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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Kurt Cobain's Suicide and MTV Unplugged in New York

Yes I think he killed himself.
I think there's no doubt he was driven to it though.

Countney's ability to prey on the weak in order to get her leg ups is famous.
even her own Dad believes she did it. its in his 2 books.
"kurt cobain beyond nirvana" and "who killed kurt".
seems strange her own dad would do that.

how about her own poem from before his death?
"now i can see a future date..... i'll destroy anyone in my way, i'll kill every lousy lay,
cause i got my eye on a future date"
Now this may be rock and roll lyrics but it certainly shows her desperation for success at any cost.
she has a huuuuge history of violence and assault even when pregnant.
The amount of journalists who have received death threats from her is uncountable
People refusing to give interviews or disappearing with regards to this issue is huge.
How about El Duche?
He confessed on a british documentary he was offered 50,000 dollars to kill kurt and then was killed within days of the event.
apparently she said make it look like suicide.

someone such as Kurt is easy prey.
someone already troubled, with a junk habit, with fantasies of suicide is an easy target for murder/ or emotional manipulation ESPECIALLY when the ENTIRE of nirvana's wealth is the reward.
look at her now!
Materialistic, cold hearted, femme fatale of the worst kind.
she's about as punk rock as my pooh bear pillow case.

Kurt was famously sensitive, loving and warm hearted.
There's no way he would abandon his kid.
and whats with the lame end to his supposed "suicide note"? come on!

why wasn't there a proper investigation about his death even if it "looks" like suicide?

And hey - he had a minimum of 1.5 ml per litre of of high quality smack in his system when his body was found. I don't know how many junkies there are out there, but loading and firing a shotgun at that time would've been pretty tricky no?

and anyway he had his shoes on.

and what about courtney allegedly forcing him to change his will for the month running up to the death? the witness who said that was fucking terrified, blatantly.

i dont think he was murdered, but i do think he was driven to it.

No other bands music has been so profitable or so severely controlled by just one individual. she rakes it in.

She recovered pretty quickly and seems to love the high life.
either way i wouldn't piss up her arse if her kidneys were on fire.

god bless Kurt
Countney's ability to prey on the weak in order to get her leg ups is famous.
even her own Dad believes she did it. its in his 2 books.
"kurt cobain beyond nirvana" and "who killed kurt".
seems strange her own dad would do that.

how about her own poem from before his death?
"now i can see a future date..... i'll destroy anyone in my way, i'll kill every lousy lay,
cause i got my eye on a future date"
Now this may be rock and roll lyrics but it certainly shows her desperation for success at any cost.

I don' think quoting her own father's quotes back at us is any solid proof that she did it in this case. He's clearly as fucked up as she is. But that still fails to prove anything.

look at her now!

Er...she's nothing more than a fucked up old hag desperate to raise her daughter in the best way that she can. There's nothing to be proud of there in any way shape or form. But imo she's doing the best that she can given the amount of grief she's suffered in her life.

Materialistic, cold hearted, femme fatale of the worst kind.
she's about as punk rock as my pooh bear pillow case.

OK, I see where you're coming from here. She really is all about success, fame, fortune, and all the rest of it. But that doesn't automatically make her evil.

There's no way he would abandon his kid.

How do you know?!.

And hey - he had a minimum of 1.5 ml per litre of of high quality smack in his system when his body was found. I don't know how many junkies there are out there, but loading and firing a shotgun at that time would've been pretty tricky no?

Nobody is taking his tolerance into account here. Everybody who knew him said that he was shooting dangerously high amounts of H, and that they were scared just watching him. :\

She recovered pretty quickly and seems to love the high life.

You reckon?. She still seems pretty fucked up to me. :\
ahhh indeed - speculation is what it's all about.

I think i was just trying to throw some ideas out there without the use of CAPITALS!

your right that nothing is concrete.
still, seems fishy to me.

but yeah, she's fucked up anyhow.
yes i do actually. there is an extra on the season 1 dvd. paul ekman oversees the making of the show and facilitates each episode so they can get it as close to accurate as possible. they compare each facial expression used to that of the actual emotion so it is almost %100 accurate.

Well, but they can't train actual people to notice these subtle things right? I just learned about this in my linguistics class, and it basically sounded like the only way to accurately measure these tiny facial twitches/movements was by recording it on video, and then having some program, probably do some statistical analysis. Also, apparently when telling a lie people tend to use less first person pronouns.

But overall, I think that those aren't good enough to tell if someone is lying either. I mean, they have pretty good success, but almost 100% is not 100%.

I think that the problem that investigators might run into when applying this large scale is that the police officers, especially if they're able to do this test in the field without the use of a computer, is that it will be subject to the police officer's personal biases, as well as their misinterpretations.

Mostly I'm just worried that individual variation won't come into play here. Maybe that fraction left over from the 100% doesn't make the facial movements/pronoun mistakes because he is incapable of doing so, or simply doesn't very often. On the other hand, what if there is someone that naturally does that more often.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I suppose I'm ok with it so long as it's not the only piece of evidence, or even a large majority piece. I don't know though, I'll have to think about it more.

Sorry for taking this a little OT, but it seemed relevant to the important of the detection of the facial feature.
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why are people still talking about kurt cobain's suicide? hasn't this been established a million times over? he seemed like an ok guy, god bless em, but jeez, blowing him up to be this huge icon is retarded - no pun intended

p.s. courtney love can go to fucking hell, I agree
Unsolved Mystery

Here's the unsolved mystery of his death. It's a very interesting conspiracy theory that take's opinions from both sides so it's not biased.

And I don't believe there are many Kurt cobain fans in here. The songs people say are the most chilling are the most main stream.

I believe clean up before she comes and sappy are some of Nirvanas best. As well as penny royal tea.

And I'm curious about who said Kurt Cobain had all these mental illnesses? I as well have his autobiography and did numerous school reports on Kurt Cobain and not once heard he had these illnesses. I'm not disputing the fact that he was a troubled individual, but I never heard of some of the stuff I read on here.

RIP Kurt.. Fuck Axl Rose for dissing Kurt, and fuck Metallica. I use to be a fan but after they kept making jokes about Kurt's death at their concerts they became dead to me.. fucking pricks
The single biggest thing I remember about Kurt, is the time (long ago) that I got into an argument with this super hardcore Nirvana nerd about where the song "The Man Who Sold the World" came from.

He swore it was a Nirvana original. I told him David Bowie wrote it (this was before the internet got really popular)

Suffice it to say, he felt pretty stupid a few days later.

why are people still talking about kurt cobain's suicide? hasn't this been established a million times over? he seemed like an ok guy, god bless em, but jeez, blowing him up to be this huge icon is retarded - no pun intended

p.s. courtney love can go to fucking hell, I agree
i'm not trying to dwell on the fact that he died, and i wasn't saying that it made a huge difference what i noticed (the facial expression), but i just wanted to see what people thought.

kurt didn't kill himself to be an icon. he was a fucked up guy, and it really is better to bun out than fade away.

Well, but they can't train actual people to notice these subtle things right? I just learned about this in my linguistics class, and it basically sounded like the only way to accurately measure these tiny facial twitches/movements was by recording it on video, and then having some program, probably do some statistical analysis. Also, apparently when telling a lie people tend to use less first person pronouns.

But overall, I think that those aren't good enough to tell if someone is lying either. I mean, they have pretty good success, but almost 100% is not 100%.

I think that the problem that investigators might run into when applying this large scale is that the police officers, especially if they're able to do this test in the field without the use of a computer, is that it will be subject to the police officer's personal biases, as well as their misinterpretations.

Mostly I'm just worried that individual variation won't come into play here. Maybe that fraction left over from the 100% doesn't make the facial movements/pronoun mistakes because he is incapable of doing so, or simply doesn't very often. On the other hand, what if there is someone that naturally does that more often.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I suppose I'm ok with it so long as it's not the only piece of evidence, or even a large majority piece. I don't know though, I'll have to think about it more.

Sorry for taking this a little OT, but it seemed relevant to the important of the detection of the facial feature.
if they researched it enough (and believe me i watch that show enough for it to be considered research) people could see these facial expressions in everyday life. it would take a ton of paying close attention since they only happen for like a millisecond, but it is possible.
cbf readin whole thread but wasnt there some shit going around that he was killed?

by that fat fuck from the mentors i think it was it said
i know from a far off source on an island not near that kurt cobain was given heroin spiked with truth

he saw good tides and washed away sorrows with guilt