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LSD and Sugar Cubes thread

Some blotter?

Im sure cubes could hold 10+ drops if you wanted to use that much, but its not nescesary.

Personally the few sugar cubes ive taken had 1 drop on them, and they were all weak as shit. I think LSD degrades quite easily with cubes and you really need to keep them in a good environment.

Maybe the LSD it self was "weak as shit"? As long as you put foil around the cube after the LSD has been dropped onto it, and you have it in a cool, dry environment it will last a while and hardly degrade.
Ya I've had cubes before and they will last a while if you kepe them in a cool dry dark space. the cubes I were easily as strong as most of the tabs I've had as well.
Maybe the LSD it self was "weak as shit"? As long as you put foil around the cube after the LSD has been dropped onto it, and you have it in a cool, dry environment it will last a while and hardly degrade.

Agreed. I've had liquid acid dropped onto sugar cubes stay strong for a month or more, kept in foil in the freezer. And the stuff I had was in no way "weak as shit".
Okay, so I have sugar cubes, and I have SweeTARTS. Here's my next question.

The LSD didn't absorb too well into the candy. I didn't want to sit around waiting for a few hours, so after about 10 minutes, I individually wrapped each candy in tin foil. I grabbed the tin foil and pressed onto the concave area (where the liquid was sitting,) then wrapped the rest. The tin foil has spots in the concave area of the candy where you can see where the liquid was sitting. When I eat the candy, I'm assuming some of the liquid will have rubbed off on the tin foil. Will licking the tin foil and eating the candy give me the same effect as if I had just dosed the LSD on my tongue? I already stored it in a freezer in an air tight ziplock baggy made for freezers.

My next question is, I plan on taking some tomorrow. Should I eat the candy, or the sugar cubes? I guess what I'm getting at is, which will store better for a longer period of time, the candy or sugar cubes? If the sugar cubes store better, I'll eat the candy tomorrow, and vice-versa.

Sorry for the bump, but maybe if I ask it this way, I might get an answer.

What would happen if you were to drop LSD on tin foil and wrap it up so it doesn't escape, then put it away in the freezer or stored it in a cool, dry, dark place? When you carefully open the tin foil again, would you be able to just lick the acid off of it and still trip as hard?
what?? lol.. that is a crazy plan.. put it on something slightly absorbent - a cracker - a cookie - anything.. dropping the liquid into open air and letting it sit is not good - especially not on tin foil since you can't just eat it..
Well it's just an example, but what I really did do was drop the liquid onto the SweeTARTs where it caves in, but I didn't have time to let it absorb, so I grabbed the tin foil, pressed into the little cave, and wrapped the wrest. Was that bad? When I eat the candy, I'm going to suck on the tin foil where it touched the acid just to be safe, will I still trip as hard as if I had let it absorb into the candy?
The effects will hardly be negated by it being on foil, lick the foil as you said and it will be fine. The lsd will store on whatever you put it on, the candy or cube really won't make any difference. For future reference though one drop on a cube then wrapped in foil will keep best, better yet just buy tabs.
How about making some yelly cubes (read the instructions on the packet) and once you pour the jelly in the small cubed shape container put the drop of LSD on it and put straight in the frideg for the LSD jelly to go hard?
Choose any flavour you want
sugar cubes are wonderful....

your bottle is probably an alcoholic solution i suppose....

A sugar cube will hold a decent amount but i imagine enough would break it down.... just leave it somewhere dark to dry and then add some more.... Sugar will recrystalize on its own....

Or you could just use more than one cube....
I had sugar cubes with as many as three drops per cube. Kept them wrapped in foil in the freezer were fine a few weeks later when I ate them. I've never really tried to store acid longer than a month, it's just too tempting.
Personally, I really like sour patch kids or other gummy candies. Easy to blot on, easy to see the dose, easy to munch.
There's no real way to measure a "drop" so there's no real way to answer your question OP.

When I have liquid LSD and I cant just put a drop on my tongue, I like to dose it on gummy bears or sugar cubes. I drop it on there, let it dry for a minute or two, wrap it in foil and stick it in the fridge. Anything that's somewhat absorbent will work though.
I like to wrap anything that has LSD on it in cling film (that plastic-y stuff your mom uses to wrap up the leftovers) and then put foil around it. When I'm ready to take it, I take whatevers inside out, put it in my mouth, and then put the cling film in my mouth and chew on that while the other thing is under my tongue.

You could chew the tin foil but trust me, it don't feel nice.
Be careful though, if you open and close the fridge more than 147 times with it in there the LSD will automatically break down.


Nobody is going to have the answer you're looking for here. There isn't a chemistry lab that is testing whether cookies are better for storing LSD than sugar cubes. Subjective experiences of "it didn't seem to break down" don't qualify.
My original question was roughly how many drops can a sugar cube hold, which I guess 2-3 drops per cube seems to be the general consensus. My next was what would happen if tin foil touched LSD, and I guess nothing (as long as you lick the tin foil.)

To all of those saying tin foil isn't going to feel good in your mouth, I've licked it plenty of times, and I've chewed on it every time as well. Since I don't have fillings in my teeth, I'm fine :).

I'm good though, I ate the LSD (the ones in the sugar cubes,) I tripped harder than ever, and had a great time :). All that's left are six SweeTARTs, all of which the guy dropped the acid on while he was frying really hard, so five of them have extra big drops lol. One has a single drop, the rest of them look like they have 2-3 drops - think big squeezes instead of a small drops. In other words, one of the candies has a small "drop," the rest have big fat squeezes, which is the equivalent of roughly 2-3 of the small "drops." Oh I can't wait until I eat those lol.
y do i see someone thinking "oh i must have ate the underdosed one, i should eat another"
I can tell which one has the small drop. The tin foil has an outline of where the LSD was sitting, so it's not hard to pick them the way I want to. Anyway, I plan on eating the one with the small drop plus another with the next smallest drop at a theme park, then I plan on eating the other four when I'm home alone :D.

The sugar cubes had 4.5 hits on it, well more like 5 because the guy said it was hard adding a half hit to a cube, and everywhere I looked I saw geometric fractals. In all honesty, the acid hit me in 10 minutes. I thought it was a placebo at first, but as the clock ticket, I couldn't stop laughing. At the 20 minute mark I had slight visuals if I stared at something long enough. At around 25-30 minutes I had uncontrollable laughter. Anyway, the sky looked like it had eyes staring down at me, but the trip was so strong I couldn't really focus on the visuals. Hell, I don't remember much of what happened lol.

I just remember thinking about my life, and I started thinking about objects and things I looked at, even colors, and how maybe I started out life like that.
I started thinking about death and accepted it, and started thinking about maybe rebirth (even though I don't believe in that.)
I started accepting my lifestyle, and I thought that during those moments while I was tripping, that maybe I was stuck like that (in a good way,) but also started thinking I can't wait until I sober up so I can tell this story to my other friends.
I started thinking that where I was was a big game, and everybody was in on it.
I started thinking that not only the people I was tripping with were part of the game, but EVERYBODY in general, but then I was thinking that's impossible since I'm on acid.

I don't know, my thoughts were so confused (even when the peak had subsided,) but the trip was good, and really hard to explain. Since I was tripping with a group of friends, I thought they knew all of my secrets. I thought I heard them all saying the stuff I do when I'm alone at home. Anyway, seeing as I haven't done acid much (six times including that trip, the first time being 1 tab, 2nd being 3, 3rd being 4, fourth being 1, and fifth being 4,) I don't know how to rate this acid seeing as I had a pretty big dose, but compared to the other two times when I had four hits, I'd say this was really strong stuff.
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