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LSD in commercial drinks

lol thats 100% false... its almost like your reading off the DARE handbook

I think you were thinking of the story about the guy who turned into an orange or a glass of orange juice, LOL ;-)

Honestly, your comment is kind of insulting. I have never heard anything about OJ or any of it's ingredients affecting LSD from DARE or any other anti-drug group. I'm not sure why they would have any interest in promoting a myth about orange juice or vitamin C lowering the potency of LSD, that doesn't really make any sense:\ If you think it's "100% false" some explanation as to why you think that would have been helpful. As I said, I had no idea whether it was true or not but found it interesting simply because so many people believe it. The people who I have heard this from are certainly not the type to get their info from a DARE handbook or believe anything that an organization like that says. But who knows where the rumour originated from. Would be interesting to know.
Also, I am certainly not an inexperienced drug user and as I mentioned, once when I did drink a lot of orange juice it seemed like i felt really minor effects from the LSD. Now this could also have been entirely coincidence and it just happened it was shitty blotter. It was only after the fact that a friend suggested that it was related to citric acid intake and I was curious whether or not that was actually true.

EDIT: Interestingly, I decided to do some research on it and there are 1000's of posts on this topic, with some people claiming that orange juice, vitamin C or niacin heightens the effects of LSD and some claiming the reverse, that is lessens the effect or helps the body metabolize it faster and hence come down sooner. What I had heard personally before was that it lessens the effects in some way. I'd also heard this about opiates too actually. So far I haven't found any info on this that looks remotely reliable though. Mostly just posts in drug forums with a lot of people saying it's true and a few saying it isn't true and is just a placebo effect, with no proof or explanation either way.
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the orange juice is stored in your spinal fluid.
LOL, dude I thought they said that about ecstasy? Actually it's shocking the number of people who believe stuff like that, like that LSD makes your brain bleed and that flashbacks are caused by the scabs in the brain breaking free, or that LSD has rat poison as one of the main ingredients and that gut rot is caused by the inclusion of too much rat poison, lol. I really didn't think my question was anywhere on par with shit like that! ;-)
Ohhh I think I know what it must be, Im quite skinny. You all must just be used to all that extra sugar because you have... weight problems

hey man if you want to eat pure sugar thats cool. I mean, who am I to judge? Im the one talking about making lemonade, fucking crazy right?! 8(

yeah so this thread went no where real fast. Next time Ill leave out the part about sugar cubes, I guess once you "jolly" people start thinking about sugar theres no going back...

Well, I'm 5'6, 115lb and have a 5kcal daily diet. Dunno man.
Folley, again I've got to repeat that a few cubes of sugar is really not a huge amount. Yes it may taste bad directly on the tongue to a person who is not used to sugar, but I'm going to make a guess that four cubes of sugar is about equal to the ~30 grams that are found in a standard glass of apple juice or cola, and I don't see you complaining about those. No need to make snide remarks about people with weight or eating problems. We already gave you several solutions for putting LSD on a carrier for transport. I stand by my suggestion of a bottle of distilled water if you are diabetic or sugar intolerant.
^ I know how to store the acid man... I shouldnt have even said ANY thing about the cubes, because you all took it WAY off topic.

This is a fat handful of sugar... once all that gets to my stomach, it just sits there and starts bubbling I guess. If I drink water after I eat some cubes I will usually end up spraying out sugar water a few times. That doesnt happen when I drink pop, so obviously its more of a problem than I just cant handle sugar. Thats a pretty retarded anwser IMO, and it would appear most of you didnt even read the original question, or like the 10 unanswered ones after that...

so once again, THE SUGAR IS NOT MY PROBLEM. I HAD THAT FIGURED OUT LONG AGO. But I still HAVE the cubes, and would like to have a nice, comfortable trip that doesn't involve my stomach feeling like shit

and to swimmingdancer.... sorry bro but it is 100% false... just an urban myth. Ive heard it before, has no evidence behind it. If anything vitamin C would make you trip harder. You can chalk it up to placebo effect, If I gave you a sugar pill when you were on LSD and told you that it would make you come down, I bet you wouldnt be feeling as much in a little bit
how about you dissolve it in water, then find some way of separating the sugar from the water, there must be a way to do that using some chemistry knowledge, then drink the water containing the acid
Last time I tried it, most of the sugar just went down towards the bottom, while a much smaller amount dissolved

so basically I had a shot of the sweetest lemonade you can imagine, and then a ton of sugar left at the bottom of the glass

That was with like a HALF a cube though... I cant fathom 4 dissolving right... guess Ill have to do it one at a time?
God this is getting ridiculous. How hard can it be to consume a microscopic amount of LSD, or put it on some random thing to take home? Jesus H. Christ. I mean make your own pseudo-blotter squares out of some pieces of thin cardboard you cut up with scissors or something. It not fucking rocket science people, holy cow.
Oh My God.

YOU PEOPLE. Read the thread title. Then read my question.

I KNOW HOW TO TAKE LSD HOME. This is about other things in food/drinks that can degrade LSD

WHY DO YOU KEEP BRINGING UP SUGAR CUBES? This same exact shit happened in the last thread I made here.
The pranksters use to put LSD in all sorts of substances and it never seemed to lessen or weaken the effects at the Acid Tests ;). PigPen of the Grateful Dead drank a beer that had been dosed and he ended up trippin pretty good off it. They use to spike TONS of stuff...I think this one time they made a psychedelic cocktail outta apple juice one night... **Electric Koolaid**

Make some koolaid man and go for it. I understand not wanting to just munch five giant sugar cubes...personally I'd want to put it in some lemonade (or koolaid) like you suggested. =D

And for the OJ weaking lsd..from TONS of personal experience it DOESN'T. When I was a younging I was under the impression that OJ would potentiate a trip (mushrooms or lsd) and would drink a TON of it. Never made a difference either way...just saying.
^I think that's good guidance. It's all guesswork and personal experience so OP you are never going to get a definitive answer with 100% certitude, right? According to everything I've read and experienced, you can use pretty much anything. The one thing SOME people warn about is using tap water with chlorine in it, some have found that over a period time (days or weeks) the dose is weakened, presumably by the chlorine or something else in the tap water... again there is no certian answer, no scientific studies, it's all guessing so no one can say anything for certain, right?

*LIGHT* is the one thing that is known to degrade LSD very quickly. That's why blotters or candies are used, as the vast majority is absorbed INSIDE the material which is mostly protected from the light, with only a tiny percent actually on the surface possibly exposed to light.

You could buy a jug of "distilled water" at the grocery, buy a bunch of tiny dark green or amber (to block most of the light) glass or better yet plastic vials with screw-top lids at a hobby or craft or vitamin/herb store (intended to store ink or glitter or herbs or whatever), fill each one 2/3 with distilled water at home with an eye dropper from your jug of distilled, then after you get to your supplers house add the appropriate # drops of liquid LSD and screw the caps back on super tight. Easier to carry, store, and quicker to drink than an entire 8-ounce bottle of juice for each dose.

Of course, a bunch of little vials of what appears to be water might look suspicious, and can eventually evaporate (though the LSD should still be fine). Of course one idea might be to leverage the evaporation... drop the doses into EMPTY dark-colored vials, take them home and open them for a day to let the liquid evaporate, then when its time to use them, add a tiny bit of liquid to take up the now dried out LSD & shake WELL so it can be drunk by the intended user. Not a bad idea I think!

Which is why people use thing like candy that look innocuous. I would say, get a variety of different hard candies and do some experiments to see which ones absorb drops of water the fastest, I think as you already said SweetTarts are just too hard, but there is probably something out there.

I mean the reason you are getting all these crazy suggestions is that its really NOT THAT HARD, plus there's no like scientific studies that anyone can reference to give you an answer for certain, MOST THINGS are going to work, so you're just gonna have to try some different things and figure out what works best for you, right? OK so go do it, man.
And for the OJ weaking lsd..from TONS of personal experience it DOESN'T. When I was a younging I was under the impression that OJ would potentiate a trip (mushrooms or lsd) and would drink a TON of it. Never made a difference either way...just saying.

lol New Years I candyflipped and drank like 3 cups of OJ. I was +++ and giving the fourth a giant hug. Im pretty sure the OJ gave me more energy from the nutrients if nothing else lol. But no, its not gonna make a difference if you drink OJ while tripping...

Seems like I should be good to go! Just gonna stay away from carbonated things and make some lemonade shots lol. I guess if I put enough acid in there, Ill pretty much have to trip balls, even if it is all lumi-LSD

BTW the candy problem is pretty much fixed, he found some super sized sweet tarts that are pretty absorbent and can hold a few drops easy. The only problem is that you have to drive pretty far to a specialty shop or something like that
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I'm not sure what the science is behind it, but I've heard a lot of people say never to drink orange juice with LSD

im sure this is a mutation of the story of THE GIRL WHO CANT SIT DOWN BC SHE THINKS SHE WILL SPILL OVER

as for putting LSD alongside a variety of strange artificial flavours and the like, maybe it could mutate and you will get some new chemical altogether !! or maybe the LSD molecules will just disintegrate, i dont care, eat the acid
I do know that you should never combine phenetylamines (amphetamines, MDMA, 2C-X, Methylone and other xxxx-lones) with fruit juices. [I've actually had a warning label on a prescription bottle of dexedrine warning about this). Acidic things like ALL citrus juices taken with any phemnethylamine-type drug SLOWS absorption and ACCELERATES elimination. In fact taking those with a base (baking soda) will make them STRONGER and faster (but it will also give you the liqui-shits unfortunately)... so I bet THAT is the source of the "dont take LSD with juice" thing, which I never heard and I am sure is BS.

and you all thought I was crazy for not wanting to eat my acid with INSANE amounts of sugar 8)

BTW, I tried the lemonade and it worked great. Seemed like a rougher trip than normal, but Im sure that can be attributed to degradation from storage, and the horrible sugar crash I got. Was a fucking crazy strong trip though, and I only ended up eating 2
I don't know about that no-sugar-diet thing... I love me some fruit juice and that's guaranteed to have sugar in it :)
Im guessing youve never ate a sugar cube?

let alone 4 extra large ones.

If I would want to just eat them, I would eat a large meal an hour or two before, but that would slow the come up, and I would much rather just drink it

I realize this is from page 2, but there once was a time I got a-hold of half a vial (~50 doses) and dropped them on sugar cubes. Bought a 96 pack of the cubes. 96-50=46. I did indeed nibble on quite a few raw sugar cubes.

I'm with everyone else here: just put 'em in some shit. On another occasion I was meandering around w/ a friend who had half a vial, and we dropped those shits in everything we could get our hands on, yes, city water included in NE USA. Snapple, water, arnold palmer (half iced tea / half lemonaid) all were just fine as carriers.

Normally I think Ismene is mean (har har, see what I did? :p), but he's on point here..
I'm a little late to the party, but I definitely would have suggested lemonade or something of the sort. But that's because I absolutely love lemonade. I'm also someone who doesn't often consume sugar, so I can definitely see how the idea of eating four sugar cubes of that size on an empty stomach could be daunting...

I do know that you should never combine phenetylamines (amphetamines, MDMA, 2C-X, Methylone and other xxxx-lones) with fruit juices. [I've actually had a warning label on a prescription bottle of dexedrine warning about this). Acidic things like ALL citrus juices taken with any phemnethylamine-type drug SLOWS absorption and ACCELERATES elimination. In fact taking those with a base (baking soda) will make them STRONGER and faster (but it will also give you the liqui-shits unfortunately)... so I bet THAT is the source of the "dont take LSD with juice" thing, which I never heard and I am sure is BS.

I don't know that one -shouldn't- combine phenetylamines with MDMA or the like... but I have heard of warnings against certain medicines (namely anti-depressants) being mixed with grapefruit juice. Something about serotonin syndrome or the like, probably. So, yeah, there's probably no scientific basis for any purported risks of dissolving LSD in fruit juices. Most likely it's all just muddled hearsay.

But I certainly can't blame you for wanting to check just to make sure - no one wants to waste the good stuff!