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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] Risks & Dangers

That video was fucking ridiculous. It really does prove that people should research more into the way psychedelics and drugs in general work on your brain, and also look into how they think they may respond to the drug based on their own mental mindset and others' personal experiences, before they consume the drug. Under no circumstance should it be taken spontaneously at a concert or at a party with no previous knowledge of the drug - that's just asking for it, and fear would obviously be a response to the unknown. And also that some are not meant to take such heavily mind-altering drugs in general; their mindset from an early age has been to cling to the "truths" of reality.
I believe that lsd is very safe. Like some said above it has only had positive effects for me. I sometimes have some type of flashbacks that just feel really good, like im high for a few minutes. I never really fit in with peoples "groups" and friends, or cliques so i tried a different avenue and found what i was looking for. I have dosed about 10 times and never had one bad trip.

So back to the original question. from what I've experienced taking it, it is very safe. I just don't dose everyday.
that must be like 20 mic stuff lol
no one is taking 20-50 good hits

Ive eaten more than twenty hits numerous times of very potent blotters and I have friends who have eaten even more than that . Personally the best moments of my life were my high dose acid trips. When your on doses that high you don't even get scared really , because you don't know what that is. Your just existing in a sort of flux and your visual field becomes flooded with colors. Nothing you look at is staying still.

The world got Swirly =D
Well considering that at 1mg, you reach 5-HT2A receptor saturation, anything above that level will mainly only increase the trips duration. Tripping on 1mg+ is quite intense, although certainly not unheard of-- in fact I've done it on many occasions.

Additionally, its rare to come across hits that are 200 or 300 micrograms (regardless of what your dealer tells you). Most hits are between 80-100ug, with 'strong' hits averaging around 150.

And wtf does erowid have to do with anything? :D

How much would be needed to get pronounced open eye visuals (both patternization, floating, breathing and some borderline "actual hallucination" - as in stuff materializing from the geometric patterns), accompanied by weird time artifacts (repeating events starting to form sort of loops, and time stretching and contracting)? I know this is how intense my first LSD trip was, on one blotter. Trying to figure out an approximation of how strong blotters are around here...
^I usually experience effects lke that- pure hallucination ie. everything is hallucination hallucinating off tself- from about 400ug, but 200-250 is similarly intense. Push it higher :)

Yes, they knew it worked but they didn't know how. They had know idea there were these very tiny things inside those plants called moleules that were interacting with other very tiny molecules inside there own bodies that caused the experience they had.

I love the one answer I've read from an ayahuasquero that "ayahuasca" showed them how to make it! :D Brilliant-dualism-crushing response :)

However, does whether they knew the reason as to why this combnation of plants caused xxx effects even matter? Many ayahuasca users from amazonian trbal groups regard ayahuasca (correctly being simply bansteripsis caapi) as the "shit". Which is correct. The MAOi inhibition is essential and psyhoactive on its own with these plants.

Back OT, LSD is safer then sugar. Besides the overwhelming rush of now-knowable-knowlede it allows, theres nothing especially dangerous about LSD to any healthy/semi-healthy/sick and dying person at all :) <3
i would say that it is the same as any other halucenagenic substance. You can develop schizophrenia from taking to much but it is only a real threat if you have a history of it being in your family.

I have a friend who takes acid on a fairly regular basis and he seams fine. Just don't take to many to quickly space them out.
I know most of you don't like this chart, or agree 100% with some of the rankings, but I'm going to post it anyway...


going by this chart, lsd is a lot safer than many other legal and illegal substances.
hmmm, i'd have guessed tobacco woulda been higher... and that ghb & roids would be worse than marijuana... dunno how they compiled this data though
^^^ That chart was made for a British documentary. It's probably skewed because its in the inferior metric system.
Well considering that at 1mg, you reach 5-HT2A receptor saturation, anything above that level will mainly only increase the trips duration. Tripping on 1mg+ is quite intense, although certainly not unheard of-- in fact I've done it on many occasions.
He's right. 5-HT2a receptor saturation with lsd does indeed accur at ~1-1.5mg, However, Lsd has a much lower affinity for, and shows activity at many other receptors sites(Dopamine, Histamine, Adrenaline, just to name a few).
An Lsd trip is without a doubt still influenced by it's reaction with other receptor sites.

In fact, I don't think I've ever seen many selective 5-HT2a agonists.

Flappers33 said:
i would say that it is the same as any other halucenagenic substance.

This is not true at all IMO. I don't see how the substituted amphetamines are anywhere near as safe as Lsd.
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If you have 2 family members who've had/got schizophrenia (1 of which commited suicide) and 4 others with depression.

Would you suggest for me to stay clear of LSD?

Because I really want to try it because im depressed at how fcuked up this world is and nothing seems to make me happy.
Im on prozac which makes me numb sorta flatline emotionless/zombified which hey is great considering I used to think of suicide everyday and struggle to get out of bed.


I want to find my inner child again... bring out the happy real smiley me, will LSD do this?
If you know you have Schizophrenia in your family it would probably be a good idea to steer clear of psychedelics. LSD can help you find you inner child but it isn't guaranteed to. Also, I used to take SSRI's. I've found is significantly reduces the potency of LSD.
I truely believe LSD to be the safest psychoactive substance known. Any notion that Acid causes psychological disorders is pure propaganda.

Most natural hallucinogens are safe in moderate doses, but there is something about LSD that makes me feel complete when I dose, even in high doses. Never once a bad trip. There have been a few difficult ones, but even then I come out of the experience feeling like the person I have always wanted to be.

Good medicine.

You sound deluded and meglomaniacal ;)
If you have 2 family members who've had/got schizophrenia (1 of which commited suicide) and 4 others with depression.

Would you suggest for me to stay clear of LSD?

Because I really want to try it because im depressed at how fcuked up this world is and nothing seems to make me happy.
Im on prozac which makes me numb sorta flatline emotionless/zombified which hey is great considering I used to think of suicide everyday and struggle to get out of bed.


I want to find my inner child again... bring out the happy real smiley me, will LSD do this?

LSD would be contraindicated in your case unfortunately,

Plus, the meds would prob attenuate the effects

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy might help - but like physical health, it would require your own effort to get healthier/less unhappy
Maybe Syd Barrett got ahold of the other chemicals being sold in the 60's in geltabs. Foxy, STP(DOM) anyone?

The fucktons of Mandrax (Quaaludes) and pharm speed (including pharm meth which was quite widely prescribed at the time) he was doing at the time probably didn't help his state of mind either :D

^^^ That chart was made for a British documentary. It's probably skewed because its in the inferior metric system.

The chart takes into account a whole range of factors not just the effects on the individual's health but also the effect on friends, family, society in general, crime and so on. I don't think it's perfect but it's not so far out.

And I'm sure one day even Americans will learn to count in tens - it's not so hard ;)

LSD would be contraindicated in your case unfortunately,

Plus, the meds would prob attenuate the effects

I don't entirely agree as I am in a similar situation regarding mental health problems on both sides of my family - including a number of cases of schizophrenia, depression and suicide. That's not just extended family but immediate family too and I've been treated for various mental health issues for most of my life myself. I take a lot of psyches and am probably in a better mental state than many of my drug-free family members - it can go either way and for me it's had an immensely positive effect :)

That's not to say it's without risks or is any kind of panacea. It's not for everyone and is something to approach with caution - especially for people in this kind of situation. I also agree that psyches on top of SSRIs is less than ideal cos they just don't work very well.
lsd doesn't make you insane. it makes you see that sanity is relative
cheers guys
surely doing psyches while on ssris will be a smoother more comfortable ride if it reduces the potency of psyches.

As ive mentioned before salvia, ketamin and cannabis (all hallucgens) make me very paranoid/feel more lonely and make me feel less like myself.

But ive been sober for months now n still feel fcuked maybe more bcoz the prozac im on is sorta just blanking the real pain out
Yes stuff like that (ADs) can really flatten you out, one of my old friends calls it a soul-less effect which is why he detests it and rather has his wicked ups and downs.

The effects you describe from ketamine and cannabis definitely sound like derealization / depersonalization, even though these substances are among the most prone to cause it. Salvia is a different ballpark, it causes things like this, like.... standard.

But of everything I heard from you on PD so far it sounds to me like you better steer clear of psychedelics man. Sorry to tell you.
Cushioning the intensity with other substances or meds is really not what you want to involve yourself in, eventually they can't protect you. As it is just focus on stabilizing yourself without these substances - the probability psychedelics exacerbate these issues for you is just to big and real.
Think about it, is a trip worth that?