Blog Kicking Kratom Once and For All!!!

Glad to hear someone made it through to the other side.I just finished day five and right now I feel pretty good although we all know it comes in waves, regardless I think I've made through worst of the acute phase. Now I just have to tackle my benzo dependency before I got to court and I'll be golden.j
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Glad to hear someone made it through to the other side. I recently was charged with "Battering an Officer" and although everyone says I should get house arrest at the very most since it was a first offence I figured I had better kick this 3 year habit just in case I end up doing time. I just finished day five and right now I feel pretty good although we all know it comes in waves, regardless I think I've made through worst of the acute phase. Now I just have to tackle my benzo dependency before I got to court and I'll be golden.

You have just come clean from kratom? Hope you can avoid prison and kick all your substances. Get a new lease on life
Day 22

Been fighting a cold the last couple days. Ain't no thing. I told my wife last night that compared to withdrawals this is a cake walk.

Watched an interesting documentary on HBO last night about end of life and in home
Hospice care. Thought I was going to be very depressed watching it, especially since I just lost my mom 2 years ago. Strangely enough I found a certain piece watching these people drift off into death surrounded by their family. It really resonated with me that we are so incredibly fortunate to be alive and healthy that to bemoan the daily grind and struggle is so silly. Be thankful for the breath in your lungs and the ability to still make choices. Every day is a gift.
You have just come clean from kratom? Hope you can avoid prison and kick all your substances. Get a new lease on life

Thanks! My charge was a misdemeanor and I have no prior's so as long as I can get clean before court everyone(including my lawyer) I've talked to has told me I'm not likely to do time. Now all I have to worry about is getting off these damn rc benzos. My stash is running thin and I'm just now starting to taper since I didn't want to w/d from two substances at the same time.
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Hey. i read your post and I sympathize with your situtation. I am a recovering amphetamine addict and I'm about to try kratom for my first time. Do you have any advice for me? Sorry to hear about your situation
I'd give you the same advice I wish I gave myself when searching for opiate substitutes - don't start taking kratom. It has the power to addict like any other substance that boosts your endorphins and brings on euphoria. Focus on healthy habits and getting active and your body will get itself high and you will save yourself the money, and withdrawals down the line
Day 16 - the thought of substance abuse (kratom, opiates, even pot) invade my daily thoughts now. The real test will come when they are readily available without me having a chance of getting caught and if I can walk away from it.
I'm back exercises good and eating but still scatter brained, I want serenity so bad
I appreciate this thread I'm going through Kratom withdrawals I was using Kratom to help with Benzos. Now coming off both.. I always start back because I need something. I need to exercise socialize and and work
How long does it take to feel normal off Kratom. I really don't know what normal is I've been drinking takin or smoking something since adolescents
you're doing so well :D :D :D over 3 weeks clean. Go!!!! Keep up the nice work :)
Sirnatural - it took me about 2 weeks to feel "normal" and positive. That is going complete sub free though. No alcohol, no smokes, completely healthy. Your body needs you to fuel it and treat it properly if you want it to feel healthy. Mentally everyone is different so that may vary. I had a few good cries the week after quitting and that was important to get back in touch with emotions instead of burying them under a substance.
you're doing so well :D :D :D over 3 weeks clean. Go!!!! Keep up the nice work :)

Thanks! I'm hoping I can maintain this long term but I would be lying if I said the thought of using wasn't in my head on the daily. Just last night I dreamt about heroin. Was offered it but I declined. I've never taken heroin before so this is a bit troubling but I take solace in the fact that I refused it in my dream. Every day is a fight.
Day 23 - cold persists which is a nuisance but still making it into work and keeping busy. Weekend will be here before you know it!!
Thanks! I'm hoping I can maintain this long term but I would be lying if I said the thought of using wasn't in my head on the daily. Just last night I dreamt about heroin. Was offered it but I declined. I've never taken heroin before so this is a bit troubling but I take solace in the fact that I refused it in my dream. Every day is a fight.

Maintain my friend, maintaaaain. You've come a long way. it totally wouldn't be worth starting over again. whether its kratom, heroin or any addictive substance for that matter.
Good on you for conquering the demon in your dream..! That sure is saying something.
Im day 4 (or 5?) clean from heroin today... my personal best since becoming addicted. it feels amazing already. I cant wait for day 10.
Personal best?! Hell yeah, that's great!!! I think I have to surpass a month to have my longest clean streak in 7 years or so. It's amazing how fast the time flys by when in your drug and how slow it seems when sober :)
Day 23 - cold persists which is a nuisance but still making it into work and keeping busy. Weekend will be here before you know it!!

Did you ever get colds when you were on kratom? I took kratom every day for 2 years and never had a cold during that time. When I took breaks, I got sick. As soon as i quit, I got sick. They were not WDs, and kratom was not masking any colds when I was on it.
Very very infrequently did I get sick when on kratom and even if I did get a cold, kratom relieved the symptoms of congestion and sinus pressure. Oh, trust me I was thinking about this every thing the other day when I started getting sick :)
Day 24. Going to be in the mid 70s here in the northeast today. Insanity for November but I will take it!