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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 4)

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Around 5 and half months in to my recovery now and not much seems to be happening in terms of getting better in spite of working hard at it which sucks.

Things have improved somewhat since months 1+2 but nothing much has seemed to happen since then. Depression isn't constant anymore which is nice and the almost daily crying spells have stopped too. Also my sex drive has come back, thank god. My cognitive abilities also seem to be intact which is nice, I mean I'm a little slower and anxiety can get in the way in certain situations, but I've managed to finish my 2nd year with a really good grade, which is something to be happy about as I considered dropping out numerous times in the early stages of this.

Still currently dealing with;
Moderate DP/DR - Just feel generally disconnected from everything still, not as bad and scary as it was at first but I think I've just learnt how to live with it for the most part
Moderate to Major Anxiety
Vision problems - Floaters, Mild visual snow, Mild afterimages, sensitive to bright lights, slight starbusting on bright lights
Occasional depression - Comes and goes, I'd say its more anhedonia at this point, just a constant lack of interest in anything
Fatigue - This has appeared slowly over the last two months, was finding it hard to relax and didnt really feel like I could nap, now all I want to do is sleep most of the time and even 8 hours sleep doesnt seem to refresh me. Having a lot of vivid dreams
Muscle twitches - This comes and goes randomly. might not experience it for weeks on end then happens days in a row. weird. Mostly happens in my left thigh.
Headaches - More of a headpressure that isnt constant but does come and go at certain times and gets worse after exercise if already present.
Dizziness - Again, not a constant thing but is annoying none the less. Just generally feel off balance at times.

Current methods for recovery;
- No drug use whatsoever. Although I've been having a few cups of green tea again for the past couple of days, so a small amount of caffeine. Hard to say what effect its having so far. Been considering having a few drinks next weekend and getting a little drunk, haven't been since this started but apprehensive to do so incase it sets me back/makes me worse. Any advice on this?
- Exercise. Weight training around 4-5 times a week for around 45 minutes and cardio 1 or 2 times a week. Was doing more cardio but don't seem to have the energy or drive for it anymore
- CBT. Just started this so not cant say much about this too much but will report back
- Diet. Just eating well in general. Was completely plant based for almost 2 months but it seemed to be effecting my IBS-like symptoms. Possible allergy to soy so changed it up for chicken for the meanwhile. Still eating lots of plant based foods.

Starting to get a little frustrated now. Expected to see some more results at nearly the 6 month mark so im a little bit tired to say the least. Especially since I've worked so hard and cut everything out. Started considering some form of medication but im a little scared of anything making my DP/DR worse and also because I may have some mild HPPD im worried that it could make that worse too. Read to many reports of things like SSRIs making things worse so it puts me off. Anyone tried tianeptine? Read some good things about that. Just at a cross roads here and dont know where to go.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Around 5 and half months in to my recovery now and not much seems to be happening in terms of getting better in spite of working hard at it which sucks.

Things have improved somewhat since months 1+2 but nothing much has seemed to happen since then. Depression isn't constant anymore which is nice and the almost daily crying spells have stopped too. Also my sex drive has come back, thank god. My cognitive abilities also seem to be intact which is nice, I mean I'm a little slower and anxiety can get in the way in certain situations, but I've managed to finish my 2nd year with a really good grade, which is something to be happy about as I considered dropping out numerous times in the early stages of this.

Still currently dealing with;
Moderate DP/DR - Just feel generally disconnected from everything still, not as bad and scary as it was at first but I think I've just learnt how to live with it for the most part
Moderate to Major Anxiety
Vision problems - Floaters, Mild visual snow, Mild afterimages, sensitive to bright lights, slight starbusting on bright lights
Occasional depression - Comes and goes, I'd say its more anhedonia at this point, just a constant lack of interest in anything
Fatigue - This has appeared slowly over the last two months, was finding it hard to relax and didnt really feel like I could nap, now all I want to do is sleep most of the time and even 8 hours sleep doesnt seem to refresh me. Having a lot of vivid dreams
Muscle twitches - This comes and goes randomly. might not experience it for weeks on end then happens days in a row. weird. Mostly happens in my left thigh.
Headaches - More of a headpressure that isnt constant but does come and go at certain times and gets worse after exercise if already present.
Dizziness - Again, not a constant thing but is annoying none the less. Just generally feel off balance at times.

Current methods for recovery;
- No drug use whatsoever. Although I've been having a few cups of green tea again for the past couple of days, so a small amount of caffeine. Hard to say what effect its having so far. Been considering having a few drinks next weekend and getting a little drunk, haven't been since this started but apprehensive to do so incase it sets me back/makes me worse. Any advice on this?
- Exercise. Weight training around 4-5 times a week for around 45 minutes and cardio 1 or 2 times a week. Was doing more cardio but don't seem to have the energy or drive for it anymore
- CBT. Just started this so not cant say much about this too much but will report back
- Diet. Just eating well in general. Was completely plant based for almost 2 months but it seemed to be effecting my IBS-like symptoms. Possible allergy to soy so changed it up for chicken for the meanwhile. Still eating lots of plant based foods.

Starting to get a little frustrated now. Expected to see some more results at nearly the 6 month mark so im a little bit tired to say the least. Especially since I've worked so hard and cut everything out. Started considering some form of medication but im a little scared of anything making my DP/DR worse and also because I may have some mild HPPD im worried that it could make that worse too. Read to many reports of things like SSRIs making things worse so it puts me off. Anyone tried tianeptine? Read some good things about that. Just at a cross roads here and dont know where to go.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Stay sober and be patient!!!! I am about a year in and basically it was horrible for a month or two......then it got better and only got bad in small spurts at times for about nine months.....and just now recently I have started to feel much better....just stay sober and fight it out you will eventually get better if you give your brain time.....LTC's last a ridiculously long time unfortunately.....five months in is honestly very early in an LTC sorry to say:( but on a good note you are definitely going to recover so don't worry yourself thinking you won't at times because trust me I know the feeling.
It's important to remember that mindfulness meditation is vital to recovery, but it will take a lot of practice to get good and start making a difference.
I'm officaly at my 2 month mark, And honestly I feel pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm fully recovered. I've still been getting bad head pressure and some light anxiety, but over all I feel like a normal person again and I can't tell you how good that feel's. I never thought I would appreciate feeling normal this much. I Know I'm one of the lucky ones to have made so much progress in only 2 months (but then again I got in to this mess after taking only half a pill a year after my last use). Stay strong guys. This shit is not fun, but I've read so many amazing recovery stories over the last few months and I truly believe if you abstain from all drugs and take care of yourself you will get better.
I'm officaly at my 2 month mark, And honestly I feel pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm fully recovered. I've still been getting bad head pressure and some light anxiety, but over all I feel like a normal person again and I can't tell you how good that feel's. I never thought I would appreciate feeling normal this much. I Know I'm one of the lucky ones to have made so much progress in only 2 months (but then again I got in to this mess after taking only half a pill a year after my last use). Stay strong guys. This shit is not fun, but I've read so many amazing recovery stories over the last few months and I truly believe if you abstain from all drugs and take care of yourself you will get better.

You're lucky you, I slowly stand it no longer, I have the feeling I'm going every day dumber
6 months in now. Little by little, things are definitely getting better.

About a week ago had some chronic brain fog, head pressure and a complete new symptom - facial / cranial numbness - and it scared the shit out of me. I thought I may have been getting worse. Popped a valium before bed and woke up and thankfully that numbness was gone.

The following day I had a few drinks and came home and smoked weed for the first time in a while. All I can say was, it was amazing. It put me in such a relaxed and happy state and proved to myself that I could still feel really good. It gave me some sort of afterglow for a few days where I was almost passing as normal.

It's one of those things that a lot of people in the past on here have mentioned, but I've never believed until now, is that I think I've now come to terms with the fact that a lot of these symptoms are a sign of underlying anxiety rather than damage. It's strange as I think I'm really good at keeping on top of the "nervousness" anxiety symptoms and can generally go about my day at work without being nervous. But I've come to the understanding that anxiety can be much more than that, and can explain head pressure, tinnitus, facial numbness etc.

Whilst I'm sure I did some initial damage with the 950mg binge, I think the LTC symptoms are a case of the brain going into "shock" and could perhaps explain why dosage doesn't necessarily correlate with recovery time.

Anyway, I've hit the point now where if I was told I'd be in this state forever, I wouldn't kill myself. I could deal with it. Wouldn't be happy about it, but would cope. The great news is I truly believe it is only onwards and upwards from here. In hindsight, I've probably emotionally been at this point after lesser binges in the past (albeit without telltale symptoms like tinnitus, head pressure and floaters.... fuck these floaters are realling pissing me off) and know I've felt amazing after time.

Keep going guys.
6 months in now. Little by little, things are definitely getting better.

About a week ago had some chronic brain fog, head pressure and a complete new symptom - facial / cranial numbness - and it scared the shit out of me. I thought I may have been getting worse. Popped a valium before bed and woke up and thankfully that numbness was gone.

The following day I had a few drinks and came home and smoked weed for the first time in a while. All I can say was, it was amazing. It put me in such a relaxed and happy state and proved to myself that I could still feel really good. It gave me some sort of afterglow for a few days where I was almost passing as normal.

It's one of those things that a lot of people in the past on here have mentioned, but I've never believed until now, is that I think I've now come to terms with the fact that a lot of these symptoms are a sign of underlying anxiety rather than damage. It's strange as I think I'm really good at keeping on top of the "nervousness" anxiety symptoms and can generally go about my day at work without being nervous. But I've come to the understanding that anxiety can be much more than that, and can explain head pressure, tinnitus, facial numbness etc.

Whilst I'm sure I did some initial damage with the 950mg binge, I think the LTC symptoms are a case of the brain going into "shock" and could perhaps explain why dosage doesn't necessarily correlate with recovery time.

Anyway, I've hit the point now where if I was told I'd be in this state forever, I wouldn't kill myself. I could deal with it. Wouldn't be happy about it, but would cope. The great news is I truly believe it is only onwards and upwards from here. In hindsight, I've probably emotionally been at this point after lesser binges in the past (albeit without telltale symptoms like tinnitus, head pressure and floaters.... fuck these floaters are realling pissing me off) and know I've felt amazing after time.

Keep going guys.

Did you feel improvement after a six month mark .. I'm doing worse and worse ..
Did you feel improvement after a six month mark .. I'm doing worse and worse ..

Yes, definite improvement, but it is very slow. Day to day you don't notice any difference and some days you convince yourself you're no better at all.

But you are - and a big part of the recovery is believing that you are.
2 months since I took some ecstasy pills now... I am still dealing with chest tightness/discomfort and breathing problems since that night and are worried I have done permanent damage. Everyone goes on about psychological problems but I have non it just seems to be my chest?!?
Has anyone else suffered similar problems and how are you doing? does it get any get any better? JUST NEED TO KNOW!!!
2 months since I took some ecstasy pills now... I am still dealing with chest tightness/discomfort and breathing problems since that night and are worried I have done permanent damage. Everyone goes on about psychological problems but I have non it just seems to be my chest?!?
Has anyone else suffered similar problems and how are you doing? does it get any get any better? JUST NEED TO KNOW!!!

Costochondritis is something to consider, common for it to occur with amphetamines and chest breathing/anxiety. If you're getting popping noises this is very likely it. But of course if you are older or overweight etc. you should see a doctor and pursue and EKG and echocardiogram.
I feel like a schizophrenic, I hold out for more, my head is so confused had anyone of you that too.
Muldentier...I very much doubt you are schizophrenic, if you were, you wouldn't know you were. Usually 'crazy' people aren't aware that they're going crazy. I currently have depersonilisation & anxiety and sometimes it makes me feel confused, agitated, upset, tired....you name it.
Muldentier trust me sweetheart you don't have schizophrenia, schizophrenia is extremely severe and you would never have been intelligent like you were before the LTC. Just remember that sleep deprivation can result in a lot of the hallucinations that we see in schizophrenia.
Yeah exactly, Cotcha is right Muld. You need to take a step back and try not overcomplicate or self diagnose, but I understand how hard that can be. Im 99.999% sure you dont have schizophrenia. Ive read through your posts and although its hard to make out all your symptoms due to the translation, options for recovery are the same;

-Exercise 5 days a week. Some rest days are important, especially when your body is working in overdrive already. If you can only manage 10 minutes then youll be okay working out 7 days a week though.
-Eat well. Lots and lots of fruit and veg and no processed/fast food
-Good sleep hygiene. Try and get 7-8 hours a night if you can and go to sleep and wake up at similar times each day.
-drink plenty of water. Drink herbal tea, I personally recommend rooibos(redbush), its high in antioxidants and naturally caffiene free.
-NO DRUGS AT ALL. This means no caffiene, no alcohol, no tobacco, nothing! If you feel so bad that being sober is a nightmare then taking anything even legal substances are going to throw you off balance
-Get off bluelight and other internet forums. Yes, they are helpful and reading other peoples posts are helping me too but it can become obsessive, which I can relate too, but only so much help can be offered on here. We are not doctors or medical professionals (well most of us) so advice is all this is.
-Practice relaxtion techniques. Meditation, yoga, breathing techniques. Whatever works for you!!
-Get professional help. Try CBT or talking theropy. Talking to someone can really help.
-Time. This is your best friend. You just have to wait it out unfortuantly but if you do all the other things ive mentioned then you have a better chance of that time being shorter.
-Medication. I think if you get 3 years down the road with no improvements then maybe consider medication but im not sure how I feel about this so dont want to give any recommendations.

Trust me Muld, Im fucked too. My symptoms are terrible and its made my life a waking nightmare for the last 6 months. Believe me, I know hard it is, I spend so much time in a state of regret, wishing I could turn back time and make different choices, sometimes I think about suicide, I dont want to die but if I have to spend my life like this I wont be able to hold on. But despite this, I take each day as it comes and face it head on, I carry on with the hope that in 2 years time Ill look back on this and realise it was just a bad period in my life and I even imagining myself coming out the other side of it and being thankful for it and for getting a second chance. Thats why I carry on and thats what keeps me focused to do what I need to do to get better from this shit. Stay strong Muld
I really second the mindfulness meditation.

Regret is pretty hard to deal with, but if you assure yourself that when you come out okay on the other side years from now that you'll have a new appreciation for life, then the regret can become bearable.
I have reports of "bben" read and he writes that he also has a form of schizophrenia, I have already read many other stories was triggered by the disease only by the drugs, I would like to finally live again. I apologize again for my bad english. I just do not know what to do, I'm just confused, slow do not continue it .. is getting worse, I can not go shopping and have absurd thoughts, I can no longer speak and everything is threatening me ,
I think you should try Risperidone, it is very different than Seroquel.

Many conditions like drug induced psychosis have a lot in common with schizophrenia but there is so much more to schizophrenia. A good example of a schizophrenic is someone who thinks that testosterone is the devil, so they castrate themselves and then also perform surgery on themselves without anesthesia, attempting to take out their adrenal glands, where some testosterone is also produced. Trust me when I say you don't have schizophrenia, although it certainly might feel like it. However, Risperidone still might help you as they did me for a while, especially with sleeping and reminiscing thoughts. But they won't make you feel very good.
I tried to read as much accounts as I could and I may have missed some but I didn't see any related on what I want to ask. My significant other took MDMA over the three day weekend of the seventeenth and claimed he had fun at the EDM concert he was at and everything was normal until he had a seizure yesterday. He has never had a seizure before and the only time in his life he took MDMA was over that three day weekend and I just want to know if it's possible that the MDMA is correlated in any way when there were no negative symptoms for a week before the seizure happened. During the seizure he was sleep deprived and playing video games, both which can trigger a seizure to happen but we've pulled all-nighters before where we played video games together and he did not have any signs of a seizure. The only additional thing added to the mix this time was that he did MDMA a little over a week ago.
It's probably related whatever he took but it's hard to say exactly why - it could also be a cumulative sleep deprivation and excess adrenaline/stress hormone type situation. An all nighter on MDMA is probably equivalent to 2-3 all nighters in a row sober. But I think it's safe to say he should stay away from those sorts of drugs.
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