Hows Your Diet Lads ? And Any Goals For The Summer ?

I think that is something that gets repeated a lot about deca. Run your test at least a week longer than the deca, then pct.

But honestly, fuck pct too. Never. Come. Off..

I think the theory behind running Testosterone longer than Deca has two origins...

As we know, Deca will shut you down and has a longer half-life than Test-E/C, therefore has been suggested as prudent to run Test long enough to allow all the residual Deca to exit the body... Or even taper down the Test, and run a couple of weeks longer..!! I don't really see a problem with this....!!!

It has been suggested combining PCT of the synthetic estrogen Nolvadex close to the end of a Deca inclusive cycle, may cause gyno by increasing progesterone sensitivity....... THIS IS FALSE....!!!!!!

Modern thinking for the serious body-builder now promotes a low dose cruise (125-200mg/week) rather than PCT...
Modern thinking for the serious body-builder now promotes a low dose cruise (125-200mg/week) rather than PCT...

I definitely agree with that mate, people who are serious don't have time to come off, I'm just getting a good bunch of Letro and Anti-Es and shit before I go on for good, HCG as well which I've never used , I don't imagine you guys use it when cruising, probs just on a blast
I definitely agree with that mate, people who are serious don't have time to come off, I'm just getting a good bunch of Letro and Anti-Es and shit before I go on for good, HCG as well which I've never used , I don't imagine you guys use it when cruising, probs just on a blast

The only time a bodybuilder needs to use HCG is if he is trying to get his wife pregnant.
Modern thinking for the serious body-builder now promotes a low dose cruise (125-200mg/week) rather than PCT...

Indeed. The serious bodybuilder blast and cruises. The recreational gymrat looking for a beach body or to get shredded for summer only needs to cycle. Blasting and cruising is for serious bodybuilders who know a great deal about hormones, biology, pharmacology, and who opt to do nothing worse than have a social drink rarely with friends or smoke weed. Blasting and cruising is not for the guy who parties or does recreational drugs regularly. It is not for the guy under 20. It is not for the guy in High School. It is not for the guy who lacks financial stability. It is not for the guy away at college. It is not for the guy who still needs to overcome a drug problem or serious emotional problems. You just don't wake up one day and decide to use steroids and then that afternoon decide to blast and cruise. It's a serious life choice.
Guido u say HCG is just for fertility, what about nut shrinkage bro ? Because it does happen, maybe not to everyone but I get a bit of it and I always thought that was the whole point in HCG in bodybuilding.
Guido u say HCG is just for fertility, what about nut shrinkage bro ? Because it does happen, maybe not to everyone but I get a bit of it and I always thought that was the whole point in HCG in bodybuilding.

It can increase testicular volume, and is used by body-builders for this purpose...
hCG is a LH mimicking agent and has been suggested as being responsible for stimulating a whole bunch of other hormones DHEA is one of these I believe... There was a recent post on GH-15 on this very subject, but the site seems to experiencing difficulty's so I am unable to confirm.. Sorry..!!

For use in fertility treatment hCG works better when combined with hMG:

Male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: factors influencing response to human chorionic gonadotropin and human menopausal gonadotropin, including prior exogenous androgens.
Ley SB, Leonard JM.
Although testosterone (T) therapy is sufficient for maturation and maintenance of secondary sex characteristics in hypogonadal men, gonadotropins are required for stimulation of spermatogenesis. Thirteen men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism received treatment with hCG, followed in 12 by the addition of human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG). All initially had undetectable serum LH and FSH and low T levels and were azoospermic with small testes. During therapy, all achieved normal male levels of T. Twelve of 13 had marked and continuous increase in testicular volume. Three men had sperm in the ejaculate with hCG treatment alone. All but 1 patient developed sperm in their seminal fluid during combined hCG and hMG therapy. Two men achieved three pregnancies, and 2 more had semen that produced hamster oocyte penetration assays in the fertile range during the protocol period. Four of 5 who achieved sperm densities greater than 1 million/ml while receiving combined therapy maintained or increased sperm production while receiving continued hCG therapy after hMG was withdrawn. We examined the response to gonadotropin therapy of men who had received previous T therapy and those who had not. There were no differences in rapidity or degree of response, as assessed by rise in serum T, increase in testis volume, or maximal sperm density achieved. Multiple pituitary deficits and cryptorchidism were negative prognostic factors. In summary, the prognosis for successful stimulation of spermatogenesis in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism treated with hCG/hMG is good and not adversely affected by prior androgen treatment. Despite undetectable serum FSH levels, hCG treatment was sufficient to both initiate and maintain spermatogenesis in some patients.
when your trying to drop weight some times you just have to deal with being hungry lol. But try to schedule in the calories for a snack, or two. Drop the calories from carbs, get them from protein and good fats ( carbs can be good BTW so don't cut them totally) point benign the protein and fats will help keep you sated longer.

If I'm bulking I just eat until I feel full. If I'm cutting I'm always hungry, chewing gum and diet coke help suppress my appetite

thanks guys.. yeah it going to be tough as Im a diabetic so I have to keep my blood sugar up.. and working out and the recovery tine eats that shit up.. I think Im just going to have to adhere to a strict diet that allows me to eat all the tine that provides all the protien I need and provides me with the carbs i cant live without.. I guess its just going to be a work in progress.
I would never eat less to lose weight, I would simply change what I'm eating, I'm thinking of running T3 , from what I read it basically does the same thing as a KETO diet or Zero Carbs diet, basically turning your body into fuel , with my very low carb intake and hard training and juice of course, I'm thinking it could rip the stomach a bit as I am more of a stalky guy, naturally deep chest and stuff (not fat) I've always carried just a bit of weight on the gut , except from when I was an amature boxer because of the training volume of course, from what I read T3 does not supress the appetite either ? Sounds good to me !
with the keto diet your energy is likely to go way down.. I think one of the main attractions of the keto diet is that you can eat all you want, but from what I understand once the body becomes ketonic we loose a huge amount of our appetite.. I'm only basing my prediction on significantly less energy from things I have read about explorers who ran out of carbs and were forced to only eat protien and I think they became pretty lethargic.
I would never eat less to lose weight, I would simply change what I'm eating, I'm thinking of running T3 , from what I read it basically does the same thing as a KETO diet or Zero Carbs diet, basically turning your body into fuel , with my very low carb intake and hard training and juice of course, I'm thinking it could rip the stomach a bit as I am more of a stalky guy, naturally deep chest and stuff (not fat) I've always carried just a bit of weight on the gut , except from when I was an amature boxer because of the training volume of course, from what I read T3 does not supress the appetite either ? Sounds good to me !

You don't want to limit your carb intake on T3 too much otherwise you will end up going hypoglycemic. The stuff works good though, but you will need to be sure to increase your protien intake on it and lower the intensity of your training slightly because T3 will cause loss of strength by limiting glycogen retention in the muscles and as nicely as it burns fat, it burns muscle even better. T3 increases hunger, increases sweating and body temperature, and will turn the 8 hours you need for a good nights sleep into 10 or 12 hours.

I love T3. 50mcg will be all you need, any higher is pointless. You run it when are about 10% body fat or less. There is no need to combine it with Clenbuterol unless you are 5% and getting ready for a show.

I will take this time to mention my opinion on DNP since we are on the subject of thermogenics and metabolic enhancers. It's fucking poison and there is absolutely no fucking reason a bodybuilder or juice rat should be using the stuff. It can cause cataracts, it can kill you if you fuck up your dosing, and it turns your sweat and semen yellow. Lately there have been a lot of young guys taking the stuff at 20%, 15%, 25%, 30%, and 10% body fat to drop weight and it's disgusting that they are that fucking lazy they need to resort to a metabolic poison. Top level bodybuilders are against using DNP due to it's toxic nature.
T3 is NOT in any way a stimulant ? right ?

That's what attracts me to it, please correct me if I am wrong I need to know these things, I understand it will eat muscle as well as fat but I will be on Steroids for the rest of my life and when running the T3 the plan is I am going to be running Tren at the same time and maybe some other compounds but definitely 500mgs Test with xxxmg Tren when running the T3 to make sure that the only thing that T3 is getting to eat is BF !!

Please give me feedback on this shit !
Can anybody tell me if they have any experience with Casablanca Pharma ? They have some nice products and are cheap as chips, I have read mixed reviews of both top notch and shit, Alpha is my lab of choice but too expensive so it's either gna be Lixus or Isis, just curious to know if you guys have any experience with Casablanca ??

Edit: EAS as well (European Anabolic systems) and Casablanca, both great products and look very nice, but I've read it's the same mob with different name, I know shiny stickers mean nothing, would really be interested to know if anyone has any experience with either or because it could save me money lol !!
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T3 is NOT in any way a stimulant ? right ?

That's what attracts me to it, please correct me if I am wrong I need to know these things, I understand it will eat muscle as well as fat but I will be on Steroids for the rest of my life and when running the T3 the plan is I am going to be running Tren at the same time and maybe some other compounds but definitely 500mgs Test with xxxmg Tren when running the T3 to make sure that the only thing that T3 is getting to eat is BF !!

Please give me feedback on this shit !

Hey Benzo'.... How I understand it: When dosing Trenbolone, the amount of Testosterone with the Tren' is the dominant factor in the number of side effects you will get..! Trenbolone has a greater binding affinity for the AR (androgen receptor) than Test'... Tren' leaves Test floating in the blood stream longer, which tends to exasperate the number of side effects.. IE: longer to bind aromatase & 5-alpha reductase enzymes.. Tren increases certain sensitivity's for Estrogen receptors due to its progesterinic nature.... Therefore it is advised when running High-Tren', keep Test'-Low..... 250mg of Test' is enough to amplify the anabolic effect to keep libido high, mood normal, allowing Tren' to do the real work...

With a Testosterone dominant cycle: High-Test', Low-Tren' to harden you up, fat burning, taking advantage of Trens' other quality's...... This is more a pre-comp short cycle..

Of note with T-3: I've read, when bulking the extra calories will convert T-4 to T-3, increase metabolism + muscle protein synthesis 12.5-25mcg/day can slightly enhance gains on a bulking cycle..... When cutting T-3 is effective at boosting metabolism at 25mcg/day.....

No I don't believe T-3 is a stimulant of such... T-4 and T-3 are essential for normal growth and development and play an important role in energy metabolism...

Something I've posted here before regarding T-3 protocol:

Important to keep protein intake high. I was on 500g a day. T3 is catabolic but with ASS and high protein muscle loss can be kept to a minimum. Can also add in Clen, ECA stack etc if you so wish.

See if you can find out if there is any history of hypothyroidism in your family, if so then T3 is a no no. Chances are you will be fine but as you well know everytime we put something into our bodies it carries a risk which I don't have a problem with but I also like to minimise the risk as much as possible.

You will need T3 an 'in ear thermometer'

One week before starting the T3 take your morning temperature as soon as you wake up (while still in bed) for 7 consecutive mornings (record in notebook). These will be your base readings.

Start T3 at 25mcg per day for 2 days then stop for 2 days then on for 2 days then off for 2 days and so on and so on. You needs to keep measuring your temperature daily and if after 7 days your temperature is not 0.3-0.6 higher than your base readings then increase T3 by 25mcg. If after another 7 days your temperature is still not higher than 0.3-0.6 then increase the dose by another 25mcg. Very unlikly that you would have to go above 125mcg.

So you are measuring your temperature each day, when your temperature drops 0.6 celsius below your base readings for 3 mornings in a row it is time to stop using the T3 as your body has begun to down regulate it's own thyroid production. You needs to keep measuring your temperature on a daily basis every morning (still in bed!) and once your temperature has reached it's average base readings again the thyroid has recovered fully. Normally this will take 2-4 weeks depending on the individual.

With this method a rebound (putting weight back on) is unlikly as your own thyroid has only been marginally suppressed. Once your temperature has reached your average base readings you can start the whole procedure again.

T3 is best taken on an empty stomach (better absorption rate) in the morning and then wait 30mins before eating.

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Hey Benzo'.... How I understand it: When dosing Trenbolone, the amount of Testosterone with the Tren' is the dominant factor in the number of side effects you will get..! Trenbolone has a greater binding affinity for the AR (androgen receptor) than Test'... Tren' leaves Test floating in the blood stream longer, which tends to exasperate the number of side effects.. IE: longer to bind aromatase & 5-alpha reductase enzymes.. Tren increases certain sensitivity's for Estrogen receptors due to its progesterinic nature.... Therefore it is advised when running High-Tren', keep Test'-Low..... 250mg of Test' is enough to amplify the anabolic effect to keep libido high, mood normal, allowing Tren' to do the real work...

With a Testosterone dominant cycle: High-Test', Low-Tren' to harden you up, fat burning, taking advantage of Trens' other quality's...... This is more a pre-comp short cycle..

Of note with T-3: I've read, when bulking the extra calories will convert T-4 to T-3, increase metabolism + muscle protein synthesis 12.5-25mcg/day can slightly enhance gains on a bulking cycle..... When cutting T-3 is effective at boosting metabolism at 25mcg/day.....

No I don't believe T-3 is a stimulant of such... T-4 and T-3 are essential for normal growth and development and play an important role in energy metabolism...

Something I've posted here before regarding T-3 protocol:

Important to keep protein intake high. I was on 500g a day. T3 is catabolic but with ASS and high protein muscle loss can be kept to a minimum. Can also add in Clen, ECA stack etc if you so wish.

See if you can find out if there is any history of hypothyroidism in your family, if so then T3 is a no no. Chances are you will be fine but as you well know everytime we put something into our bodies it carries a risk which I don't have a problem with but I also like to minimise the risk as much as possible.

You will need T3 an 'in ear thermometer'

One week before starting the T3 take your morning temperature as soon as you wake up (while still in bed) for 7 consecutive mornings (record in notebook). These will be your base readings.

Start T3 at 25mcg per day for 2 days then stop for 2 days then on for 2 days then off for 2 days and so on and so on. You needs to keep measuring your temperature daily and if after 7 days your temperature is not 0.3-0.6 higher than your base readings then increase T3 by 25mcg. If after another 7 days your temperature is still not higher than 0.3-0.6 then increase the dose by another 25mcg. Very unlikly that you would have to go above 125mcg.

So you are measuring your temperature each day, when your temperature drops 0.6 celsius below your base readings for 3 mornings in a row it is time to stop using the T3 as your body has begun to down regulate it's own thyroid production. You needs to keep measuring your temperature on a daily basis every morning (still in bed!) and once your temperature has reached it's average base readings again the thyroid has recovered fully. Normally this will take 2-4 weeks depending on the individual.

With this method a rebound (putting weight back on) is unlikly as your own thyroid has only been marginally suppressed. Once your temperature has reached your average base readings you can start the whole procedure again.

T3 is best taken on an empty stomach (better absorption rate) in the morning and then wait 30mins before eating.


Being that T3 is just another hormone, what do you think of tapering off? My plan was to use it with my tren for about 10 weeks, and then at the end, drop it 10mcg every day until I get around 20 at day 3, then keep that for a couple of days, then drop by 5mcg until 0.
Some nice info GF mate, I've had my thyroid gland checked because of anxiety a while ago and it was normal and my dad also has had his checked and his was normal as well, so all good there.
Some nice info GF mate, I've had my thyroid gland checked because of anxiety a while ago and it was normal and my dad also has had his checked and his was normal as well, so all good there.

Benzo...... Clear your inbox.... :)
Being that T3 is just another hormone, what do you think of tapering off? My plan was to use it with my tren for about 10 weeks, and then at the end, drop it 10mcg every day until I get around 20 at day 3, then keep that for a couple of days, then drop by 5mcg until 0.

It may be just another hormone but you are applying supra-physiological dosages... Ideally you want to avoid thyroid down-regulation, and subsequent rebound.. Once marginal suppression is identified its best to come off, allow time for re-adjustment then back on...
It just now clicked that is 2000kcals of strictly protein... jesus christ. That's a lot of lean meat