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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

I'm gonna have to start walking around Holyoke like a moron, lol. This shit sucks! First time in awhile I've had issues,
I remember having to walk around the North or South Ends of Springfield saying "bolsas?? Manteca?? to anyone I thought was a druggie or dealer...that sucked big time and got burned many times too. I've been with my present guy about 4 years now and before that it was his neighbor (actually that's how my present guy started; cause his neighbor who I dealt with for I'm guessing about 6 or 7 years got out of the game) and he just took over which was fine with me since I went to the same place and it wasn't a hotbox...only had a few trusted custies and it was quiet down low. Guess that's why I haven't stopped using, heh heh....Peace Out Cliffy and the rest of the junksters here!!!
Yeah man it's a scetchy game. My roomies not having any luck so I'm plotting my next move. I've gotta work tomorrow so I gotta make something happen here . I was gonna do the whole "monteca" plan u mentioned lol. Great minds think alike lol. I'm thinking if have the best chance in Holyoke instead of Springfield though. What do u think raz, spfld or holysmoke?
I really can't say dude, I never set foot in HolySmoke...think you have a better chance of scoring there more than here in the Field. Pretty hot though...yeah I'm sure if you mention "Manteca" or "bolsas" (bags) you'll get pointed in the right direction...be safe bro!!!
I've never really fucked around with Holyoke either, I'm a noob to cold copping, still hoping my boy hooks up or a Spanish dude I know will go to Plainfield for me for a couple of bags. It's funny man when we've got a couple hundred peeps r always around but because were low on dough and only want a couple
of buns all of a sudden no ones around, lol, funny how that works.
I've never really fucked around with Holyoke either, I'm a noob to cold copping, still hoping my boy hooks up or a Spanish dude I know will go to Plainfield for me for a couple of bags. It's funny man when we've got a couple hundred peeps r always around but because were low on dough and only want a couple
of buns all of a sudden no ones around, lol, funny how that works.
Is their a way to send pms? I think I might be "related" in a way to your scene. Holyoke is hot, very hot. Not smart to walk around if you don't know what your doing. I'm on probation, and have stopped a lot of previous activities, which is why I say I might be "related" to you. I get those menores bags, they are not very popular, and most people have never heard of them. Let me know.
Thank god I didn't have to go on a mission, the regular dude came through. I was getting worries there for a bit. Thx for the good vibes and tips raz.
@standup- I'm gonna try to send a pm now, it's really difficult on the mobile site so I go on the full site from my cell but I usually have to get a new password and shit. I haven't done it in a long time so let's see if I remember how.
Edit- u gotta accept my friend request before I can do it I think. I didn't know u were still a green lighter, I'm not sure if I can still send it but let me try.
Edit2- pm sent bro! What a pain in the ass, they really need to make it so I can create a pm from the mobile site.
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Long morning here, can't cop til after 10am, it's 7 now. Make the call at ten and then who knows, probably have to go to the methadone clinic with a lady friend of mines and then try to go to a super open air hot spot in Plainfield, good times lol. I woke up with 3 bags and already did 2 in the last few hrs just trying to maintain til 11 I figure when I hopefully have something in hand, hopefully... Chewing on a whopping 25mcg fentanyl patch to try and make this little but of dope I got work a little better. I'm just bored as shit do that's why I'm posting this. It's Ssi check day for most people so it's gonna be crazy out there today, be safe everyone cause the boys are out in force already. Take care fellow junksters!!!
Update- I ended up only copping 2 buns cause the dude taxes me an extra 10 a bun but the shit is that grey FIRE! 2 bags and I keep burning holes in my jeans, lol, they're new jeans too lmfao! They are the black diamonds, I've had black diamonds before but they were NOTHING like these. Different color, size and consistency. Plainfield black diamonds. If u can find em then grab em up!!!
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you must be pretty jammed up because you just got all excited about your jeans and then started to tell us about them, haha.
Haaaaaaaa! Yesss! They WERE
nice jeans, now it's off to goodwill with them lol.
Long morning here, can't cop til after 10am, it's 7 now. Make the call at ten and then who knows, probably have to go to the methadone clinic with a lady friend of mines and then try to go to a super open air hot spot in Plainfield, good times lol. I woke up with 3 bags and already did 2 in the last few hrs just trying to maintain til 11 I figure when I hopefully have something in hand, hopefully... Chewing on a whopping 25mcg fentanyl patch to try and make this little but of dope I got work a little better. I'm just bored as shit do that's why I'm posting this. It's Ssi check day for most people so it's gonna be crazy out there today, be safe everyone cause the boys are out in force already. Take care fellow junksters!!!
Update- I ended up only copping 2 buns cause the dude taxes me an extra 10 a bun but the shit is that grey FIRE! 2 bags and I keep burning holes in my jeans, lol, they're new jeans too lmfao! They are the black diamonds, I've had black diamonds before but they were NOTHING like these. Different color, size and consistency. Plainfield black diamonds. If u can find em then grab em up!!!
Nice, very nice. I got some black diamond like 2 weeks ago that were killer too. Bet they are the same batch. Shit was pretty good. I've still been getting the los menores, some gorilla and had some good "stingray" with a pickup truck above it. I'm in yoke for the night, got my wake up but I'm working at 7 am out here so crashing on my friends couch for the night so I can be at work on time. Good luck ladies and gentlemen.
@standup- erase ur old pms bro, u can't have more than 5 old pieces of mail in your box.
I gotta get up on those gorillas and stingrays. Bags have been good lately, no complaints really. Well 1 complaint lol, when u buy a buncha bs and without fail one of the bs is always short 1 bag:(
Really wack shit.
Hey Cliff my bad, I only had 3 messages in my inbox. I deleted your last one but I'm not quite sure why it wouldn't let me post but whatever. My menores guy got busted last night, he made bail today but shit sucks cause now he wants to charge me $5 more to pay for his legal shit. I'm prob gonna try my holly Hollywood connect out tomorrow. They are always solid and sometimes bomb so...no harm in trying it out. I like to switch it up every now and again anyways. I feel like I get used to the same stuff everyday. My other guy had "smoking aces" they were alright, nothing too special though. I deleted your last message so you can pm if you'd like. My guy is never short when I get a bunch. I'm not sure why they would short you a bag, unless you middleman and he takes it out.
Dude that sucks that dudes trying to tax u now, it might be for the best though cause I just copped 10 bs of the menores and they were total garbage ! I'm fuckin stressed dude, that shit really set me back a good deal of cash. Funny that it went to shit right after u say dude got busted lol. Makes sense that they come from the same place though so I'd stay away from the menores at all costs! Shit really fucked me up big time man. I'm really getting tired of this shit man, it seems like it's always something going wrong one way or another.
man, this section died down BIG TIME!

what happen to all the dope fiends from Boston who were once on here? hopefully everyone is doing OK and nothing bad has happened.

do me a favor and if youre a Boston dude and you posted on here before, please post again. I just want to see who is still around and reading this section; seems to have died down bigggggggggggggg time! get it, DIEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD down! nah, I am kidding.. hopefully nothing bad has happened around these parts but we recently had a couple OD's (people I know) in the East Boston/Revere area.
I was watching the news and I guess there's a buncha od's here in wmass since Thursday, anyone hear what bags are doing the damage?
man, this section died down BIG TIME!

what happen to all the dope fiends from Boston who were once on here? hopefully everyone is doing OK and nothing bad has happened.

do me a favor and if youre a Boston dude and you posted on here before, please post again. I just want to see who is still around and reading this section; seems to have died down bigggggggggggggg time! get it, DIEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD down! nah, I am kidding.. hopefully nothing bad has happened around these parts but we recently had a couple OD's (people I know) in the East Boston/Revere area.

South Shore reporting in.

I've been out of the game for the past 6 months but still talk to people in it. Apparently down here in Brockton it's still being sold in .5g bags, no stamps here. The Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are hustling that fent-dope which is always white it seems and the white boys & blacks are selling that classic vinegar tan dope. The tan dope seems like it's impossible to OD on, it's just enough to get you off of E. On the other hand that fent-dope is impossible to not OD on, I've seen so many people fall out after underestimating that shit. I tried it once and although it was amazing I sniffed a small match-sized line and I almost lost consciousness, shit was fire and the bag lasted forever.

I'm glad to be out of the game this winter, I absolutely despise waking up sick when it's 0 degrees outside with a wind chill of -10.
last winter was hell, man. and I was at my worst! fucking blizzzzzzzards in the Boston area and me having to venture out, w/o a car and having someone else pick me up, and go see a dope man because they wouldnt leave their house. I'd have to pay the dude to drive me and then pay the dope man. life fucking sucked at the time and I was seriously wanting to be dead!

now I've been "good" for about 5 months but clean for about 3-4 now. I am happy as a motherfucker and for once, in long ass time, not wanting to be DEAD!

but yea, that fent. shit was my fav. lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved it.
I was watching the news and I guess there's a buncha od's here in wmass since Thursday, anyone hear what bags are doing the damage?
Yeah they haven't mentioned any kind of stamps so it's either no-stamp bags or maybe they're keeping it quiet so they can arrest the dealers with that shit...if they reveal the stamp the dealer(s) can just change it...I'm just guessing...I'll stick to my usual guy...
Yeah they haven't mentioned any kind of stamps so it's either no-stamp bags or maybe they're keeping it quiet so they can arrest the dealers with that shit...if they reveal the stamp the dealer(s) can just change it...I'm just guessing...I'll stick to my usual guy...
I'm thinking the same thing, might even be some shit from Worcester or further east, no stamps out there from what I understand. Gonna have to take a trip out to Lynn sometime and see what's up out there.