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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Last movie you watched?


Only thing good about the movie is Charlize...
Chronicles of Riddick

Fascinating concept, simply amazingly gorgeous visually, and good music...but acting and actual direction/execution...meh. A shame, really.
Everything is illuminated

It was pretty good, a very quiet and slow-paced film though, but it moved me a lot. I think I will look for Master and Commander next time - rented it once but fell asleep due to Methadone ingestion.
Psyko_dk said:
Everything is illuminated

It was pretty good, a very quiet and slow-paced film though, but it moved me a lot. I think I will look for Master and Commander next time - rented it once but fell asleep due to Methadone ingestion.

i posted about that film a couple of months ago.

totally dug it.

i just got back from nacho libre.
if you love jack black, you will LOVE this film.

i giggled a LOT.
I watched Searchin For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus last weekend. An utterly fascinating film. It explores the deep south of the US and the music that was birthed and still lives and breathes there. You're taken on the tour by Jim White, an alt-country musician, who drives an old beat up Chevy because, well, "folks down there won't talk to you if you roll up in a Mercedes."

It is a little myopic, but I highly recommend it if only for the imagery and the music. Plus there are some seriously disturbing church congregation scenes.
I just watched "Imprint" last night. It's part of a "Masters of Horror" series, this one was directed by Takashi Miike. Surprisingly it's banned from American TV, and I thought showtime could show whatever they wanted.

It started off a little show and the acitng a little over the top, but when it gets to the torture scene you get your moneys worth. I don't think it should have been banned but you can see why it was. It's not overly bloody, it's just a squemish kind of scene involving needles.
poopie said:
i just got back from nacho libre.
if you love jack black, you will LOVE this film.

I can only recall seing Jack Black in two films: Orange County (not the series but a film) and King Kong. I think he's awesome in the latter portraying an incredible haughty and dedicated captain who will rather go down with his ship than to let Kong out of his sight. At times he seems to drift into a state of utter madness like in the scene in which the three large carnivore dinosaurs are moving in his direction fast and he just keeps shooting his film.
Jack blacks captures this person perfectly.
City of Angels

i loved that movie, and the weed made it even more special and impacting

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

I hadn't seen it in a while and I had forgotten just how good (and creepy, and strange) it is. Makes me want to watch the whole series again.
fruitfly said:
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

I hadn't seen it in a while and I had forgotten just how good (and creepy, and strange) it is. Makes me want to watch the whole series again.

Srsly. Great movie and the series is one of the best shows ever, IMO.
Carrie. Again. I needed a good bloody horror flick to watch tonight ;) Parts of this movie(especially that CRAZY fundamentalist wackjob of a mother Carrie had!) always makes me feel so damn thankful for my life!!=D
^Yep, you should check it out. Epecially if you like films like Carrie (so do I!).


I first watched this when it was on late on TV. I remember I got really creeped out by the soundtrack. Started getting paranoid and looking around the room for anything untoward. I thought the dubbing was hilarious too. It made all the actors seem really crap. Even tho I'm sure they weren't actually that bad.
If you end up liking it, check out one of Dario Argento's other films-Deep Red (A.K.A Profondo Rosso)...


It's not as good as Suspiria (in my opinion) but it's still pretty creepy. :)

I first saw about 30 mins of this a few months back on TV. I was so tired after coming home from work that I ended up falling asleep. I was gutted that I missed it as it looked promising. So I decided to buy it on DVD, put it on yesterday and fell asleep again!. Nevertheless, I watched it from start to finish this morning and I really enjoyed it.

I'm really getting into old films lately, especially musicals or films directed by Elia Kazan. I guess I'm making up for when I was younger and I refused to watch a film unless it was in colour. That and the fact that these days it's all about remakes and trilogies :X .

Anyway, Carmen Jones was a great film. And I was instantly drawn to Dorothy Dandridge when she appeared on screen. She seemed to have such great personality and was interesting to watch. Really sexy too. It's a shame most of the voices were dubbed with 'real singers' on the musical numbers tho. It would have been nice to hear their real voices.