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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(JWH-018/1.5 mgs) New experience: Holy shit, I'm dying! Worst night ever.

Have you noticed any significant differences between the yellow, waxy type and the brown type besides color, smoke taste, and residue? Any differences in mental/body effects?
While I have no doubt that it contains JWH-018, you're most likely to notice differences in potency. The 98% pure (which isn't pure at all, of course) JWH-018 I've seen has always been yellowish waxy crystals. It's dry.

This garbage is brown-orange and sticky / damp looking. I can't imagine it being close to 98% pure.
I just wonder if any of the impurities are active on their own. Like how the 2C-TFM that went around was mostly unreacted 2C-I, or I'm pretty sure it was 2C-N/DON that are intermediates to some other 2C-x/DOx (I forget which now). Maybe that could account for some of what I felt, or maybe I'm just special, haha.
What you describe sounds very similar to my own experiences, just way more intense. Its a strong, change to your psychological state...it feels very inhibitory to certain parts of your brain.

We call it c-noids around here joking :)

a friend also said it feels like it blows the back of your brain out your head

of course we're taking huge ass bong rips of it these days... :D

(bongrips of the 73 variety not the 018...we steer clear of the 18 now)
if JWH-018 is in SPICE why dont we see more panic reactions like this one? i understand the spice would have the API distributed over the plant material so as to make an overdose more difficult but i still have not read any reports of highly negative frightening spice trips. any ideas?
We can't talk about sources at Bluelight, sorry.
Anyone know if that all of the spice blends? Or just one of them (gold, diamond, regular spice, genie, etc). That's really really interesting. I always stayed away from them because I didn't know what RC was sprayed on them.
We can't talk about sources at Bluelight, sorry.

I kept getting reports of it in my email but I kept checking and never found it. I seriously scanned the page multiple times over. I guess I was blind in this case. :|
Wow, im glad someone else experienced it, but only for a few hours?.

Is this the chemical that's in Spice Gold, it's what i was told.

First time i smoked Spice Gold was like 2 nights ago, i smoked about a gram, in a pipe.
And my god, I had the most awful experience of my life ever.
I've tryed Shrooms, mdma, mda, mcpp, ketamine, high doses of 2c-b, weed, meth, meph, butyl, GHB, GBL and never have i experienced such terror, i thought i was going insane, i had the pins and needles you had but like you say 100000x worse, i was sinking into the floor, chair, i thought about suicide SEVERAL times and thought about telling my parents and ringing an ambulance, basically i was shit scared.

The pins and needles were so intense that i had to be on my feet the WHOLE fucking time otherwise it would be too intense, i had to occupy myself in tasks the whole time, such as showering, and my god that was a bad idea i convinced myself i needed a shower at the peak and ended up doing stupid things like putting body wash on my hair, shampoo on my body, falling over in the bath, I'm surprised i didn't brake my fucking neck. Before this i was walking up and down my room for around 4 hours, if i stayed still the pins and needles got so intense i wanted to die. NEVER have i experienced something so horrible, and its LEGAL!.
It was so strange, it felt like i was loosing more and more of my memory as the trip went on, but it lasted 6-7 hours, I must of had a little more of 1 gram of spice gold, how i could be so stupid i don't know, is this even the same chemical that's in spice gold.

It's what i was told... but my god, be careful with this shit

Nothing can describe what i experienced, the worst experience i can imagine my head felt like it was on fire for 6 hours, and i never thought i was going to come down. I will never be so stupid towards legal smokes ever again. And this was the first i ever tryed. Guess i was so stupid cause i smoked a 10 bag to an 8th every night for 3 years almost day and night. Haven't touched weed for 2 years now though.

I seriously think this has changed my life, I'm sooo glad I'm alive.
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So you smoked an entire gram of Spice Gold when you had ZERO tolerance to cannabis?

Spice Gold is equipotent or more potent by weight when comparing the similar subjective effects to really good kind bud. Imagine if you smoked a gram of Sour Diesel to the head after taking a 2 year break?

I'm glad you made it out of your trainwreck disaster safely. Next time you decide to play with new drugs or herbs you should look up what a proper dose is before you ingest it. A gram of pot or pot substitute is an amazing overdose for a non-tolerant person.
Yes and i know it was really fucking stupid of me, just didn't think it could fuck you up THAT bad.

Most awful night of my life as yet, has anyone else had this amount or experienced these effects?
if JWH-018 is in SPICE why dont we see more panic reactions like this one?
I presume it could be the lower dosage & etc. like other posters have mentioned.

My own limited experience with Spice Gold was intriguing. There was definitely a sinister undertone evident, which was disconcerting, but faded quite quickly. I likened this to a very low dose of Salvia, but wondered if it was just a typical response to the slight dissociative effects the Spice seemed to have. The change in consciousness that accompanied my smoking of it was as pronounced as good grass, but the psychedelic "signature" was very different. Quite cold (as with Salvia, but not as pronounced, and not dissimilar to Ketamine, though again not as pronounced). I chose on subsequent occasions to mix the Spice with good quality Grass - this produced a stony, and very long, high, with the pleasant pychedelic tinge that makes good Marijuana such a gem =D. But then I smoke grass for the psychedelic effects, and not the stony, mongy effects, and so I've not persevered with Spice.

Don't know if this sheds any light on the possibilty of Spice containing synthetic cannabinoids.
Well, this is what i posted on champagnelegals.

My experience.


Ok so i finally gave in and thought I'd try some legal highs, purchased
Spice gold, Yucatan, fire and Krantom.
Arrived in the post today and i just had some Spice Gold and i think its the worst thing i have ever had, how people can compare it to weed i don't know.

I had around 4 pipes of the stuff after 1 or 2 there was a slight weedy high which lasted around 30 minutes, then after that i began to trip out and almost forgot who i was, i thought i was going insane, and actually still think it right now. i certainly wasn't expecting this.

As you can guess this was very hard to type up.

I've been like this for around 3 hours, and still very intense, anyone had this? It's like really strong pins and needles all over the body and a burning head.


So has anyone else experienced this then?

I'll tell you what happened.

Got home from work and surprisingly my legal highs package had already arrived.


I cracked open a beer and then began to pack my first pipe.

T+10 - Already i feel a slight relaxation, nothing to talk about really.

T+15 - Right, time for the next pipe, this time twice as much packed in

T+20 - Ye feeling this now, very weedy, like it a lot, want more more more!

T+25 - 2 more pipes had, the last pipe was probably the same amount of all the first 3 together.

T+30 - The paranoia i get on weed has set in, the paranoia is EXACTLY the same, i suddenly remember why i quit weed, this feels in no way different from how i got it on weed.

T+40 - Thought i was at the peak but boy was i fucking wrong, start to feel very confused, paranoia increasing.

T+50-60 - Ok now I'm in a BAAD way, feel as if I'm sinking into my seat, STRONG pins and needles flow all over my body really fast heavy ones pushing me into the ground, my head feels like It's on fire, burning like hell. I seem to relate the head burning to the paranoia I'm feeling, It's strange, as if the paranoia is causing the burning, and as I'm the most paranoid I've been in my entire life, it friggin hurts, big time. This must be the peak, right?

T+1hr 20 - Like fuck it was, now I'm in the same way as 60 mins but now my memory is almost zero, i can almost feel all my memory slowly being removed from my brain, it was HORRIBLE. As if i had Alzheimer's disease or something, i convinced myself i had, and boy did this scare the fucking life out of me, I've taken too much drugs, and now i must pay the price.

T+1hr 30 - Try lieing down, helps for 5 minutes then i begin to sink into my bed and the effects intensify when not moving, gota keep moving.
I walk up and down the hallway between the bedroom and my kitchen for around an hour, my parents must have been like wtf.
Then walk up and down my room for around an hour and a half, just trying to keep myself moving, can't stay still or else I'll go insane.

T+2hr - This is where i lost it, i completely convinced myself i had caught Alzheimer's disease, and that i was going insane. Contemplated giving up several times, but what was more on my mind was whether or not to go hospital, came so close to telling my mum what has happened, glad i didn't...
I just can't get over this head burning, its so intense so i poor cold water on my head constantly for like 20 minutes, nothing helps anymore.

T+3hr - Just been walking around my room for another hour, and for some reason decide my only hope is to have a shower, and this is another task to take my mind off this terror. Get in the shower wash myself, shampoo my body, shower gel my hair, get water EVERYWHERE. I didn't realize at first that the water was at It's max heat, It' didn't feel it, but then i decide to have it freezing, seems to help a little.

I put back on my soaking clothes and stumble to my bedroom where i feel exactly the same to what i was, this was around the point i posted here i think, the screen was a complete blur and it must of taken at least 25 minutes to post it. I wait and wait for a reply, hoping for some advice and reassurance, all i need is reassurance that I'm not going insane even though i knew i was.

T+4hr - This is by far the worst part of the trip. I read up on more threads about this stuff, trying to find bad experiences which was impossible as everyone seems to love it. Stumbled upon a thread where someone had a bad experience similar to me. He mentioned that he was beginning to find it hard to breathe, as if he was forgetting how to.

OH GREAT, glad i found this fucking post, i decide to lie down again and close my eyes, all i can think about is breathing. My memory is still getting worse and i get to the point of starting to think I'm going to forget how to breathe, It's now as if my body's doing the breathing, not me. I try to stop thinking these thoughts for around 30 minutes but It's just impossible, as if i want to stop breathing. Which was true actually.

Breathing becomes so hard and i feel exhausted, i can't take anymore, the sound of my heart takes up my whole hearing, all i hear is thump thump with that very loud fuzzy noise you get when its silent, all of this while struggling to breathe and sinking into your bed with your head on fire.

T+5hr30?? - Finally, within a matter of 5 seconds i go from the peak to being how i was after the first pipe, wow, I've never felt so re leaved in my entire life, I'm still alive, I don't have Alzheimer's disease and I'm not going insane. The burning has stopped, as well as the paranoia, I'm just relaxed.

Try to think about all of whats just happened, but even thinking about it makes me almost want to break down and weep.

Try orgasm, wow, the best I've ever had, and the longest.
Do this several times, all as good as the other, never had anything like this before, best part of the whole experience, amazing.

Slowly go back to normal, and have a long sleep. Feel pretty good the next day, quite happy to be alive and not retarded, just drained.

That night i also had the most intense, detailed and amazing dreams I ever had, i kept drifting from being awake to a sleep, and even dreaming while awake? It was a very pleasurable experience. Sometimes not knowing what was real and what was a dream, even thought several things i dream't actually happened when i awoke.


I'll try add bits and pieces, but as i said memory was really bad, I'm sure I've missed out big chunks, I'll try remember.

And be careful with this shyt .. I was a fool to say the least.

/slaps self
I've had an experience like this before, is it possible that the tiniest bit of this could have been put on my weed? because my friend smoked from my bag, felt fine, i smoked from my bag several times and felt fine, then ONE time that i smoke from the same bag i go fucking insane and feel exactly how you explained. stupid and illogical question probably but what do any of you think?
Possible but doubtful. Usually reports of "laced" marijuana are just cases of someone smoking some unusually potent weed, or maybe more of it than usual, or hey, sometimes you just get hit harder than usual. I have loads of smoking experience but occasionally it makes me really paranoid anyway. So most likely you just had some extra strong stuff. or a different strain than you'd ever had before, that had a more mental and anxiety-producing in effect.
I got 200mg of JWH-018 and smoked it all within a few days, i found it a lot stronger than MJ, but i didn't get any paranoia or being frightened, even though i am prone to anxiety...
Well guys, here's an update. I'm finally feeling like I can write an update to this thread. So, ever since I took this dose of JWH-018 I'd been feeling very off, but I think I may be recovering.

I felt pretty good for the first two weeks after the trip, but soon after I started developing incredibly debilitating anxiety, the likes of which I didn't even know was possible. I've never been an anxious person. In fact, very much the opposite. Stuff that would make others anxious would not be a big deal to me. I've barely ever felt anxious during the many trips I've had. It seems a lot like PTSD, though I'm not a doctor.

I think it's finally going away now, but it's sure made me rethink everything about my life. Night time would often seriously be hell, thank god my girl friend was there to comfort me all the time. It would feel like I just learned someone close to me died, a huge pit in my stomach and despair for no reason. Every once and a while I was getting some depersonalization and derealization just like while I was on the JWH-018. I was with anxiety that the feelings would grow all the time. Got to the point that I was constantly scared and anxious of my anxiety. That's a bad loop to be in, haha.

Please be careful with this stuff. It made me consider that I may have ruined my entire life and would have to drop out of school. I've been feeling good since Sunday though. Hope it lasts!

Oh and Pendulum1234, sorry you too had to deal with such a horror trip. Mine only lasted 3 or so hours because I knocked myself out with benzos. Peace everyone.
Well, never mind, I'm not better. I felt worse than ever a couple days ago. Luckily a very small amount of Xanax (.33mg) seems to make me pretty much feel better, but I'm trying to avoid using anything to fix this. Not sure if that's a good idea or not. I'm feeling a lot of anxiety right now as I type this, but I'm trying to fight through it.

Worst substance ever. It is very hard to live life sometimes now. Blasted JWH. Stick to weed everyone.