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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(JWH-018/1.5 mgs) New experience: Holy shit, I'm dying! Worst night ever.

The fact that JWH-018 shouldn't be a brown color should have been your first warning sign.
Brown or amber not much difference

I have now tasted both the compacted brown stuff and the amber powder. As far as effects go, I could not tell the difference other than the brown stuff is weaker.

People who are THC neophytes and are unfamiliar with the effects of getting extremely stoned should be wary.

I'm an old pothead and I have no qualms with 7 to 10 mgs hits, but I'm sure It could give one the "palpatations". I have sort of OD'd myself but you just hang on and know things are going to level out. The scary part lasted about 10 minutes and this was early in my experimentations and i was mostly panicked about how far it was going to go.

I have spent several canabis free days, yet been high as a kite every evening and most of the weekend. So far, I have not had any wierd side effects. My lungs feel better now that they're not having to deal with a gram+ of plant material in a evening vice maybe 20mgs of power that has hardly any taste.

I fear that this stuff is not long for the legal domain and that it sadly may become an adultarent of choice.

Have fun and be careful.
The fact that JWH-018 shouldn't be a brown color should have been your first warning sign.

I can't know this for sure, but as the above poster mentioned, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference in subjective effects. I'm pretty sure the same thing would have happened with any JWH sample.
I can't know this for sure, but as the above poster mentioned, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference in subjective effects. I'm pretty sure the same thing would have happened with any JWH sample.

Uh, the subjective effects of toxic precursors or synthesis byproducts would be nil.

If you've got talc in your heroin you certainly aren't going to be able to tell by a difference in subjective effects. However, your cardiovascular system will feel it.

JWH-018 is white. Anything adding color to it is at this point an unknown, possibly unsafe impurity. If anything was causing health complications in humans, I would assume it to be more likely to be this impurity than a known cannabinoid. Have you ever heard of MPTP?
I saw a CoA of the stuff I had (can't post it because it shows supplier), that says that it's 97% pure. That is certainly possible, because even the smallest amount of impurities can color the product. Maybe it was a made up CoA though. Who knows. Either way, I'm starting to feel a little better mentally, but have developed static across my vision and flickering that is very annoying, and slightly anxiety provoking. It just started about 4 days ago, and I haven't touched any substances since this experience (mid December). Blah.
Uh, the subjective effects of toxic precursors or synthesis byproducts would be nil.

If you've got talc in your heroin you certainly aren't going to be able to tell by a difference in subjective effects. However, your cardiovascular system will feel it.

JWH-018 is white. Anything adding color to it is at this point an unknown, possibly unsafe impurity. If anything was causing health complications in humans, I would assume it to be more likely to be this impurity than a known cannabinoid. Have you ever heard of MPTP?

I thought in its pure form it was yellow crystals? I had some very pure stuff that was a sharp yellow color. Vaporized extremely cleanly.
I've seen multiple references to its off-white crystalline nature here on Bluelight's threads about JWH-018.
JWH-073 is offwhite-ish...are you sure you're not confusing it with that?

I wish I had a good camera cause the stuff is really beautiful...its like a sparkly SHARP very saturated yellow
My samples of JWH-018 have all been a yellow rocky powder. Looks rather like crushed Crunchy bar (honeycombe) as it happens, although doesn't taste much like it and has a rather different effect when consumed :)

Samples of JWH-073 have been an off-white fine powder except for one that was more like resin - looked suspiciously like solid chunks of earwax actually. Both batches had identical subjective effects although they couldn't have looked more different.

I'm finding that smoking JWH-018 is more enjoyable if combined with a lil weed or hash. The organic variety seems to take some of the rough edges off the 018 for me. Find it a bit intense on its own sometimes - such teeny tiny doses can be tricky to judge consistently so it's easy to go just a bit too far. Prefer 073 really but 018 is much easier to find at the moment for whatever reason.

I've also noticed that it has a strong potentiating effect on a number of things. 2C-B and 2C-D were both given quite a boost with a very modest puff of 018 (especially 2C-D) and it pretty much knocks me out on top of my normal GBL dose. Intriguing stuff.
^ yeah I found the potentiation with G really strong also

dangerously strong almost!

I also agree that the 'synthies' (as we call them) are best when combined with headies. Alone they feel like they lack something real important...it feels more physical and less of a good mental/creative high that marijuana can give you.
Ok, this may not be nice of me but.... first I'll thank you for posting your experience. Now to rain on your parade... after this one topic I read I had to sign up and tell you ceg you sound like this isn't the first time you've experienced anxiety and a panic attack.

Xanax? yea throw that shit out the window and learn to deal with the emotion of fear and anxiety it will happen throughout your entire life , are you going to pop a pill every time shit doesn't go your way and if you don't will you freak the fuck out and curl into the fetal position?

I mean seriously you smoked this shit with a couple friends who seemed fine and now you're considering that you may have ruined my entire life and would have to drop out of school because you hit this stuff?Settle down... you could use some weed. Hell I could too , but it's been dry around here for a year and I don't feel like finding another hookup.

Use some self control next time and smoke a tiny bit tiny tiny bit and you'll probably notice hey this isn't so bad, remember you even had a panic attack on weed, which will happen when you can't control yourself because the fear of unkown has taken over. All you gotta do man is say in your head ... "this isn't real I'm thinking this shit up look at my two buddies over there... are they freaking out? no? Just me .... god damnit I'm a spazz, I must look rediculous.... Ok pull your shit together and enjoy it I'm not having a heart attack I'd be on the floor already DYING. Maybe next time I should smoke alot less."

Sorry for being a dick , I haven't even tried the shit yet. I'm ordering some right now. But instead of coddling you I figured I'd give you the truth about what I read in your posts.
Ok, this may not be nice of me but.... first I'll thank you for posting your experience. Now to rain on your parade... after this one topic I read I had to sign up and tell you ceg you sound like this isn't the first time you've experienced anxiety and a panic attack.

Haha, wow. I think you misinterpreted/misread a lot of things in this topic. Except for one isolated time in 8th grade, this is the first time I've experienced severe anxiety. I didn't have a panic attack.

Xanax? yea throw that shit out the window and learn to deal with the emotion of fear and anxiety it will happen throughout your entire life , are you going to pop a pill every time shit doesn't go your way and if you don't will you freak the fuck out and curl into the fetal position?

I mean seriously you smoked this shit with a couple friends who seemed fine and now you're considering that you may have ruined my entire life and would have to drop out of school because you hit this stuff?Settle down... you could use some weed. Hell I could too , but it's been dry around here for a year and I don't feel like finding another hookup.

Of course I'm going to take a Xanax if I'm in physical pain, barely able to see during an experience. It's the only time I've ever had to do that in about 50 trips. I obviously had an odd reaction to this substance. I feel like some people think I'm out to destroy JWH-018's reputation. I'm just saying it's not for me, and to be careful.

My friends didn't smoke it with me, and I don't "pop a pill every time shit doesn't go your way". I deal with it the best I can like any normal person.

Use some self control next time and smoke a tiny bit tiny tiny bit and you'll probably notice hey this isn't so bad, remember you even had a panic attack on weed, which will happen when you can't control yourself because the fear of unkown has taken over. All you gotta do man is say in your head ... "this isn't real I'm thinking this shit up look at my two buddies over there... are they freaking out? no? Just me .... god damnit I'm a spazz, I must look rediculous.... Ok pull your shit together and enjoy it I'm not having a heart attack I'd be on the floor already DYING. Maybe next time I should smoke alot less."

Sorry for being a dick , I haven't even tried the shit yet. I'm ordering some right now. But instead of coddling you I figured I'd give you the truth about what I read in your posts.

I already tried it once more about a week after the first experience at ~100mcg, because I had to conquer it. It felt completely fine, but not as nice as normal weed. No pins and needles, slightly dark, but not bad overall.

I've never had a panic attack on weed, I've just been really really high before. I said before in my post "I've been high on weed to the point that I can't communicate, but I've never felt bad. Just happy and stupid." I've haven't experienced anxiety throughout my life.

It's easy to say that all you have to do is talk yourself through it. Not so easy when you can't think an entire sentence and you're experiencing the worst pain in your body you've ever felt.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the JWH-018 when it comes, it seems most people do. Have fun with it, whatever.


Anyway, if anyone cares, here's what I hope is the final story:

I experienced some sort of temporary psychosis (HPPD?) that lasted about 1.5 months and mostly ended about a week ago (Thank God!). It started with blurry and flickering vision, anxiety, feelings I was completely losing my mind, and peaked with loss of most brain and memory function to the point it was hard to hold conversations with people, let alone do school work. There was also a great deal of DP/DR (depersonalization and derealization) in the beginning.

It changed about 1.5 weeks ago overnight to very static filled vision that became worse and worse for 5 days. The flickering stopped at the same time as did my anxiety and feelings of insanity. Over the past week the static has been fading and I've been feeling pretty much normal.

I have no idea if this was drug related or not, but I'm so glad to be generally back to normal. I hope so much it stays this way. Thanks to everyone who gave me some support, it helped a lot! It's possible that I'd been using too many psychedelics lately and this just triggered it, or that it's completely unrelated to any drug use. Who knows.

By now, I almost just wish this thread would go away because I don't feel like thinking about this, or the last 2 months ever again.

Safe travels everyone!
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I just had somewhat of a similiar experience.

Woke up today at a friends appartment after a good night of JWH-018. We decided to smoke a bit at morning so I put in the pipe a tiny bit of JWH-018 that looked around the same size of the stuff we had yesterday.

Nearly immediately after smoking it I noticed that something was wrong, that this time it was coming on a bit too strong.
I've had those waves of body energy always with both cannabis and JWH-018, but usually they're either numbing or even pleasurable, maybe a bit tingling.
I sat on the couch and soon after I was taken over by these body waves, but this time they were different, they were burning, near painful.
Sitting there on the couch I was slowly starting to lose it, my friends noticed something was wrong but I made an effort to do nothing that would make them panic. There were some benzos available, I thought of knocking myself out with them but I decided against it. I'm not quite sure if I made the correct decision as what was to follow was such an agonizing journey that to me it sounds like something out of a fairy tale.

I can't remember everything, I'm not sure I even want to remember everything, but at some point I totally lost it. I fell from our reality and I just kept falling, there was no stop to it. Different perceptions, different realities just kept passing through me, everything in chaos and this total loss of control over anything felt painful, not painful like physical pain, it was some now unimaginable agony.
At some point I had a total realization. I was no more, it was just my conciousness that was everything now. It was a sort of complete ego death.
My human life in the physical reality seemed distant, such a small part of everything. I had just lived it and now I was back here, I had a feeling that I had always been here and the life I lived was just an exception.
But this place was even more agonizing than what I'd experienced before. Imagine just being, nothing more than just being, kind of like in limbo, for eternity.

Amidst the chaos, I still felt like I belonged somewhere, that I am from somewhere. I remembered my mother, that somewhere in this universe she cares about me and that I have to get back there. I remembered the drug and that it must be somehow be causing this.
In all honesty these things at the time seemed completely meaningless and absurd, still I managed to convince myself that there is a real world and that I can get back there. I decided to choose the illusion of life.

I noticed that what I saw and what I felt, what I tasted and what I smelled, all came from the same place that seemed fairly constant given the circumstances. So I decided that this place must be reality, the place where I belong.
Getting back there was by no means an easy task. I nearly gave into despair sometimes as I started to doubt whether this reality was really it and doubting whether I had ever been real at all. Something inside of me just kept me believing and I couldn't ignore the fact that my vision didn't drastically change. I was still in this room and there were still these 2 guys there and the Simpsons was on the television.
I do remember that at some point it felt that my 2 friends' reactions to everything were scripted and that I was somehow stuck in this loop and that my friends believed that the world moves forward in time but it actually didn't. Think Groundhog Day.

Anyhow, sooner or later I started grabbing things around the room and rolling around etc. trying to feel as much as possible of the real world. At some point my friends mentioned something about the time and this was helpful in getting a good grip on reality. As there had been no time in where I had been, time was unique to this physical reality of ours.
It was a very tiring fight to get back to reality but finally I was somewhat able to shut my mind from what I had just experienced and it wasn't over yet.
My vision was messed up, not as in hallucinations or anything of the sort, my brain just had some trouble at playing it as usual.
I don't remember what it was like at first but it was very annoying so I rushed out of the house into the cold winter morning. This cleared my vision instantly and for a fraction of a second it looked like it was over.
But then.... my vision froze. Everytime I moved my vision moved in a mechanical way, lagging behind a little and it wasn't the normal sort of flowing vision, it was more like photographs. Photo after photo.
This was nauseating as hell and I tried to keep myself occupied as not to think about it.

Finally, I decided that my head is clearing and that I can handle this and asked my friend to come for a smoke(the other one had left some time ago) and as soon as we stepped out of the door, I was back in reality.

It was like a 3 hour salvia trip and the whole day has been quite slow moving and I've easily fallen into my thoughts, for what seemed like minutes even if only seconds passed, all day long. At least I'm not falling from reality anymore.

Woah, this became a bit longer than I intended.
Ok , glad you are not angry and didn't take offense I probably did misread it. From what I read you seemed like a very anxiety ridden individual. Xanax from what I understand is prescribed to treat anxiety, acute stress reactions, and panic attacks not "pain".

:) I did order some for my "bonzai tree" we'll see if I freak out, I am a control freak and an experience like this would bother the shit out of me. I will admit to being a douchebag in that post.
Xanax from what I understand is prescribed to treat anxiety, acute stress reactions, and panic attacks not "pain".

You obviously never had a panic attack. It's an extremely painful experience, if not exactly physically.
Unless you have a scale to the mg's it should be OBVIOUS that a pure extract might not be a very good idea, considering the extremely small spectrum of dosage.

Also, believe it or not i've seen a fair number of reactions fairly similiar to what you describe in someone entirely pot-naive smoking entirely too much kindbud. Total collapse, mind-fuck nastiness. Through my own speculation, I'd have to think that weed itself produces much fewer of these kinds of reactions A) because it's obviously a lot easier to "start small" etc, and it also contains a myriad of different cannabinoids that act to balance eachother per se. (CBD+CBN+THC, etc.)

Spice etc is obviously OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive, however. Regardless of how marvelous the high could be i'd have to refuse it on principle, since its quite the scam. Hence that companies profits going from around 2 million in sales to over 750+ million in one year There are independent suppliers of their own herbal blends that have JWH-018 etc added, and often at MUCH higher levels...and about 1/8th of the cost. For gods sake whatever you do..dont buy spice.
Unless you have a scale to the mg's it should be OBVIOUS that a pure extract might not be a very good idea, considering the extremely small spectrum of dosage.

Also, believe it or not i've seen a fair number of reactions fairly similiar to what you describe in someone entirely pot-naive smoking entirely too much kindbud. Total collapse, mind-fuck nastiness. Through my own speculation, I'd have to think that weed itself produces much fewer of these kinds of reactions A) because it's obviously a lot easier to "start small" etc, and it also contains a myriad of different cannabinoids that act to balance eachother per se. (CBD+CBN+THC, etc.)

Spice etc is obviously OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive, however. Regardless of how marvelous the high could be i'd have to refuse it on principle, since its quite the scam. Hence that companies profits going from around 2 million in sales to over 750+ million in one year There are independent suppliers of their own herbal blends that have JWH-018 etc added, and often at MUCH higher levels...and about 1/8th of the cost. For gods sake whatever you do..dont buy spice.

What the fuck are you talking about? A pure extract? It's a fucking synthetic, what are you exracting it from?

It is? Since when is 20 bucks a bad price for a gram of quality weed? Shit, I've paid 10x that twice for really good grams. It was organically grown and looked like white christmas, tasted like pine tree and had me feeling like christmas morning. Heh, that was a great analogy.
If vaporized properly, 0.25 - 0.50 mg is plenty to get stoned. This is not a compound to eyeball (as I'm sure many are doing) and the doses are too small for a milligram scale. It doesn't surprise me that panic attacks are common with this chem due to careless dosing. For accurate dosing, JWH-018 should be dissolved in EtOH and accurately pipeted out onto aluminum foil.
^When smoking off of aluminum foil does one end up dosing themselves with aluminum? Curious because this was also my first idea.