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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

Bbt, ur living the dream out the in boston man, nothing but total garbage over in spfld./Holyoke. Fuck I gotta take a trip to Lynn or some shit cause this is just ridiculous.
Raz/standup, seems like u guys are having the same shit luck I'm having over here. I came across some la menores shit from a Holyoke dude that was great a week ago but went to shit next time I went back. U guys get any worth while stamps out here lately?
I live in between holyoke and Springfield, but unfortunately don't have any of my own connects. There were two of my friends I was scoring from, one who had a dealer in west Springfield who sold buns of inconsistent quality. Another stripper friend of mine was getting bundles for decent prices but again the quality was all over the place. My roommate is from providence and gets the most bangin half gs but I'd have to wait all weekend for it. Ahhhh about to take a bus to holyoke and see what's good
Good luck neb, be careful ! Los menores is a good stamp that's all over Holyoke ATM...
man, I can never imagine getting delivery; or at least just meeting 5 mins from my house; I am happy I am moving and its going to make it even harder to grab; ill me way more safe w/ my suboxone. I do pretty damn good now but it will only become easier as I move further into Boston here more dope is but its not the killer you get at other parts outside the city.
I know I can walk into any pharmacy and show my license to buy needles; have done it @ Lewis & Clark and CVS so far with no issues...what I don't know and searching the Net doesn't help...most if not all the info is outdated or just outright unclear is can I be arrested and charged if I'm stopped and they find a rig on me?? Just seems stupid if I can legally buy them but if the cops find one on me I can be charged with possession of drug parephenilia...any one know for sure, I'd love to hear from my Mass peeps!!!
Bbt, ur living the dream out the in boston man, nothing but total garbage over in spfld./Holyoke. Fuck I gotta take a trip to Lynn or some shit cause this is just ridiculous.
Raz/standup, seems like u guys are having the same shit luck I'm having over here. I came across some la menores shit from a Holyoke dude that was great a week ago but went to shit next time I went back. U guys get any worth while stamps out here lately?
I get those almost everyday now. They aren't bad rn
I know I can walk into any pharmacy and show my license to buy needles; have done it @ Lewis & Clark and CVS so far with no issues...what I don't know and searching the Net doesn't help...most if not all the info is outdated or just outright unclear is can I be arrested and charged if I'm stopped and they find a rig on me?? Just seems stupid if I can legally buy them but if the cops find one on me I can be charged with possession of drug parephenilia...any one know for sure, I'd love to hear from my Mass peeps!!!
my mom works at the Court House and she said unless there is dope also, then the pins mean shit unless something else is leading them to think different; maybe it being in your arm, or any type of drug in the car, etc.
my mom works at the Court House and she said unless there is dope also, then the pins mean shit unless something else is leading them to think different; maybe it being in your arm, or any type of drug in the car, etc.
I go to the exchange in Northampton or Holyoke. They give them out there, along with anything else you might need ei cookers, cottons, tie-offs, and water. Everything is free. I have had the cops search me tons if times and they always ask about needles first, you tell them, and they never care.
I get those almost everyday now. They aren't bad rn
Yeah they were decent. all gone now it seems and back to the shitty einstiens everywhere. U finding anything decent in the past few days?
Edit; I found the menores a few hrs after I wrote this lol. Thank god cause I was sick of those cut to shit einstiens...
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WOOHOO!!! After months of ehhhh DDs or TakeDowns, I've gotten hold of some Blue Magics!!! Yeah I can hear you guys sayin' those suck azz just like the others but the guy I see told me "got these BMs and I was like ehhhh and he cut me off right away by sayin: these aren't the same BMs...these are really good!! I'm like whatever and bought me a half and went home...threw 3 in the spoon like usual and after pullin the rig out I sat and waited...didn't have to wait long!!! Eight secs and I felt something I haven't felt in a looooong time...creepin up like I was getting dipped in a warm bath, then WOW!!!! Felt like the old days when bags were three times the current but you knew you were gonna get that coveted warm rush every time!!! Called him back and he said "told ya", haha...bought more and had an awesome time this past weekend...just hope it lasts; but as we all know as soon as word gets round, the quality goes "PPPPPPPPPPPPPFFTTTT!!! :p:p:!
to my massholes, I've been clean as a MOFO and actually feeling/doing great. its kinda weird.. I dont even want to use. I am still on 12--16MG/day bupe, 1800/day gaba and thats it! its well worth it rather than spend the $100/day I was on dope; havent shot in a month and just feeling great; I also got my license back, which was veryyyyyyyyyyyy nice! so I am just looking on the uppity up and loving life; so right now using is not crossing the mind.

we'll see.. I know I've felt this before and went back but I am just happy to be sobahhhhhh! kinda.
That's good man, i've been clean from dope too but still just had to spend a couple weeks in Middleton kicking done over a probation violation that had nothing to do with heroin.

Part of my probation is to go back to the clinic and back on a stable dose, go figure.
That's good man, i've been clean from dope too but still just had to spend a couple weeks in Middleton kicking done over a probation violation that had nothing to do with heroin.

Part of my probation is to go back to the clinic and back on a stable dose, go figure.

any chance you ran into a a kid named Pat in there? kinda looks chinese even tho he's mostly white? buddy of mine spending some good ol' time in jailsey. he has enough probation violations to keep him away for a bit.

what was your violation? out of Peabody? I didnt pay last months; wonder if there is a warrant for me.
WOOHOO!!! After months of ehhhh DDs or TakeDowns, I've gotten hold of some Blue Magics!!! Yeah I can hear you guys sayin' those suck azz just like the others but the guy I see told me "got these BMs and I was like ehhhh and he cut me off right away by sayin: these aren't the same BMs...these are really good!! I'm like whatever and bought me a half and went home...threw 3 in the spoon like usual and after pullin the rig out I sat and waited...didn't have to wait long!!! Eight secs and I felt something I haven't felt in a looooong time...creepin up like I was getting dipped in a warm bath, then WOW!!!! Felt like the old days when bags were three times the current but you knew you were gonna get that coveted warm rush every time!!! Called him back and he said "told ya", haha...bought more and had an awesome time this past weekend...just hope it lasts; but as we all know as soon as word gets round, the quality goes "PPPPPPPPPPPPPFFTTTT!!! :p:p:!
Hahaha!!! I ran into some good blue magics in spfld about a month or two ago they were great. I said the same thing when dude said he had the blue magic, ehhhh idk dude, he said the same shit ur dude did so I said fuck it and was happy as fuck. Lately shits been so fuckin down man, I can't find anything that even seems like it's real, sometimes I wonder smfh. I'm hoping this week brings something better cause it's getting not worth it real fuckin quick. Bought 2 half packs that seemed good but ended up being total shit, I don't get sick but I don't get high either, WTF!!! Lol. Oh well it is what is I guess. Bags to avoid this week are einstiens of course, "high", block party, I'm sure there's others but I'm drawing a blank right now . Glad to hear u finally found some proper shit razkal I hope it lasts a little while for u bro ...
hows dope in the north shore? havent used at all this past month.. kinda crazy! still all fent up'd or what?
@my wmass people's, I found some halfway decent bags, not spectacular but they're passable, scorpion and powerball, they were both ok. Came across some god awful "monster" bags, stay away from these if u can, they got the green m from the monster energy drink cans. I thought they'd be good but they were total shit, cool stamp but shit dope. Grabbing a half pack of the Los menores tonight and I'm just hoping they didn't go to shit. It's a catch 22, either I just buy enough to try em and run out before I can get more or just buy enough to get through the week and throw caution to the wind, what a fucked up choice lol. It sucks having to go through other people, makes shit really difficult... Happy hunting everyone ;)
Damnit, it seems the dope gods are conspiring to make my life more of a hell than it is now...Haven't had a cash flow problem when I was getting the Dunkin Donuts or any other blah blah dope but now when there's smokin' shit to be had all of a sudden I can't get two nickels to rub together!!! Sonofabitch...well at least my boss called me last night to work today....which means I can partake in the good ol' Magic again!!! WooHoo!!!!! Hope all is well your way Cliffy, BBT, Effect and all the other MassHole junkers out there....PEACE!!!
Damnit, it seems the dope gods are conspiring to make my life more of a hell than it is now...Haven't had a cash flow problem when I was getting the Dunkin Donuts or any other blah blah dope but now when there's smokin' shit to be had all of a sudden I can't get two nickels to rub together!!! Sonofabitch...well at least my boss called me last night to work today....which means I can partake in the good ol' Magic again!!! WooHoo!!!!! Hope all is well your way Cliffy, BBT, Effect and all the other MassHole junkers out there....PEACE!!!
Fuck man I know that feeling, lol. Blew 4 bills on some trash and now that the fire is around the money slows up.
I'm good though, I got those menores again and they're better than before, 2-3 bags and I'm chillin. Most shit I've been getting I've been needing 5 or 6 bags just to get a twinkle. If u come across the Los menores grab those fuckers.
Are u still getting those bomb blue magics razkal?
Well I hope work went well and your straight for a little while bro, ttyl...
Wazzup Cliffy...well the inevitable happened...soon as I got some dough I go see my man. All out of the Magics, but I got the Dunkin Donuts!! Pfffft I said to myself back to the gahbage...but actually they're not too bad; not as great as the Magics, but it's got a bit of a kick...He says he should have them again maybe after this batch is gone. Buuuuuuuuut, we both know they'll probably be stepped on more than the welcome mat at the RMV!!! Haven't seen or heard of the Menores round my way and I'm definitely OTL for em'...The guy I deal with down the street is pissed at me, cause I'm not spendin my hard-earned dough with him and his finger gahbage that he calls fire...He must think I'm either a newbie to the game or the dumbest doper in the world!!! You know when shit's good or not...and his shit just takes the edge off and that's all!!! No matter how much of it I do( from like 1 bag to a half-bun) that he bags himself so they're fucking tiny as all shit!!! I hit him up if I'm really sick and don't feel like going on that mission downtown...but if I'm able I'll go on that mission that takes like 2 hours of buses and walking, cop & go then repeat backwards. If they were BMs then there's no contest...if I have to crawl downtown I will, haha...

Well sorry for the long rant but you know how it is when you don't really have anyone to talk to bout the shit that goes on in a junkster's life...not calling you a junkster I hope u didn't get insulted...some ppl I know hate it when the words like junkie or druggie get used but I don't really give a shit...someone used the term junkster or junkbox and I kinda like junkster. Idk...anyways be safe and be cool...peace out bro!!!