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If you could have an endless supply of/only use one drug for the rest of your life...

I would say e...not that I've never gotten sick of it, but I just can't imagine never being able to do it again and that would be the case if I chose something else
Heroin (for chasing). I just cant find any fault with it when its controlled, detoxed from regularly and only smoked. Apart from weed, its never going to kill me and there are virtually no health complications - correct me if I'm wrong of course...
Cannabis. Great, potent, seedless, to come in different flavors and strains for different occasions. It means I would stop wasting money and have a great anti-depressant for the rest of my life with minimal side effects in comparison with most of the drugs.
On the other thought... Getting something good in unlimited qualities would probably mean a failure to self control at some point and a greatly reduced life longevity. But for heroin users out here I can see how AWESOME it would be to get pure pure shit and just use it daily and have normal lives. Ahh, dreams.
Heroin. omfg Heroin.
(and I really don't ever use omfg)

Endless supply?.. of HEROIN? seriously though.

I'm not using at the moment, but if such a thing could ever happen... Damn...
gonna have to go with heroin, even though i'm in the middle of a break/quitting. if you have an endless supply, you could do it all day everyday and never get sick!
Heroin, hands down.
You'd be able to exist every day on it, and never have to worry about W/D because it'd never end, ah the thought is beautiful, and so far fetched =(
Hydromorphone..jus cuz thats the strongest drug ive had..id probably say i gotta get a variety off all drugs so i can do the pepsi challenge before i decide hahar
Salvia. It was one of the first psychedelics I ever had. I know a lot of people hate it, but I really enjoy it. Ever since it's been banned in my area, it's impossible to find. Plus, it's relatively short and you don't have to take tolerance breaks like for other psychedelics.