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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

Hey MassHole, how ya been?? Same ol' shiet here in Springfield with shitty dope (maybe) that just gets you off E. And that's if you're lucky...seems like there's absolutely nothing out there that's worth buying; the one I do now called Dunkin Donuts is pretty good if u shoot 3 or 4 at once then u do a few more later in the day. Thing is, my running bud who has to shoot 8 in one shot to get over 60mgs of done told me he was swabbed @ the clinic a couple of times and they said a couple times it came back positive for cocaine and sometimes negative for everything...wtf?? I was expecting maybe fentanyl or some analogue like it. Cause it went from looking like root beer or darker when water added to very white powder that dissolves pretty easily into a clear liquid. Don't really know what I'm putting into my veins anymore but these DD have been consistent and I definitely get a nod going after 5 or more bags, sooooooo fukit...anyways what's up with you??
hi to my mass peeps.

I just got back from Cali this past Tuesday; went out there to meet my GF who is living there now for school. kinda a pain in the ass but she'll be back in December, so whatever. anyway, I was around 4 wks clean from dope and just using bupe at 12MG/day for those 4 wks. well, I want out to Cali and have not shot tar in years and years, so you know I needed to get some; she has a connect out there and we only got 2G's TOTAL for the 5 days I was there for; she lives right in Compton (yes Compton, gangsta) and the dope was good. she has a good connect and I shot a .2/.3ish and was feeling great. that tar must be coming right over the boarder because I didnt think it would be anywhere near the fent/dope I am used to shooting here but damn, I loved it. luckily I was w/ her and was able to control myself and she kept shots to a minimum or I would have went on a shooting binge but she was able to keep it to a min since she did all the cooking/drawing, etc.

first day I got back to Boston what do you think I did? yup, thats right.. shot more dope. the dope wasnt bad; it was white as a mofo and disappeared in a second. this was Wednesday but I've been back on Suboxone since then and been doing fine.

who knows, maybe once shes back in December it may be time to shoot a bit more but I've been doing pretty damn good, man. to a non-junkie, sure, I sound like a hopeless junkie, but to us junkies I sound clean and sober, ha. funny how that works.

back to 12MG bupe and 2400MG gaba / day - then, of course, I take a xanny at night to help "sleep".

bupe/gaba/benzo - just clean and sober, mannnnnnnnnnn.

I also just moved to East Boston; need connects around here if I even wanted anything; such a fucking hassle doing this stuff. I am sure my dude may take a ride but maybe its better I moved away from my many peeps who normally had shit for me.
Hey, just trolling thru and saw your post. I know I'm a little late on the response but I cop in yoke, and I sort of know what you mean. Take overs were decent, el chapos too but you're right long gone. Blue magics were tiny! Hollywood fell off a little but they are OK now, depends on what batch you get BC they do change. American gangsters are good, brainstorms aren't bad and I've hearsld good things about the Einstein's but haven't tried them since they "became good". When I had them, when they first came out they sucked. Count was big, its the same stuff as happy-mr. Nuts-black gold-all the same distributor.
Hey so Im not trying to come off as a dick or anything but I thought the DD sucked. It got me off e that's it. Purple stamp right? I thought they would decent BC they looked very similar to the McDonald's, at&t, and 9 1/2s which were all better. I shoot a bundle or more every shot, and that isn't enough sometimes. Usually 1/2 pack a day. I think the Hollywood's are OK now, in the post above I mentioned some other good ones you might wanna try. Good luck!
Haha I know exactly what you mean "clean" lol. But yeah, dude I've traveled quite a bit and used to live in Seattle and Texas so I know tar too. It can be wicked good sometimes. Does absolutely horrible things to your veins, but I'll worry about that later (or never) funny she lives in Compton. It actually isn't all that bad. Its just the gangs. I think north philly, west Baltimore, and a number of places up here are far worse. Some of those gang bangers parents actually have money and everything. They just choose to be like that. Its a strange culture. Up here we have Latin kings, netas, la familia, and what not, but I think a lot of that is still like drug crews, not killing each other BC they decided to wear red shoes instead of blue ones. Glad to hear you had a pleasant experience with the tar, and good luck "staying clean" haha.
Haha I know exactly what you mean "clean" lol. But yeah, dude I've traveled quite a bit and used to live in Seattle and Texas so I know tar too. It can be wicked good sometimes. Does absolutely horrible things to your veins, but I'll worry about that later (or never) funny she lives in Compton. It actually isn't all that bad. Its just the gangs. I think north philly, west Baltimore, and a number of places up here are far worse. Some of those gang bangers parents actually have money and everything. They just choose to be like that. Its a strange culture. Up here we have Latin kings, netas, la familia, and what not, but I think a lot of that is still like drug crews, not killing each other BC they decided to wear red shoes instead of blue ones. Glad to hear you had a pleasant experience with the tar, and good luck "staying clean" haha.

first time shooting tar in 3-4yrs, and I shot my feet cuz my arms are garbage, so kill those veins all you want, ha. I've just always heard bad shit about tar and last time doing tar I got it from a hooker in Vegas and it was garbage; I also had a much higher tolerance then. I was actually coming off 3 wks clean time so its why the .2 even had me "nice" to a degree. kinda funny when you leave it up to your girl to cook it up and just hand you the pin. the shit was so dark, and I am so used to shoot WHITE AS A GHOST shit here in Boston that I had a hard time knowing if I hit veins in the arms or not at certain times; so I let her shoot my feet, ha.

yea, Compton was nothing I havent seen before; if you didnt know it was Compton you would never things its that "rough" of a city. but just like all cities, you go to the wrong place, wrong people, wrong time, then yea, things may get bad.

I'm still good, tho. havent touched anything since Wednesday morning and its Saturday; sometimes I feel I can actually stay off dope thanks to the bupe, again. but who the fuck knows for how long before I am junked out - but then again, maybe NEVER.. gotta be positive, right?
Suup. Hows everyone been? Ive been just chillin same old shit still a hit or miss with the dipe around my way but lately its been fire I dunno thats about it for now. Stay safe out there to many ppl been od'n. Peace out Massholes.
@standup, dude we must hit all the same spots cause I've had everything you talked about, lol. I had some blue magic last week that was actually pretty good and good quantity for once. I just got some north face bullshit that's super powdery and ultra garbage. Whenever I get this powdery shit it's always bad fucking news, money down the drain. My buddy got the einstiens the other day and said they were good and pretty fat too, wish I would've waited for him :( . Shit turned garbage right on the first, go figure lmfao! Good luck bro, let me know if u find anything good out there man and I'll do the same.
@bostonbrown, dude it's all good man, if u ain't dependant on the shit then IMO ur "clean". GABA, Xanax etc don't count bro, that shits for kids lol. Anyway glad to see u had a good trip to Compton,lol. Good to hear ur back safe and subbin it again, keep up the good work brother...
I'm thinking about heading out to Lynn and see how things are out there, I know a chick out there so she can navigate the waters for me. Anyone know how the dope is out there? She said they sell it differently so I'm hoping to find something good and grab a shit ton of it cause shit is really down out here in western part of the state...
posting here with you massholes cuz fuck it, I run through 91 too. NYer though. I keep busy in the NY/PA/CT/MA areas. First post but been around. Junkie since 03'. Primarily cop in the BX, Or LI but NY thread seems pretty dead. Maybe there's another? but I digress, I'm not here to measure cunts. Just killin time while times killin us. Thank You Come Again! And Again and again.

Currently In year four rx bupe, tapering off, AGAIN. Done with doctors. From 16mg -> 1.5mg now, and pretty level at that dose Gettin ready to take the plunge And fully taper off. Try and drop .5 every 10 days, twice then two drops of .25 over another 10 days. Been pretty happy with the progress of my taper so far, took it slow, six months maybe? And made it thru each decrease with little discomfort until dropping under 4mg. The 4-2MG cuts have been my hardest but still, never miss work. I sleep each nite. Generally I don't wanna kill the unsuspecting citizens of earth. enough already, jus a quick intro to say hey to my northeasters ..
Shit bro way to go tapering the fuck outta those subs. Welcome to ma. thread we need more action in here. But I digress, lol.
Buncha garbage in spfld. Don't know wtf is going on here and it's not just me, everyone I know that uses is getting bullshit right now. Anyone having any luck in w. Mass???
ill tell you one thing, I am in no damn rush to get off the subs. at 12MG/day I feel great; sure, its still something I depend on but to no longer be sticking that pin in my arm daily is a fucking miracle. esp. when I would spend $100+ a day for drugs and now.. FINALLY.. its prices not allowed for the hole sub script/Dr. apt, etc. I still see a private sub Dr. because he makes things so much easier but yes, I have to pay decent money for the "visit" which is just an online iChat (yes, I am not joking) monthly. seems like the dude is ONLY in it for the money because he does this at the most odd times, but whatever, just give me my subs and gaba and ill take care of the rest.

hows the dope in Boston/north of Boston? havent had it in a few weeks but wondering ho things are going around these parts. we still in the heavy Fent side of things or what?

btw, any catch that show Chronicle the other night? it was about the opposite disaster in Boston; was kinda just bullshit but still something to watch about the local drug problems.
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no pricing but that was the price of my script? not even that? damnnnnnn!
hello to my bawwwwwwstin friends.

anyone living in East Boston of the Northshroe? seriously, I've been getting some killer stuff around here. well, I dont use nearly as much as I used to but anytime I grab something from my dude, or even another dude, its white as a ghost and I can get 6-7 shots out of a G rather than my usually 2 half G shots; then again, my tolerance is no where near it used to be but still this stuff is killer. it also as Fent in it, so be careful. I take a lot of drug tests and they test for that specific because they know I do it, and it comes up ALWAYS, so careful my friends.

just wondering if anyone else is grabbing from same area?
Suuuuup BBT, howz life??? Sounds like it's goin good with you...over here in the Field haven't found anything mind-blowing or great for that matter. Gonna get a hold of some boxes and just go clean...just not worth going on when you have to bang 6-8 bags just to get a tingle!! Been wanting to quit for a while now and this sure will help, but the addict in me will probably always want to keep going even though it just plain shit I'm shooting...hell if I do water shots or cotton shots sometimes it seems to calm me down even if it's purely psychological...but I know me and the moment I hear of some fire coming through I'm definitely going to try it, lol....sigh, addiction is a bitch, hunh??? :!8(
all is good over here, man. I've been somewhat clear over the last 2 months; I did go on a vaca to LA and ended up doing some tar. bought 2 bundles but used it over a 3 day period and split it w/ another, so I barely did shit. sadly, the day I came home I went back to my dude and got a fent type dope; always loved that shit. but the LA tar was great, too. I wasnt expecting it to be good but I took a small shot of like .2 and still felt good.

anyway, the fent stuff around these parts is great.. I THINK! nothing left in the spoon, whether you cook or not, and then BOOM, a nice shot. its clear as day in the pin so you see that blood rush through. its always something I loved to see (am I a sick man or do all junkies do?)

anyway, that was 3 weeks ago and I am fine; the 12MG bupe in the AM w/ 1800 gaba is keeping me away and the cravings are long gone, unless maybe infront of me but luckily I dont see that,.

anytime I smoked weed, tho, I still to think of dope. I AM GOING TO STOP SM)OKING WEED! fuck that.. dont want to ruin my life to get a "high" on the weedies.
On the bus to holyoke, like everyday it seems like. Got 4 buns last night, getting 2 more now. I'm tired but my girlfriend made me get up and go cop so she has some before work. I hate the bus. Goodbye.