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LSD in commercial drinks

Just eat the sugar cubes they wont taste bad. From experience distilled water did not affect my LSD trip but I have never bothered with anything else just as I really couldn't be bothered wasting a trip after getting in the mood for one. If you have a problem with paper, stick it in your mouth and suck on it for a few seconds chew it and swallow, if it's sugar cubes just chew them and swallow or let them dissolve under your tongue. If it's liquid drop it under your tongue, if it's crystal sniff a fat line and become a navi.

Around here, many swear by experience that taking a drink shortly after or while the blotter is in the mouth will affect the acid - so much to the extent that it hasn't worked. This is completely different for the likes of 2cs which are much more stable, but for LSD it wouldn't surprise me when it's so sensitive to even light and time alone. If you are going to do it, I would suggest against things like Coca-Cola, purely for the fact that there's going to be plenty more shit that's likely to kill your LSD compared to some tap water. I find when LSD degrades it never disappears entirely, only degrades to a 'weaker' potency. I'm sure distilled water + some sort of concentrate e.g. orange for flavour will be fine. If you're looking to store it, I'd be looking at some sort've high purity alcohol however. It depends on the situation also I'd believe but I can't say if it's fact. There's going to be a lot of speculation in this thread, hopefully some others with experience can chime in. If you're being careful couldn't even the heat of a joint/pipe affect your acid while the blotter is in your mouth? Even things like that I tend to just not bother with, it's only 30 minutes max I'm gonah have the thing in my mouth anyway.

tl;dr distilled water worked fine for me no loss in potency, didn't try anything else. I was using distilled water for particularly horrible tasting tabs for when I was eating larger amounts and yes they were confirmed LSD.
He would tell me to put them in coffee or tea, and the heat would destroy it

One of the most famous trips in history is Lennon and Harrisons first trip. You know how they took it? Their dentist put it in their coffee.
if i remember right, the whole thing about chlorine in tap water and it destroying lsd is quite blown out of proportion. in that the amount of chlorine contained is really minute, and the actual number of molecules of acid affected is so low as to be unnoticeable. i even remember reading a calculation of the whole thing (perhaps erowid iirc) and the numbers really didnt add up to the nightmare scenario everyone imagines with this one.

i think you are worrying too much about bacteria eating up your acid before you do. sugarcubes man. easy. eat them. put them in lemonade. put them in coffee or milk or whatever. i doubt they will degrade that much from the moment of preparation till ingestion to be noticeable. i think overthinking it is more dangerous than just doing it (in this case)
Sorry lol, Im not eating 4 3/4in sugar cuges.

I guess I will just dissolve them all in a glass and try not to drink the sugar left at the bottom. About how long would it take to make sure the LSD dissolved? Because I did it once before with a much smaller amount and most of the sugar just went to the bottom, while some dissolved away. It didnt really seem to work as well either
What on Earth is problematic about eating 4 sugar cubes? Do you have the stomach of a gerbil or something? If you can, you know, eat ice cream, dinner, or any meal at all, I can't understand how you could have trouble eating 4 sugar cubes. Fuckin' weird.
Im guessing youve never ate a sugar cube?

let alone 4 extra large ones.

If I would want to just eat them, I would eat a large meal an hour or two before, but that would slow the come up, and I would much rather just drink it
Dissolving 4 sugar cubes in a glass of water will surely be less sugar than a standard soft drink or glass of orange juice. What's the problem again?
I have eaten plenty of sugar cubes, I thought it was normal for every child to, but I suppose an adult's stomach can't handle less sugar than a cup of orange juice? This is truly weirding me out lmao
Yanker, have your ppl put it on Sweet Tarts next time. Not Sprees, Sweet Tarts!!!!!!!!
If you really want to drink it, buy some clean water with little to no chemicals in it, yes it can be bought.
Then pour it in the glass, drop cubes in, drink.

Not to mention I can't believe you are worried about degrading since you're eating almost 5 doses. Sounds like regardless of whether you put it in tap water or not you're going to be tripping balls.
Yanker, have your ppl put it on Sweet Tarts next time. Not Sprees, Sweet Tarts!!!!!!!!

Im not yanker this is like the third time thats happened to me :!

^ And thats the point lol :D its the last of the really good stuff, so I want to make sure it will be OK.

Seems to me like the general consensus is that juices are OK, and pop is not. Too bad you cant just go around dosing what you want...

and sense I already made a thread... how does goldfish crackers sound for storage? Candy takes too long to dry, which is why I keep getting sugar cubes
What's all this jibber jabber about what to "dissolve" the LSD in? If it's liquid form just drop the dose on your goddamned tongue. If its a blotter or a microdot or a barrel or a gel-tab, just PUT THE DAMN THING IN YOUR MOUTH! How freakin' hard is that? Jeez, kids, it's not rocket science, some people out there are thinking WAAAY too hard!
What's all this jibber jabber about what to "dissolve" the LSD in? If it's liquid form just drop the dose on your goddamned tongue. If its a blotter or a microdot or a barrel or a gel-tab, just PUT THE DAMN THING IN YOUR MOUTH! How freakin' hard is that? Jeez, kids, it's not rocket science, some people out there are thinking WAAAY too hard!

Well if you must know.

I have a vial myself, and obviously I just drop that straight. But my dealer has another vial, of better acid. So if I want to dose, I have to go all the way to his house and get it first. Now, I could just drop right then and there, but sometimes I would like to save some of this amazing acid for another time, to do this, the liquid must be stored.

Now if you have ever dropped a liquid on a hard candy, you may notice it wont just soak up. Its gonna stay there for a long time, and usually you must squish it between two pieces to keep it safe, then let it dry for an hour. I dont feel like sitting around for an hour at this dudes house, so he drops it on sugar cubes and it takes like 5 mins to dry, but this makes a hassle for me later, especially when I want to eat all my acid at once. Cue this thread.

Now, am I doing everything by your people's standards? 8)

Jesus Christ you people are difficult
Well if you must know.

I have a vial myself, and obviously I just drop that straight. But my dealer has another vial, of better acid. So if I want to dose, I have to go all the way to his house and get it first. Now, I could just drop right then and there, but sometimes I would like to save some of this amazing acid for another time, to do this, the liquid must be stored.

Now if you have ever dropped a liquid on a hard candy, you may notice it wont just soak up. Its gonna stay there for a long time, and usually you must squish it between two pieces to keep it safe, then let it dry for an hour. I dont feel like sitting around for an hour at this dudes house, so he drops it on sugar cubes and it takes like 5 mins to dry, but this makes a hassle for me later, especially when I want to eat all my acid at once. Cue this thread.

Now, am I doing everything by your people's standards? 8)

Jesus Christ you people are difficult

Have the dude drop them on sweet tarts long before you go over so they have time to dry...
lol believe me I already know, I am not getting sugar cubes ever again

These are the last ones, and Im just trying to be able to eat them as easily as possible
OK I see why there is an issue now, thanks. Sorry for being so difficult. It's just what we do, LOL.

Isn't there any other kind of more porous candy than sweet tarts that could be used into which it would absorb faster? Surely there must be something?!
Well if you must know.

I have a vial myself, and obviously I just drop that straight. But my dealer has another vial, of better acid. So if I want to dose, I have to go all the way to his house and get it first. Now, I could just drop right then and there, but sometimes I would like to save some of this amazing acid for another time, to do this, the liquid must be stored.

Jesus Christ you people are difficult

Could you just take another vial or dark glass bottle of some kind?
a couple of times at a festival i dropped some liquid on a piece of dank bud (a small piece)...lol, porous and novel..!