walking with a friend, it helps a lot to make the relapse disappear faster.
It's also not unusual after a longer recovery time that the relapses often feel exactly like in the beginning, the difference is that they won't last that long.
When a bad episodes lasted for weeks in my case in the beginning, now they only stay for a few hours or maximal days.
Thanks. I'll push through for another week and see how I go. Though 25mg did feel like a sweet spot for me. 50mg I'm a bit clamy, night sweats, tired in the evenings. Hopefully that will pass. Also probably doesn't help that I had a skin full at the work Christmas party on Friday. Just couldn't help myself with free red wine ?
Haha but be careful with alcohol and other drugs, you likely feel less side effects of them while you are on SSRI and the bill comes later after tapering them off, experienced it with weed…
Try to do something to free your mind, like walking with a friend, it helps a lot to make the relapse disappear faster.
It's also not unusual after a longer recovery time that the relapses often feel exactly like in the beginning, the difference is that they won't last that long.
When a bad episodes lasted for weeks in my case in the beginning, now they only stay for a few hours or maximal days.
Thanks, I feel exactly like I did the other relapses. It's like this weird tightness in chest that won't go away. I just can't go back to those first few weeks....ive got to get control of myself lol
A particular metabolite of Kava is detected 48 hours in the urine after use, so I think its the case that you are feeling the effects of Kava still in your system and that its just going to take some time to clear out. Between effects on the Cannabinoid receptor, the dopamine reuptake transporter and the norepinephrine reuptake transporter, I can see how it could cause anxiety in some, although most bluelighters would enjoy a nice high I'm sure.
Yeah it feels exactly like the weed relapse.....man this is so bad lol. Can I pop an amitriptyline for sleep? It was a yogi tea bag of Kava with a chamomile bag, and 1,5g of valerian and passionflower mix. Its more anxiety, is it was, the valium would have calmed me and it didn't it just put me to sleep
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