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LSD in commercial drinks

No, I mean hold them in my mouth with tap water, then drink them so they are completely and utterly soaked in chlorine. Y'follow?

I always thought the opposite, that's great if you can :). Have you done it a few times? I've never tried as I didn't want to waste the trips, when I'm in the mood for a trip.
Yeah - usually hold em in my mouth for a while with tap-water diluted orange juice just to get the trip going and soften em up a little for swallowing.
I do know that you should never combine phenetylamines (amphetamines, MDMA, 2C-X, Methylone and other xxxx-lones) with fruit juices. [I've actually had a warning label on a prescription bottle of dexedrine warning about this). Acidic things like ALL citrus juices taken with any phemnethylamine-type drug SLOWS absorption and ACCELERATES elimination.

But this doesn't apply to a phenathylamine like mescaline does it Dwayne? Obviously you can use citric acid when preparing a cactus based drink.
I'll have to try this then, I for some reason really hate having blotter in my mouth these days, especially when you have to eat a few. This would be much easier. I'd tried distilled water but it just tastes like shit really and isn't worth the hassle.
idk....one time i took 4 or 5 blotter hits and put it into my pepsi and drank it pretty slow...i was half way through drinking it and soaring like an eagle
But this doesn't apply to a phenathylamine like mescaline does it Dwayne? Obviously you can use citric acid when preparing a cactus based drink.

Well I suppose it might not, Ismene... by the way, do you go scouring the web day and night for posts to attempt to prove wrong? You obviously LOVE doing so, or aggressively attempting such at least.

Anyway, I know it applies to amphetamines (again, this is warned about in pharmacological guidelines and "patient information" pamphlets for them) and methylone for sure also (according to experiments by myself and many others), and according to the pharmacology research it should apply in general to all phenethylamines.

But of course, Ismene, it also would depend on total number of moles of acidifying substance consumed with the phen. It's not a "deactivating" effect on the phenethylamine itself, which you are apparently thinking indicating you totally misunderstand.

Rather the acid affects the way that the digestive system processes the phenethylamine, the more acid the higher the inhibition. So in an acid-based extraction of mescaline, normally, the final steps are either boiling it way down to a concentrate which may well degrade the acid, or basify the solution by long boiling with other plant material when all is said and done... Or if you are talking about a complete "extraction" all the way to alkaloid/mescaline crystals I would think by this end stage there isn't much acid left, hence the effect would not apply, Ismene. Capice?
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Ismene... by the way, do you go scouring the web day and night for posts to attempt to prove wrong? You obviously LOVE doing so

You wouldn't deny me my only pleasure in life would you Dwayne? :)

On the other hand, you've got to admit you've done a fair bit of tormenting Ismene it in your time.

or basify the solution by long boiling with other plant material when all is said and done...

I think you boil it with acid rather than basify it tho Dwayne - that's why it stuck in my mind. At least that's the method I've always read. Gentle heat with acid.
You wouldn't deny me my only pleasure in life would you Dwayne? :)

Of course not, sweetheart! <3

On the other hand, you've got to admit you've done a fair bit of tormenting Ismene it in your time.

Apologies, 'tis true, I do get a little worked up sometimes, while you radiate such calm while eviscerating your targets... but you help me work out my gremlins, so thanks... partners in cantankerosity! ;)

I think you boil it with acid rather than basify it tho Dwayne - that's why it stuck in my mind. At least that's the method I've always read. Gentle heat with acid.

Right, but by the time the extraction is done and you have extract crystals left at the end after evaporation the acid is mostly gone I bet, I was speculating that after heating acid+plant-stuff gradually the alkaloids are extracted and the solution become less acidic due to acid molecules interacting with all the cactus gunk. At least probably not enough acids left to lower the pH of the stomach and inhibit absorption like a big 'ole glass of OJ or GF juice would do. Make sense?
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That was just heating the plant stuff - you had to have it acidic during the cooking. I remember because I was taking it rectally to avoid the horrendous taste and it said "make sure it's ph neutral before you squirt it up your arse otherwise you will be going to intensive care".

A full a/b extraction is by far a better experience, no nausea at all but it's so hard working with a ball of solid cactus snot.
That was just heating the plant stuff - you had to have it acidic during the cooking. I remember because I was taking it rectally to avoid the horrendous taste and it said "make sure it's ph neutral before you squirt it up your arse otherwise you will be going to intensive care".

A full a/b extraction is by far a better experience, no nausea at all but it's so hard working with a ball of solid cactus snot.

"cactus snot" hehe! Yea, nasty stuff. ONE time after many tries I got enough mescaline from piles and piles of San Pedro, boiled to a thick extract I was able to somehow gak down and got a good trip off it. Memorable in fact...

It was all so CALM! It seemed there was a loving otherworldly presence hovering about me. The only time I ever had major AUDITORY hallucinations, but only when listening in total silence of course... after noticing "sounds" coming from the air in-between CDs I turned the stereo off and just laid back, said a little prayer of thanks asking for more, and closed my eyes, and was treated to like an hour of the Universe singing to me, playing these great reverberating electronic-sounding plucked Cosmic Strings, it was magnificent... it seemed my own brain could never invent anything THAT coherently musical and complex and beautiful, I had the distinct feeling that I was the recipient of a wonderful gift being transmitted to me via the assistance of the cactus. Magnificent!
this conversation's been and gone, but why the OP didn't put four drops on a single cube is beyond me.

i once was given a single sugar cube whilst tripping on mushrooms with a girl.
we decided to split it, so we crushed it up a bit in a glass with about a shot of alcohol. 30ml or less.
a liqueur of some sort, i can't remember. anyway, we stirred it up and shared the small sip of sugary alcohol each, and that seemed to work just fine. i never get to play with liquid, but surely there are millions of things you could use?
hilarious thread.
Sorry lol, Im not eating 4 3/4in sugar cuges.

I guess I will just dissolve them all in a glass and try not to drink the sugar left at the bottom. About how long would it take to make sure the LSD dissolved? Because I did it once before with a much smaller amount and most of the sugar just went to the bottom, while some dissolved away. It didnt really seem to work as well either
Seriously whats your problem with eating sugar cubes? Its just sugar and LSD and pure LSD is tasteless so whats the big problem?
this conversation's been and gone, but why the OP didn't put four drops on a single cube is beyond me.

Because its how I bought them? Derp.

Sugar is a chemical you know, right? Have you ever heard of a sugar crash? Thats what happens 2 hours into my trip, every time I ate a cube. Not to mention, having a stomach full of sugar (and nothing else) is very uncomfortable, and if I drank any water, 5 minutes later I would be spraying up sugar water like a hose.

Actually, I have another question I might as well post in this thread. So Ive pretty much dropped my entire vial of L already... yeah.

Anyways, to get the last 3-4 drops at the bottom, I was thinking of putting a little bit of distilled water into the vial. Now I think that my L is dissolved into ethanol (or possibly just alcohol with mint extract, or something), and Im wondering if there is anything special I need to do to keep it after I put the water in?

I dont want mold to build up or anything, so I'll probably just do it before I get ready to drop it anyways, just want to be sure its going to be OK