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If you could have an endless supply of/only use one drug for the rest of your life...

the one drug i can NOT live without in my life is weed. everything else has been on and off for the past 12 years, but marijuana has been constant. gotta <3 it. Id also choose weed because of the minimal side effects of long term use compared to some of my other.. less tasteful choices
MDMA baby or maybe LSD or shrooms. Even though I would do MDMA only a few times a year, it would still be awesome to have an endless supply. :)
Whew.. that a hard choice, but i guess it would come down to LSD or weed, but I hate to trip with out some good herb to puff, So guess Ill have to side with the good ol' dank.
Weed. Supreme Chronic.

And I don't have to pay for it? Sweet.

Heroin was my second choice, but apparently I only get one. What a nice fantasy that would be.
meth. i pretty much lost interest in all other drugs within about a month of discovering meth. at the time i was snorting about a half oz of coke a week and had been for 2 years...
Oxycodone 30mg IR , my favorite drug. im an Opihead :D love it love it love it, so your saying your going to give me an endless supply ?? when !!
Man its hard to decide between acid, e, and my sweet buds...

If I had to choose it would have to be weed for me.
i would miss acid alot though, however certain strains make me trip soooo...
yep most definitely mary jane for me ;)
Everyday? I suppose heroin would be the most popular. A good all rounder.
Why, DiMethylTryptamine of course! Having that much of any other of my favorites and only being able to take it would lead to disaster.

A low sub-trip dose is nice to just relax on for an afternoon, a bit higher it's similar to MDMA & then above that you've got an amazing euphoric trip. :)
id have to say coke. i wouldnt do any of it, just retire at age 22, and slang yo everyday hahah