JamesBrown - Illness, Hospitalization

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thats the thing....IM NOT EVEN A DRUG ADDICT!!!......I just use to be one. Ive been clean for quite a while. and the docs/nurses still treat me like a high seeking junky.

YOU ARE AN ADDICT, you haven't been "CLEAN" suboxone is not being clean... and honestly Im really shocked that you dont understand why you are getting treated the way you are.. think about it your acting like a drug addict would when u cry and make a huge seen. once you have a drug seeking history you have to go through alot more BS untill they offer you what you need you can not ask.. but for real put yourself in there shoes.. they see this shit all the time and know to not script those who act how you are..

And The only suggestion I have is get on METHADONE. It is your only real option and if you get a good doctor you will be able to be treated more like IT was PAin management then if you were going for MMT.. anyway best of luck...

I as well have been extremely sick and unable to do anything and also lost alot of weight.. But all my shit is about throwiing up non stop.. they scripted me zofran and it did nothing,,, at all now its either hospital or weight it out till i get my endoskippy.. anyway... MAN UP BOYO.. lifes hard and the choices we make are life long some times.. and anyone on suboxone will always always be treated like a second class citizen untill they find the right doc if ever.. WELL good luck...

METHADONE is your best course of action..
^I suggested the methadone route as well long before there was a TDS thread about this... it certainly has drawbacks but it WILL relieve pain and you won't be turned away for a history of addiction/substance abuse.
thats the thing....IM NOT EVEN A DRUG ADDICT!!!......I just use to be one. Ive been clean for quite a while. and the docs/nurses still treat me like a high seeking junky.

Sorry if i offend you, but..

Once an addict, always an addict.

Regardless, the health care system works in ways that will never be seen appropriate in our eyes. Hopefully it'll change one day.
Any patient who gets pain medication but doesn't get recommended diagnostic procedures done is going to raise red flags regardless of their prior history, especially if they've seen multiple doctors in a short space of time. Reporting a pain level of 1000 is probably going to get you labelled a drama queen in any ER given how frequently they deal with patients coming in with intractable pain from burns and other major trauma.

It might not be fair but it's a good reason to have a regular doctor who co-ordinates your medical care and refers you for diagnostic procedures and specialist intervention.
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So, my suggestion of oxys is snipped, yet others can talk about how you can use kpins and bars to elevate the pain, interesting.
^he's prescribed benzos while he's in recovery from opioid addiction as well as on probation. There certainly is a difference in the two recommendations.
^he's prescribed benzos while he's in recovery from opioid addiction as well as on probation. There certainly is a difference in the two recommendations.

It can also be a dangerous recommendation when the pain is ongoing and its source is unknown - plenty of life threatening conditions initially have pain levels which can be controlled by normal doses of prescription pharmaceuticals for "moderate to severe" pain.
^I suggested the methadone route as well long before there was a TDS thread about this... it certainly has drawbacks but it WILL relieve pain and you won't be turned away for a history of addiction/substance abuse.

unfortunately I literally have no way of going to get methadone every morning. Even if I took the bus with transfers I wouldnt be able to make it in time. Because the closest clinic(and one of the only clinics) stops giving out methadone at 9-10 am and I live like 30 miles away. I also dont have a vehicle and my family would lose there jobs if they had to take me eevery morning. They leave for work before 6 30. I wish I could get on methadone but right now its just not feasable.
Trust me, if it was even possible for me to get on methadone I would have done it a long time ago.

And to Blaze...

...I actually dont take suboxoe anymore, been off it for about 2 months i think.
and theres no way for me to control the crying and screaming when im in the hospital and im being honest when I say that my pain level feels like 1000, so if a person who has been clean for quite a while, and is being 100% honest about his symptoms and drug use etc, they still arent given proper medical care and actually treated like shit, not just treated like im a junky, but treated like shit because i was told i was thought of as a junky....i dont think thats right. but thats the world we live in. But i dont think that should stop any of us from discussing it and talk about how that is not how it should be and what we, as a people, can do about it so people dont have to suffer like me in the future. Society wont change until you work on it and discuss it etc etc.
^I can't speak for dk but I don't think that he was saying you SHOULD be treated like you are but you shouldn't be surprised that you are.
^I can't speak for dk but I don't think that he was saying you SHOULD be treated like you are but you shouldn't be surprised that you are.

actually, if you were there to witness how i was treated, then I think you would agree that I SHOULD be suprised at the way I was treated. these people literally yelleda t me and called me a junky on several occassions. Tried to force me to move in ways that I just couldnt and I think that aggrivated my condition even more. They also moved me to a room alone in the corner with no way to contact a nurse because they unplugged the thing that calls them. Im pretty sure thats illegal. They have to have a way for me to communicate to atleast someone outside the room.
I could go on and on about how I was treated but I wont.

And I know that alot of the way I was treated is something that isnt uncommon, but some of it was outright rediculous and definitely NOT common. And even if the way I was treated was common, and I "shouldnt be suprised", I still think I should be suprised...because if we all become dull to the horrific acts of our medical community, and just accept them and not get "suprised" by them simply because they happen so much, then we are not helping ourselves whatsoever in getting this problem fixed.
Its IMPORTANT to be upset and suprised at how I was treated(or how others in a similar situation are treated)....everytime. Every single time. Because its something that is very wrong with our healthcare system and the moment we stop being suprised about how bad it has gotten, thats when there is no hope for us to make it better for ourselves. We are supposedly living in a democracy....albeit a capitalist democracy....but that means the people are responsible for making change, and promoting wellness and better healthcare, and a better standard of living, etc....if it wasnt set up like that, and if people didnt take action because of that, then we wouldnt be where we are today. We would probably still have slaves.
actually, if you were there to witness how i was treated, then I think you would agree that I SHOULD be suprised at the way I was treated. these people literally yelleda t me and called me a junky on several occassions.
<and other stuff>.

I would be surprised to get treated that way. No matter what. If I was in a waiting area and saw someone getting treated that way, it would surprise me a lot. I am always surprised when people are rude to other people. I don't believe we are taught as kids to be rude...just the opposite. So what happens? How do people get so fukt that they will be openly hostile to other human beings regardless of the situation?

I saw a lot of similar, not nearly as severe or profound, but similar treatment of students at school. Kids who were having a difficult time anyway get pounced on by teachers who are mean as SHIT. As a teacher I wouldn't go near some of my colleagues for any reason because their demeanor was hateful. I don't know what to tell you JB. There's just no explaining people. That's all I have to offer you. There is NO EXPLAINING why people are rude and hateful to other people. I had a freshman girl go home and KILL HERSELF after a particularly brutal parent teacher conference wherein all her teachers got together to tell her what a piece of crap she was. I was the ONLY teacher who came in with her best work, and showed her that she was capable of great things. When she went home that Friday and hung herself and I found out about it on Monday, I was LIVID. I wanted to mortally wound everyone who had been at the meeting. Come to find out, she was a lesbian and was getting teased about it. That, plus having all her teachers pretty much kick her when she was down put her in the ground for the big dirt nap at age 14. Her twin is a lovely woman of 20 now. And I think about that girl whenever I go into a parent teacher conference with all the teachers ganging up on a kid. But it still happens. At schools and hospitals everywhere. People are very mean to each other. I am 51 and I am still really surprised when people act openly rude. There is no excuse for it ever. I can not think of anything good that comes from being openly rude. I'm totally amazed still that people get away with rudeness. I was told when I was growing up when I said something rude, or to watch my tone, and my own children were told the same thing. We don't act rude. People shouldn't ever be rude EVER. And yet there are some who are.
((((((((((((((((((((((((( James )))))))))))))))))))))))))

It's good to see you posting again mate :) But fuck.. I'm so sorry that the pain doc was a complete waste of time :(
I can only hope like hell that you find treatment and quickly. It's good you've got some pain meds and Benzos.

And please, to the people who are bringing up the subject of James being an addict or not, this is not the issue - the issue is that he's in extreme pain and his life is in danger.
Get your view of the bigger picture infront of your eyes please :|

All the best James ♥ Much love
You have to realize that most physicians, when first treating a person who is a drug addict, has a fear of being deceived by the patient. Regardless of who they are, what they have done, there are precautions and doubts by every human being. A lot of people take this inconsistency in doctors for mistreatment. I apologize if this statement offended anyone.

regardless of someones personality, some people will manipulate medical personal to get there way, even if they have no existing conditions/pains, no matter WHAT it takes. This is taken into accountability at almost EVERY hospital. Because if they screw up big time, they are responsible.

James, you have tendancies that should be observed by a psychatrist. You should know what these tendancies already are. You should think about undergoing intensive psychotherapy. Other options would be in-home living center or rehabilitation. I fear that most of you will take this post the wrong way so to refrain from posting more in this thread, i will send you a PM James. I hope you feel better soon.
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This thread has now moved away from its purpose which was originally to support JB, and send well wishes, while he was hospitalized.

I am going to close it and when JB feels up to it, he can give us all another update in The Dark Side's Check-In Thread.

I'm sorry to hear you were treated poorly by the Dr.'s you have seen-
Keep looking and moving forward. <3

I hope you get the care you need soon JamesBrown!
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