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lsd receptor saturation dose? [SCRAPS]

"sorry about not being shambles etc" ROFL :D
I know it's not my fault - it's yours for distracting me whilst sliding into the body I had previously selected!

It's such a handy body (not very pretty but seems to be unfeasibly robust) that it was worth fighting for =D

B9 - I know nobody can give me totaly accurate info,I just want to know maximum possible info about dosage.... I dont uderstand this "well you know like +4s these are relative"
can you make me understand this? my english is bad

There was a recent thread about +4 experiences but the summary would be that they are spiritual/mystic/religious type experiences that are not necessarily related to the actual dose taken :)
thank you Shambles.. by the way,what is with (s)willow? he isnt moderator anymore?
swillows moved on to a greater place.

he is now "CREW"
crew? hmm... what is crew doing? programing bluelight??
B9 - I know nobody can give me totaly accurate info,I just want to know maximum possible info about dosage.... I dont uderstand this "well you know like +4s these are relative"
can you make me understand this? my english is bad

Well your English is probably better than mine :)

A mystical experience is not necessarily dose dependent more likely to be attainted through the mysteries & the infinite variables of set & setting. Seeing music usully takes a good dose of psychedelic & for me it is by no means assured - however MDMA in conjuction with magic mushrooms seems to be the most reliable system for audio/visual merging/crossover.
With trips one can hazard a guess at what might be produced by a given dose of a given chemical but it's a lottery in many ways. Seeing music is nice but expectations tend to be merely acceptable if lived up to & a let down if they don't materialise.

In short I actually do not know how much LSD might make you see music - maybe a lot maybe a little maybe no matter what you take it mightn't happen.

Just enjoy the ride for where it takes you I'd suggest :)
crew is what you become when you get demodded

its a special little place between mod and bluelighter.
what is dose where I will see music??

You can see music even on relatively low doses of psychedelics. It's a thing you can practice on.
I can see music sober if I want... with closed eyes... if I smoke weed I can see it with eyes open but that is just product of my willpower and fantasy... I was thinking that this lsd high dose music vision is alot more crazy

Practice? teach my master
i said you can practice it, i didn't say it could be taught...
ok... how can I practice it? please,any help will be very appreciated....
I have no clue - I'd ask dread coz he seems pretty patient & whatnot
Hadn't really thought about it that way before - but now you mention it
Just take acid and start practicing. Just be confident that you can do it - it should be enough. If not, take more acid. Once you can do it it gets easier to do even on lower doses.
Seeing the music starts with noticing the atmospheric changes...vibrations etc. Then focus on the space between you and your speakers, and try to distinguish the sound waves that are vibrating towards you. Sounds crazy but it can work. Be careful with your dose..please don't over do it.
Anything is possible. Concentrate on the sound, visualize it, then slowly shift your center of focus from the sound to the visual.
^^ Well said. It is hard to articulate psychedelic lingo!It makes sense at the time but explaining it to someone when sober is another story.
I've gotten most synaesthesia (crossing over of senses) with mushrooms and LSD, but also with 2C-B + nitrous.

LSD: first time I did it, I could taste the color blue and I realized it was not only my favorite color but also favorite color-word lol. It was pretty strange! My dad took me for a car ride
after that and I saw beautiful velvety pastels. Awesome <3

Mushrooms: first time I did that I closed my eyes when music was playing and I completely
visualized the music as if it were a vision. Like an auditory landscape, there is no explaining it in any other way...

2C-B + nitrous: with this combo I got stuff like I felt the color red being applied to the top- and rightside of my brain, it was tingly and kind of like a concept instead of a substance,
in this case a color, enveloped it and almost gently kindled it!

:D good stuff! But in no way ontopic I suddenly realize lol
5ht receptors might become saturated at arounf 1.5mg, but that dosen't necesarrily mean increasing the dosage will do nothing. Let's not forget lsd has activity at several other receptor sites.