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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

Yea but the point is that heating DOESN'T kill it. It just looks like its gone but its still going in your vein.

Then all the garbage falls outta solution in your blood after a short period of time...
Shit will fuck you up with heart and other organ problems.

I'd be dead by now if I cooked all my dope & pill shots...
My body would be made outta cut/binder/filler hahaha!

And anybody cooking their yay up that's just retarded!
I'm with Effect on this one, but him and I have always been on the same page about not cooking dope. It's water soluble so when you draw it up, the barrel is filled with dope and the residue of the cut is left behind. However, in some cases, I DO cook the dope, especially if it's re-rock.

It's rare that I cook, but when I was on a run in Lowell back in late 2013, I went with a dude to cop, and we copped $40's that were a huge chunk of rock. We got stuck with this sketchy kid who ended up holding us hostage for a few. The kid I was with said it was rocky dope and that you gotta cook it to get it right.

I ran into a pizza shop bathroom real quick and I didn't cook it because the kid we were with was making a commotion in the shop, so I rushed, drew it up cold, and I didn't really get anything from it.

My boy and I were able to ditch the kid and we went separate ways. When I finally found another spot to comfortably bang it up, I cooked the dope down and it made a huge difference. I got an insane rush and the dope was excellent.

Now, when I have cooked the dope, I don't just hold the lighter to the cooker forever and let the gear start to boil. I give it a little bit of flame, and rotate the lighter back and forth real fast until I feel the cooker start to get a little hot. Then I stop and do my thing. So in those rare cases I have found it necessary to cook my dope for maximum effect, but for the most part I cold shoot and it never fails.
dont care what anyone says, cooking to me is just such a better shot and that much more of a hit in my eyes. I just love that shot; love the minute that hits w/ a bit of eat and can feel that shot better than w/ cold/warm water.

even when not cooked and there is no lighter around, ill take more than 1 shot w/ anything left behind; just incase any dope may be left over.

its all going in the vein one way or another and to me cooking is better.
To each their own...

Like Mzral said, their is some dope that would come around not so often that you would have to warm (nowhere near a boil) up a bit to break it down.
Decent brown hard chunky shit from what I remember.

#3 Brown dope would be around Toronto, had some on a two or three occasions...
Acid & heat for that shit!
Well now that I've read the convo, I will give my input lol I have lived all over the US while being on opiates, mainly H. have now been on and off bupe for 4 years, latest has been longest at 1.5 yr run of nothing but bupe, hence the wanting to get a buzz post, but in my experience I've mainly cold shot powder, cooked tar and rock. Rock I've also cold shot but as mentioned above, it's a better high when cooked down slightly. I have NEVER heated my stuff up to boiling, even tar, it will bubble a little, but not vigorously. Imo, I prefer a cold shot if it's possible, idk if it's from habit, how I was taught or just laziness, but it's always worked fine for me with NE (Michigan, New York, etc) dope. In AZ or CA I would only find tar which I would ALWAYS cook, but that shit just isn't that good. NE has MUCH better product than SW imo, but to each their own. But if you're going to heat your dope, I suggest a low flame and as soon as you see bubbles forming, take off the heat. Mix a little with plunger or whatever, heat a little more if necessary, let cool, then plug. Just my opinion from my experience, but again, to each their own.
Anywaays....everyone's got their way of doing things so if you shoot cold and get a rush you're good to go...and if u heat it then bang it and you get the great rush then it's all good....speaking of shooting I sure wish I had some to shoot right about now...hope I can make something happen today to make some dough. The last couple of days it's been rough...did 2 DD's and it was OK...then this pain in the ass bipolar psycho does any drug out there skank bitch neighbor from down the street asked me to cop for her from my guy. She had 20 so I got her 4 and then we go to her place and I hand it over and she peels one off and kinda threw it on the table...IN A PUDDLE OF WATER!!! I grabbed it as fast as I could and dried it off...looked like it was OK. I'm like phew and I head to my house to get my gunz...kinda pissed cause I go out of my way to get her some shit and I get one lousy bag, then I said fuck it I'll stay here and I set my shit up and start to open the bag and I notice that it's damp...FUCK ME!!! The dope got sucked into the paper it seems and no matter how much I tried to scrape it with a razor blade it was all gone....Fucked two ways in one deal....idk if it was me but I felt screwed by getting only one bag out of 4...at least maybe 2 which I know I'll feel. One bag is like a tease to me...then she fucking throws it in water to top it off. It would be a waste of breath to try to get her to replace it cause she's a loony crazy fuckin biaaaatch and I'm not gonna do that again...not even deal with her anymore!!! It's hard cause she always walks by my house(has to cause it's the only way out of this park I live in) and she sees my blinds up and window open for air and she always sticks her face into the window to bug me about some shit or other...I've already asked her nicely to stop doing that and leave me the fuck alone but noooooo it's like it went in one ear and out the other. One of these days she's gonna do it and I'm just gonna throw a bucket of cold water in her face...haha
sucks cuz my fent dude doesnt have the "great" stuff he once did so I am going through another guy who has OK shit usually but its been over a month since I went to him; its been 3 weeks since I even shot dope and I have some dope on the way. its like fucking christmas around here, kinda sad, huh!? I went to the ATM, got cash, came home, set up the table for a shot - needles, cotton, lighter, spoon, water.. BOOM! now I am just missing one thing. the most important thing but still only ONE THING MISSING, baby! and its almost here.

I took my last 12MG bupe yesterday morning around 9AM; I feel OK right now so no withdrawals but the bupe is def still in me so I am HOPING this breaks through. usually if I have FIRE I can take 8MG in the AM and still shoot through come PM. we'll see how good this dope is.
bought 2 G's today. first shot was .3 of BROWN dope; so I thought EH. I felt good after the first shot but for some IDIOTIC REASON I shot another .2-.3 of the bag. well, a half hour later I woke up on the floor w/ broken glass next to me and a pin on the floor w/ some dope STILL LEFT!

I did my bupe yesterday morning at 9AM; 12MG's right there so in my head I am thinking it will still block a bit. at the same time I havent used in fucking weeks, so my tolerance surly went down but w/ the bupe I figured relatively the same. its funny cuz this isnt my first time doing this and I always have that same thought and always wake up a half hour later; you'd think I would have learned but I am a junkie/addict who does those SAME DUMB THINGS! funny cuz I was talking to the girl, my lovah, about OD's etc today and same goes for another kid RIGHT BEFORE I CAME IN THE HOUSE AND SHOT. I even complained to the girl cuz the kid talked to me for a half hour after I bought the shit but we were both talking how each one of us dont really understand how many ODs are happening around Boston and we think they are mixing, or who knows. or maybe they take 3 week break and then shoot the same again, kinda like some moron I know did today.. ME!

ready for sick part? I wake up, on the floor, glass is broke, water everywhere, etc. then there is a pin w/ a little bit of dope left it in it? so what do I do!? you were thinking shoot then clean, but NO! I actually cleaned the mess up and THEN shot. pretty genius idea, right? NO, its how fucking stupid we are when doing this shit. after 3 weeks I come back and I am a complete MORON knowing exactly what I SHOULD be doing but doing what I SHOULD NOT be doing; as if I dont know drugs at this point and as if I was not talking about so many OD's and deaths earlier today and have been a lot lately because of so many people passing away.
Does anyone reccommend any free or cheap clinics that can help me get set up with suboxone? Anyone with suboxone that can help guide me to the right spot? I'm desperately trying to kick again after a year and a half of sobriety and now a 5 month run. I really want to get off but I get to day 2 or 3 and fall apart. The subs are what helped me in the past get through this first week. Then meetings and what not but I really need some help getting set up with subs in MA. I'm from NY so I don't know any clinics or people with experience.
where you live? there is one in Lynn but there is a waiting list; just takes mass health but you gotta do 3 meetings a week for the first month, see a counselor, etc.
I'm in Weymouth. I have health insurance through work... harvard pilgrim. High deductible plan that I will probably end up having to pay out the ass for treatment. Meetings I like and counseling I don't mind but driving back and forth to Lynn isn't something I'd want to have to do that often. Ironically thats where i was driving often to cop. Maybe some others will chime in or I'll just have to start making some calls and find some places online.
just sent you all the info; my dude has open spots and is easy to deal w/. private Dr. so it costs $$ but its all done over the phone eventually and all you gotta do is see/talk to him once a month and pay your once a month visit over the phone.

its the easiest bupe Dr. I've seen yet. but yes, he does give you the monthly drug test but I've failed my first 3 test and just told him the truth straight up and he's always been cool w/ it. since then I've been doing good tho and he's been good w/ me giving me my full month script up front as well as any other pills/drugs I need.
^how much a month? You say you gotta have Mass Health and pay cash? or is it like a 50/50 co-pay? Well anyway I don'y have Masshealth, so guess I'm shit out of luck anyway.
nah, I have masshealth but its masshealth that I have to PAY - its through mass health cuz my company dont offer it but I pay $350/mo so its actual insurance; so youre insurance would be the SAME as mine since I have a regular insurer.

I pay $140/mo for a visit; he scripts me 56 bupe a mo, 90 gabapentin and 30 seroquel and now another sleeping pill.

its worth the $140 in my eyes since its all done over the phone and never have to actually visit or do shit.
nah, I have masshealth but its masshealth that I have to PAY - its through mass health cuz my company dont offer it but I pay $350/mo so its actual insurance; so youre insurance would be the SAME as mine since I have a regular insurer.

I pay $140/mo for a visit; he scripts me 56 bupe a mo, 90 gabapentin and 30 seroquel and now another sleeping pill.

its worth the $140 in my eyes since its all done over the phone and never have to actually visit or do shit.

Wow, ya that is probably worth it. Do you have insurance that pays for the meds or is that all out of pocket? Also does he write you generics or name brand(so you get strips)?
I get bills; I am scripted the bupe - the regular orange pills under the tongue; its actually what I want - strips are NOT FOR ME! everything is generics but I only pay between $5-$15/script. the 56 bupe cost me $15 to fill a script; the rest of the scripts are all $5/ea.

I think its well worth it because I was once spending $100+/day on dope; so to spend $150/mo for EVERYTHING and be able to get by and actually feel "good" is fine by me, man. for once in my life I feel I can be "sober" and get by w/o shooting dope, or shooting anything. I have no urge whatsoever and dont even have needles in the house; thank fucking god this day has come.. now hopefully it lasts forever.
What's up mass dope friends! Idk wtf is goin on out here in Springfield but everything I find is garbage, keeps me from gettin sick but it that's about it. Tried multiple sources, all kinds of different stamps and nothin, total fuckin shit guys and gals. Anyone else having the same issues? Flatline, garbage. Blue magic, garbage. Pepsi, super garbage. Drop zone, trash. Hollywood, rubbish. I can go on and on, lol, smfh. It's not just me either, my boy and I cop together and it's the same shit for him too. Shit is really pissing me off.
I had some takeovers a while back and they were decent, el chapo was good too but alas they're gone and the trash seems to be everywhere. Anyone else in wmass or shit even out in Boston having similar problems? Anyone try these that I listed with any luck???
haha yeah i thought i was the only one that thought that WDin from OC and percs is was more painful than with drawing from dope. i think the 80 oc is the worst of them all. doesn't matter is you shoot or sniff. never smoked but I'm telling you that is much different than heroin WD.