Blog Kicking Kratom Once and For All!!!

Hey Kratom, nice story. I agree with what the other guy said previously if the story had stopped with the gallbladder incident I would have been left hanging and generally disappointed. I am a heroine addict who is kicking now but we'll see. I'm going on 40 hours. Man, I am from the Northeast also. Where in the NorthEast are you?
Live in PA. Good job making it almost 2 days off the H - keep it up and eye on the prize! Sobriety has its own downsides but the rewards are so much better!!
Day 24. Going to be in the mid 70s here in the northeast today. Insanity for November but I will take it!

I'm on the west coast and it just got cold. I read that the same system that is going to bring us cold weather is bringing you warm weather. Hey, give us our weather back!=D
Interesting development today. Had my dental cleaning today and complained to them about my back jaw hurting the last few weeks. I have my wisdom teeth in so thought maybe they were acting up.

Teeth checked out fine, they think I am clenching/grinding my teeth at night. Asked if maybe I was stressed at all lately. If only they knew!! :)

It makes sense as it coincides with me giving up kratom which always allowed me to sleep like a baby. While quality of sleep right now is pretty good and I am off all sleep aids, I guess I developed some teeth clenching. Going to work on relaxation techniques in the time leading up to bed. Hard because my wife likes to fall asleep to the tv and she usually stays up later than me too but we will see what I can do.
You are lucky not to have any problems, it's normally a small fortune when I to have mine done.
There's always something like retraction of gum or specific cleaning always needed to be done with someone el$e.

Yep. If only they knew..
Cravings hitting hard today. Hardest since I've quit. My son is over at a friend's and my wife is chilling on the couch watching tv. I am trying my best to stay busy and occupy myself by doing housework but the thought of hitting up a head shop for a little kratom keeps sneaking into my brain. So annoying.

I'm going to spectate at a bodybuilding show in a few hours so am going to hold strong and deal with the cravings. This too shall pass.
Remember that cravings do not last that much. Adapt your day at a time to 'one hour at a time' if needed, keep postponing it all day long.
Good that you are trying to keep yourself busy. I know it's annoying but as you say "that too shall pass".
Wishing you the best! :)
Thanks Erikmen. Once I got to the bodybuilding show and starting talking with fellow competitors and guys I know, kratom left my mind for the rest of the night. Another craving squashed by the iron will and determination of sobriety

the tireness is normal I think. This is the time when your body repairs itself.
Or you have a lack of some minerals, vitamines or something.
Apples, Ginko, B-Vitamines, Crataegus...
Indeed. Suggest you try to exercise as it will make you feel great. :)
Recover some of the endorphin you need to produce!
On due course.
Keep up with the good work!!

Congrats KD! Keep moving forward. One month in a couple of days!! :)
Thanks - day 29 today and still going strong. Rarely a day I don't think about using some substance or another but thoughts are better than actions any day when it comes to using
Keep yourself busy and when you feel like using it postpone it for some other time. Develop your own strategy.
You are doing well! Keep up! :)