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LSD in commercial drinks

lol this thread rocks.

Make a sugar sandwich, was one of me favourite sandwiches in the 70's. Along with ketchup sandwiches.
how is the dealer's acid "better" than yours?

Different batch lol. Ive had both like 20 times, I think I can tell the difference

I suppose I could just get the acid dropped in some liquid, but Id rather not expose it to light/air like that. The more contained I can keep the hit, the better. Which is why candy is so nice..

what about cardboard paper or something absorbent like a paper towel?

^ and yeah, I always make the best threads
A 500ml bottle of distilled water (labelled well) would be ideal. How is dropping it on random cardboard better than pure water? You don't know what bleaching agents or chemicals are in the paper, and at least the water is designed to be food safe and chlorine free. You could dump most of it out before adding the LSD, and rinse it with fresh water when you dose it.
Im not yanker this is like the third time thats happened to me :!

^ And thats the point lol :D its the last of the really good stuff, so I want to make sure it will be OK.

Seems to me like the general consensus is that juices are OK, and pop is not. Too bad you cant just go around dosing what you want...

and sense I already made a thread... how does goldfish crackers sound for storage? Candy takes too long to dry, which is why I keep getting sugar cubes
Sorry, Folley.... I am all over these sites and get confused. (ON names not drug related shit) Sorry for the faux pas. I don't know who you are, but thanks for sharing your stories and knowledge. Funny you ask about goldfish. I have used animal crackers a few times. It worked and I did store them for future use. I had them for approx. 9 months.:|
Im guessing youve never ate a sugar cube?

let alone 4 extra large ones.

If I would want to just eat them, I would eat a large meal an hour or two before, but that would slow the come up, and I would much rather just drink it

This thread is pretty insane, 4 sugar cubes is nothing, just eat them or dissolve in water(distilled) and drink, end of story. Not really sure what your aversion to sugar is :\ Crazy man
Ahaha I'm still cracking up at the thought of someone who can hold their stomach on psychedelics not being able to down 4 sugar cubes.
Go get a ruler for me real quick.

Take a look at an inch, (no not your penis, the ruler) take that inch, and using your imagination, turn that into a cube. That would be about the size of one of these cubes. If you would like to eat four of those on a mostly empty stomach, be my guest
In cafes and restaurants I always eat the sugar cubes that are left there to put in coffee, they are not quite an inch squared, more like 1.5cm squared, but I love eating sugar cubes. Couldn't think of a better way to take acid. I'll eat them for you, how about send them to me using the small object teleportation device I just invented because I was afraid of the mail service 8)
Ohhh I think I know what it must be, Im quite skinny. You all must just be used to all that extra sugar because you have... weight problems

hey man if you want to eat pure sugar thats cool. I mean, who am I to judge? Im the one talking about making lemonade, fucking crazy right?! 8(

yeah so this thread went no where real fast. Next time Ill leave out the part about sugar cubes, I guess once you "jolly" people start thinking about sugar theres no going back...
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I'm actually really skinny myself, am 5feet9 and weigh only 126 pounds, seriously need to gain weight.
was more referring to the guy who apparently sits down with a 10 pack of the things and doesnt stop eating till their gone lol
Not sure, you'd have to ask Mary Poppins 8)

I thought "There is no spoon" ;)
I'm not sure what the science is behind it, but I've heard a lot of people say never to drink orange juice with LSD or while using LDS unless you want to deliberately lessen it's effects. I've heard this about some other drugs too. From my experience I did seem to experience lessened effects while drinking orange juice with LSD. People suggest drinking a lot of orange juice if someone took too much acide and wants to come down. Does anyone know whether this is effect is actually true and, if so, why exactly this happens?
I'm not sure what the science is behind it, but I've heard a lot of people say never to drink orange juice with LSD or while using LDS unless you want to deliberately lessen it's effects. I've heard this about some other drugs too. From my experience I did seem to experience lessened effects while drinking orange juice with LSD. People suggest drinking a lot of orange juice if someone took too much acide and wants to come down. Does anyone know whether this is effect is actually true and, if so, why exactly this happens?

lol thats 100% false... its almost like your reading off the DARE handbook
Distilled water is water which has gone through a change of state, making the final product 100% H20, (not really, but close) boiling it will not rid of some impurities.

Catching the steam and then condensing it is distilled water.

I'm not sure if boiled water would work with LSD, I don't know chlorine's evaporation temperature.