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☛ Official ☚ [LSA's Subthread] Extraction of LSA's

Just do an aqueous extraction. Dissolve it in water; filter the mush and evaporate the water in a pyrex pan; scrape up the residue, parachute it.
Umm i hate to sound stupid, but when i dissolve it in a pan, how do i do that? just let it sit out? or put it in the oven? or what? and do i put a cover on it?
And a pyrex pan is just a regular glass pan for like baking stuff right? i looked it up and that's what came up but i'm just making sure.
Yep, the kind of thing you make brownies with.

LSA is kind of heat sensitive so you can't heat it too much. You're best bet is to put it in an oven on the lowest heat setting (~150F). The less water you use the quicker you'll get your residue, but you don't want to use too little as to hinder the actual extraction.
Ok cool, we will do that, and if we get nausea we will just take tums or dramamine :D my questions are answered :D thank you :D
No problemo, glad to be of service :)

Since you got your answers and there's some good info I'll merge this with our B&D LSA extraction thread.
hey, this could work! :D

..Anyway, i'm going to try the same thing again but now i'm using something called Varnish makers and Painters Naptha in place of the zippo fluid naptha... is the stuff i'm now using (the VM & P Naphtha) A. Safe? and B. Effective? Thanks for the help and any advice whatsoever would be krunk. -Mnx4

okay, ive had some similar concerns and here's a theoretical alternative..

grind seeds(~500(heavenly blue morning glories) a dose?) in coffee grinder

put in small bowl and add lemon juice or lemon extract(expensive) to acidify.. let sit for a while

..now here's the part ive never seen anywhere else..

put powder in mason jar with olive oil.. shake shake shake.. let sit for a while..

put contents of mason jar into small french press

press, dispose of oil..

add ethanol (everclear..the kind you drink), more lemon juice or lemon extract, and peppermint oil.. shake shake shake.. let sit for a while..

press, dispose of seed mush..

let alcohol evaporate to a reasonable level.. maybe a shot or less? you could theoretically use the top of a dehydrator set to the lowest temperature placed on top of a large mixing bowl with the smaller bowl containing the alcohol inside.. this would theoretically evaporate the alcohol rather quickly but not destroy the alkaloids..

now, theoretically, the room will smell of strong alcohol (gross), but it would theoretically be a fun process. theoretically, if you use to much peppermint oil it would be overpowering when you theoretically mix it with a can of barqs and drink it at your kitchen table (theoretically).. but then, there are worse tastes than peppermint. now, i think that theoretically, the peppermint would do something.. but of course it doesn't really hurt either way.

the experience could theoretically be very positive and euphoric.. with mild waves of color "melting" or washing over someone's field of vision.. colors enhanced.. structures so crystal clear and connected they seem almost translucent.. more like shrooms than lsd, but more lsd like than shrooms alone.. mild nausua at first, ~no worse than a gram of shrooms or so.. at least, it could theoretically be just like that for someone.. probably not you though..

now, i would never suggest that someone do this.. not even theoretically.. but, if you are going to ingest heavenly blue morning glory seeds for a psychedelic experience and are considering using potentially harmful chemicals, i will say that this extraction could provide a similar function without the need for using anything that is not regulated for the purpose of human ingestion.. booya! :D

as an added note, i think that the alkaloids contained in the morning glory seeds can be a little hard on people's bodies.. that doesn't mean the experience isn't worth it.. i don't know.. be safe, listen to your body! :) also, this was a pain in the ass to write.. much like telling someone how to make a pbj if you ever did that in school or wherever.. use common sense with measurements and stuff when thinking about someone theoretically doing this! :D
^^ People are usually a little more actual than theoretical around these parts. Though your post is very informative it reads like SWIMming which is unnecessary.

Welcome to BL!
^^ People are usually a little more actual than theoretical around these parts. Though your post is very informative it reads like SWIMming which is unnecessary.

Welcome to BL!

srry, bluelight does specifically say that it will give information to the authorities if asked though.. and i was being funny.. or at least, i was laughing! :D

but, i actually signed back on because i realized that even though my idea would totally theoretically be awesome and totally fucking work.. :D.. a few things there are totally unecessary..

here goes..

scrap the lemon extract, ethanol, peppermint oil, dehydrator..

instead lemon juice, distilled water, no peppermint oil neccessary.. chug chug chug! :D

it was theoretically really really fun to think about possibly someone else doing this extraction.. but there's no need to spend all that extra time and money.. plus, water is better for you than alcohol.. the key thing was the more passive but still effective process using the oil and french press! :)
Where does it say that bluelight will give information to the authorities?

from the Bluelight User Agreement:


4. # In case Bluelight receives a court order with a properly authorized request, any stored information may be provided to law enforcement officials.

If this is true, I wonder if this has ever happened...

i sure hope not.. and i don't think anyone needs to worry.. but still..
.. a few things there are totally unecessary..

here goes..

scrap the lemon extract, ethanol, peppermint oil, dehydrator..

instead lemon juice, distilled water, no peppermint oil neccessary.. chug chug chug! :D

using the distilled water, squeezed lemon juice, no peppermint oil made a big salty theoretical mess!!! logged in as soon as i could to tell you guys this! it theoretically did NOT work the same as the theoretical extraction using the ethanol..

furthermore, the first and ONLY time i theoretically did the ethanol extraction, it could have been a total fucking fluke! lucky theoretical me then.. best of luck! <3
Cold Water Extraction of LSA

Cold Water Extraction Method
Supplies needed:


1 glass

20 ounces of distilled water

1 large (family size) empty tea bag or 2-3 smaller ones

Coffee grinder



a sifter or splatter screen or something

paper towels


a touch of liquid hand soap


1. Remove seeds from bags and count the number you would like to use (I recommend at least 400, and at most 600 for the first time)

2. Wash whole seeds briefly to remove any fungicides or other seed coatings. Do this by putting the seeds into a bowl and covering with some cold water. Put just a touch of hand soap in the water. Work the seeds around in the bowl with your fingers for about 10-20 seconds.

3. Rinse seeds. Put them in the sifter or on the splatter screen and rinse with cold tap water until all the soap is gone. (It is probably a good idea not to have them in the water too long, as the water might get into the seeds and remove a little of the alkaloids.)

4. Dry seeds. Do NOT use a blowdryer! Dry them well with paper towels.

5. Once they are dry, grind them pretty thoroughly in a coffee grinder, but not to the point of a fine powder. You want the black seed hulls to remain a little coarse.

6. Put the grounds into the empty tea bags and then staple the tea bags shut. Leave some breathing room in each bag since, when wet, the seed mush will expand and might break the bag if it is too full.

7. Put the tea bags into the glass which you have filled with cold distilled water.

8. Aid the extraction by getting the water into the mush. Some will tend to clump and remain in an air pocket. Use the spoon to submerge the bags and to squeeze them gently against the side of the glass. Also, you can lift and dunk the bags repeatedly to help extract the LSA.

9. Leave glass to sit in a cool dark place for ten minutes with spoon on top of bags to keep them submerged if they are trying to float.

10. Go back and work on the bags some more with the spoon. Be careful not to tear the bag. If you do tear it and mush leaks out, you will have to filter the water.

11. Leave glass to sit for another ten minutes.

12. Work with spoon some more and then remove the bags and squeeze most of the water that remains in them into the glass.


14. Drink water.

Tried this last night... the onset was about 1.5 hrs, didn't really get a lot of visuals, but a prety heavy euphoric high. Felt like I was drunk. The come down was very sedating though. Seems like the other two people who tried this method didn't get very much out of it though. out of 7 people that night, 3 did the cold water, the rest tried to find ways of eating it. One kid tried putting it in an ice cube tray and freezing the powder in ice cubes... but that failed so he ended up using the goup as a pesto-sandwitch. Needless to say after about an hour he puked hard core, then almost everyone else who ate it ended up puking immediately after they saw him puke. One kid managed to hold his own for about 3 hrs before he puked.. the only ones who didn't throw up were the ones who drank it through cold water distillation
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I'm doing a variation of this tek. and had a couple questions.

How temperature & light sensitive are LSA's?

What color is LSA's?

And lastly, what are the alkaloids removed in the polar (naptha) stage?
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Now Available On Groovy Head Movie!!!


STARRING(not in order of appearance):

-Small French Press
-Food Dehydrator
-Olive Oil
-High Proof Alcohol
-Cellophane Wrap
-Kitchen Counter
-Pyrex Bowl
-Sturdy Butter Knife
-Lemon Juice
-Large Ceramic Bowl
-Peppermint Oil Extract
-6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds
-1 Pint Mason Jar
-2 Small Glass Pudding Dishes
-Small Coffee Grinder
-Dark Closet
-Room Temperature
-Airtight Food Container
-1 Oatmeal Spoon
-Ginger Root

the following film has been rated ::NPPN:: (not for people pregnant or nursing)

Booger ground the 6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds in the Coffee Grinder in bursts to attempt to keep the motor from overheating and destroying the Alkaloids. When the 6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds had become fairly uniform in size he scraped the Small Coffee Grinder into a Small Glass Pudding Dish. He added Lemon Juice a few drops at a time and stirred so that the 6 Grams Morning Glory Seed powder would be covered by the acidic Lemon Juice so that the Alkaloids would become more-polar but the Lemon Juice would not be in excess and pool up in the dish.

Booger stirred the mixture thoroughly. The mixture had a unique smell. He let the mixture dry for a few hours and stirred it occasionally. Once Booger felt the Alkaloids had become more-polar he scrapped the mixture into the Small French Press. He added Olive Oil to the glass until it was about 2/3 full so that he could stir the mixture without it spilling over the top.

Booger stirred frequently with a Fork.

The 6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds mixture stuck together at first, but he kept stirring it at random and when he thought about it and was excited about what he was doing. Slowly but surely the elements of the original mixture became slightly easier to mix with the Olive Oil.

The mixture sat on Booger's Kitchen Counter in the Small French Press for a few days and he stirred it when he thought about it and was okay with what he was doing. He periodically checked the new Olive Oil-6 Gram Morning Glory Seed mixture against the original bottle of Olive Oil to see if the color had changed. He was hoping that the non-polar ingredients would slowly mix with the Olive Oil but the polar ingredients would not.

Eventually, the Olive Oil in the Small French Press seemed to have changed in appearance. He put the top of the Small French Press on the glass and pushed it downward. Booger poured the Olive Oil into the sink. He added a small amount of High Proof Alcohol and attempted to wash the Olive Oil off the seeds. He did this a few times until the seeds were not oily to the touch. Booger did this part of the process quickly so as not to remove any of the polar Alkaloids, just the Olive Oil.

Booger scrapped the seeds into a fresh Small Glass Pudding Dish. He added more Lemon Juice, about 2.5ml Peppermint Oil Extract, and High Proof Alcohol and stirred. The mixture was about 2/3 solid and maybe a little more that 1/3 liquid. He stirred it thoroughly.

Booger's idea was that the 6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds would have been washed with the Olive Oil of the undesirable irritants and the Lemon Juice would would further acidify/make more-polar the Alkaloids, the High Proof Alcohol would rip the Alkaloids from the 6 Grams Morning Glory Seeds, and the Peppermint Oil Extract would react with the Alkaloids to create a less irritating compound.

Booger mixed it thoroughly and set it in a Dark Closet overnight at Room Temperature to let it dry.

The next day, he put the contents of the Small Glass Pudding Dish into a 1 Pint Mason Jar, added Distilled Water, and stirred. The Distilled Water instantly became milky white. He stirred it a few more times that night, covered it with Cellophane Wrap, and put it in the Refrigerator.

It sat in the Refrigerator for about a week. He took it out the last couple of days and stirred it, and then placed it back in the Refrigerator. He had originally planned to drink the liquid but did not want/feel comfortable doing so..

When Booger removed the 1 Pint Mason Jar the mixture had separated into three distinct layers. The top layer was still milky white. This was the layer that should have contained the Alkaloids and was approximately the same amount as the Distilled Water he poured in earlier.

Booger had originally planned to pour the entire mixture into the Small French Press to separate the liquids from the solids but it was apparent to him that the solids were congealed at the bottom. He poured the top liquid into a Pyrex Bowl and placed the Pyrex Bowl into a Large Ceramic Bowl.

The mixture had separated, leaving the top layer, which Booger poured into the Pyrex Bowl, and two other layers. The two other layers were one on the bottom, which looked much like the original seed powder mixture, and the second layer, which was a syrupy tan brown layer that did not pour into the Pyrex Dish, but seemed stuck in between. He took care not to allow the second layer to get into the Pyrex Dish.

Booger placed the Pyrex Dish containing the milky white liquid into the Large Ceramic Bowl and placed the top of the Food Dehydrator on top of it so that the intake was over the Large Ceramic Bowl but the output was over the Pyrex Dish containing the milky white liquid.

The top of the Food Dehydrator was set to the lowest setting at approximately 95*F or 35*C.

Booger let it sit overnight and the next morning it was almost completely dried out. He went to work and when he came back he was pretty sure it was completely dried out. He left again.. and when he finally came back home later the Pyrex Dish contained what looked like salt crystals spread evenly over the dish covered by a thin layer of oil that went about 1 inch up the side!

Booger touched the contents of the Pyrex Dish with his finger to make sure that it was a dry as it could get. He unplugged the top of the Food Dehydrator, and brought the Pyrex Dish to the counter and covered it with Cellophane Wrap. He peeled back one side of the Cellophane Wrap and began to scrape the contents of the Pyrex Dish with a Sturdy Butter Knife. The Cellophane Wrap was to keep the scrapped contents of the from flying out of the dish.

Booger scrapped in periodic sessions until his arm got tired. It was half crystal, half oil, with a yellow-tan hue that stuck to the knife as he proceeded..

Booger put the results in an Airtight Food Container and continued as his muscles and mind would allow..

Booger ended up with approximately 1 Oatmeal Spoon of yellow-tan extract that he still to this day has yet to ingest..

Booger plans to one day mix the finished product with chopped up Ginger Root to ease indigestion. He has no clue how potent the final extract is but it is, in appearance, at least or more pure that current chemical extraction methods.

Booger told his story because he believes there are other adults in our society that find value in the psychedelic experience but are not willing to compromise their bodies with otherwise hazardous chemicals or interact with potentially dangerous social circles.

Booger did his best to tell the truth and keep his syntax down to Earth but is aware of his limitations to keep it real! Booger loves you!!! :)
..a magical blessing..pass it on..

Evil Magik
Bad Magik
Go, Go, Away
Stay In Hell
And Rot
And Smell
Until The End Of Days.

Never Fear
Only Steer
Drink A Beer
And Let Them Hear.

Time To Heal
Time To Feel
Time To Let
The Pain Be Peeled.

Time To Mix
Time To Fix
Time To Laugh
And Not Be Dicks.

what is this even supposed to make?

i highly doubt people qwill synth and consume something they dont know what it is
still, lots of riddles and shit like that is no way to present a synthesis.

this is borderline dangerous considering dosages and warnings etc arent present, along with the fact it doesnt say what it is to make.

OP explain yourself.
It's a morning glory extraction from 6 grams of seeds (bout one dose or so I think). Some people believe that combining the peppermint oil with the LSAs will create LSH, though I think this has been disproven somewhere or other. Anyway it would still theoretically result in the alkaloid extraction....though it's a strange method.

Until you try it and see how successful it was no one will probably attempt the extraction this way (heh olive oil).