Hows Your Diet Lads ? And Any Goals For The Summer ?


May 22, 2013
Howdy Gym Rats :D

Just thought I'd make a thread about goals for the summer and what your all upto be it bulking up or trying to get lean / strong.

Over the last couple of years all I've really done is bulk, eating well but also eating shite lol,

I've made decent gains but due to a back injury and some gyno lately I've lost a bit and gained some BF,

So I'm back on track with my diet bang on now and loving it, it is really simple , and for my body type, I can gain muscle while losing the belly, win/win.

I'm working shifts out of town so I don't eat meals like most of you do but what I'm doing is working anyway ,

Typical Days Diet:

Wake Up:
2 Multivitamins
Half of a Fruit Smoothie in Shaker w/ 40g Protein Powder
Handfull of Creatine Caps (roughly 600mg per cap)
Handfull of Glutamine Caps
Handfull of 4:1:1 BCAA Caps , I buy pure powders and press the caps myself with a little machine with the help of my Mrs :)

Full Body Stretch
Do roughly 5-6 sets of all different types of press-ups to get the blood pumping
Hit the Gym

Walk Home (Gym's 10 mins away):
Half of a Fruit Smoothie in Shaker w/ 40g Protein Powder
Handfull of Creatine Caps (roughly 600mg per cap)
Handfull of Glutamine Caps
Handfull of 4:1:1 BCAA Caps

2 Large Chicken Breasts with Mixed Veg , No sauce all seasoned with natural spices, both the meat and veg are cooked with them, it creates a natural lovely tasting nutritious type of gravy

Fill shaker half way with full fat milk and 40g Protein Powder
More Caps (I Don't Count em)

Go To Work:
I don't get a chance to eat because of the job I'm doing ATM so I grab a couple of packets of ready cooked Chicken Breasts Tikka seasoned, and I'll eat both of them across the day , roughly 30g per packet so I'm getting 60g, not too bad

Home From Work:
2 Large Beef Steaks with Mixed Peppers and Red Onions again all seasoned with natural spices no made up sauces at all
Handfull of Creatine Caps (roughly 600mg per cap)
Handfull of Glutamine Caps
Handfull of 4:1:1 BCAA Caps

Generally have at least 2 40g Shakes with full fat milk at night
2 Multivitamins before bed

Almost everything I put into my body comes from the earth or an animal, Only getting carbs Via Fruit n Veg.

Goals: Flat Stomach Back, and All Muscles Rock Solid and Ripped, Not Looking to Get Big This Time, Simple as That :)

Looking Forward to Running my Next Cycle, I've gained a good bit of strength naturally so gna wait another couple of months at least tho %)​
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I just finished cutting, I failed however at reaching my goal. Too much stress and a crazy appetite from the meds I'm on. I plan on gaining 10 to 20 lbs before cutting again. This time I'll have a ton of albuterol ready. For the summer I want more mass in my calves, and a more symmetrical chest.
As for supplements, I'm taking creatine and vit d3, and a multivitamin if I feel I need it.
The goal for Jan 1st - June 30th is a nice solid lean bulk:
With me hitting 240 at the same body fat percentage or lower if I can pull it off I am pretty sure. I can put on the 8-10lbs in the time frame I would love to hit 245lbs and keep the same body fat percentage. Will be a challenge for sure, this is just the prep work for jumping back into a hobby of mine ( mountaineering) and I am a year out from an attempt at Denali ( will be my 3rd. one successful summit one failed attempt) and this will be the first once since my knee operations, so I am stoked about it, despite the fact its still a year away.

I am currently sitting at 232lbs @ 8.5% body fat ( hydrostatic weighing) so it is spot on there. The diet is solid though with holidays coming up I have to keep a tight eye on it. My macros are in order though I need to really focus on keeping the carbs and fat down again around the holidays- shit is vicious I come from a family that loves to eat so sitting down for dinner a regular dinner can break the caloric bank, a holiday dinner is a full two days worth of calories; so unlike some people I work out harder this time of year, because of the heroic intake at family gatherings. I have added a second work out in the evenings now after work, its all body weight, pushups, pull ups, chins, dips, burpees ect ect all in pyramid sets that I run from 20 to 1 then 1 to 20 ( call em’ hourglasses). It is helping with the cardio as well I will drop this during the first phase of the cycle ( the bulk) and add them back for the final 12 weeks. If you are interested I will post the full training program I am running at current, it is pretty heavy, and begins at 4am when I get up: 5mile run then hour of yoga, followed by the gym then work, then a late secondary work out prior to sleep. I run six days a week, I am in the gym mon-fri with Saturday being reserved as an active recovery day, a sport or a hike some thing like that, Sunday is off total rest day.

As for my diet it is broken down into 3 full meals 2 snacks, and some supplemental shakes to fill out the macros, though I try to get 70-80% of my needs through food, it is hard to get the raw amount of protein needed. I supplement with some stuff but just the basics, BCAA/EAA/EFA Electrolytes, Protein and a basic multi vitamin, and a few Nootropics I cap all my own cheaper and this way I know I am getting what I paid for. As well as a solid joint support product, that is about it the specifics I can post as well with the training program but it nothing special; its all about dedication. I use sort of a HIIT/ Volume method resting just long enough between sets to allow my lifting partner to bang out his set 5 sets of each exercise, and one group per work out, Legs/Shoulders/Arms/Chest/Back - abs get hit twice a week plus through indirect training, mainly the yoga, every day so they get hammered.
Yeah FlyKick, I've got good calves naturally so I'm taking advantage of it and training em extra hard, and for the chest trying to develop my upper chest a bit more, took me years just to see the muscles on my upper inner chest,

Neo , Sounds like ur dedicated to a lot of cardio, something I really lack in, Joint Support is on my to get list for my back, Glucosamine Sulphate e.t.c.
get a joint support that has cissius; there are some studies that show it begin linked to increase bone healing as well as really helping just in general lubrication of the joints I swear by the stuff. And yeah I take the cardio serious, like I said I am training to get back into mountaineering and all that activity at altitude needs a hefty cardio background. plus fro me it was what really got me to start dropping the fat, i didn't factor in the calories from my cardio into what i would need to maintain my body weight so 30mins before a work out, and after a work out plus the 5 mile run, adds up over the day. Plus I am use to that kind of training, so for me it is in a weird way comforting to start the day with the run, great time to think. Took me a long time to get the chest to really start to pop, frankly its just now starting to be really in proportion to my shoulders and back, was and still is a weak spot for me.

Full Body Stretch
Do roughly 5-6 sets of all different types of press-ups to get the blood pumping
Hit the Gym

I thought stretching prior to training negatively effected muscle hypertrophy..? I was of the opinion stretches should be done post workout....???

Unsure as to how much an issue BF% is...? Don't see much in the way of carbs... (no rice)..Lol​
GF stretching has its supporters for pre and post work outs. I think the issue is static stretching with cold muscles are more likely to cause injury as well as adversely effect growth; while dynamic stretching has been linked to decreasing the likelihood injury during the work out and may in fact prime the pump as it were for hypertrophy. At least that is what I have gathered from various resources including my last Physio- man knew his shit between him and my yogi I was able to develop an optimum post op stretching program that allowed me to loose a bare minimum of ROM after the surgeries as well as help keep strength up.

Rice your go to carb GF? I like Quinoa 8.5g of protein per cup, same caloric count as the cup of brown rice(well only 4 calories more), but quinoa is also a complete protein 39g carbs brown rice has ( 46g carbs so not a huge difference). But I digress.
My diet went to absolute shit with my dislocated shoulder....
Nolys I feel u mate same with me and my back, but I gave myself a kick up the arse, to help heal my back and get rid of the remaining Gyno, I want to get BF to fuck and Rip my chest as much as I can, but it does make u a bit depressed mate when u can't train so I know how u feel.

As far as stretching is concerned , I am used to being in a boxing gym where everybody does a full body stretch before a single bit of training is done and it's never done me or anybody I know any harm, it's built into me everything I've done in boxing, still hit the bag and shadow box and shit, choking for a Spar not had one in a long time now, my young brother is a boxer as well and seeing him getting bigger and better gives me the motivation to get back into it :)
GF I'm lean bulking mate, like I said I put on a bit of a belly cos of my back and lack of training plus OVER-bulking over the last couple of years lol, so now it's time to see them abs or at least lower my BF to a single digit, and I can feel my muscles not as hard or full as they used to be and that shit makes me angry so I'm concentrating on getting solid, ripped and strong rather than big and bloated, that D-Bol bloated me to fuck man.
Currently doing a bulk. I'm 5 months out from a major injury and surgery. Lost alot of mass/muscle. I'm at 205lb's and will probably finish at 210-215lb in the next month. My body fat will be pretty high at about 15% when I finish. I'll cut the fat in the beginning of spring.
@ nolys yeah man when you are injured it is hard to stick to a serious diet, the stress and anxiety that comes along with a serious injury is a bitch mate, I feel for you on that one. I blew up to about 350lbs when I was seriously injured prior top my discharge mate, and 18months of surgery and shit did not help. BTW How is the shoulder now mate?
The shoulder feels ok now I've been waitng 6 weeks on the g ahead from the physio they just seem to take the piss wth time...
I've been waitin on Physio since my inury happened, I don't even know what they could possibly do for me anyway, they sent me a letter tellin me my app was like the month before twice now and I've been reffered from 3 different clinics plus self referral lol , fuck the cunts , it's chiro I need man.

I was told never to touch a weight again but fuck man I'm addcited to training have been on and off mostly on since I was a pup,

plan is to choose my excercises carefully, lower weights and do more reps on certain movements to avoid strain on unwanted muscles, and if I had the money I would run a year of HGH with peptides, chiro weekly, Some Test in there as well, I used Deca because of it's known joint lubrication properties and that is true to an extent but I've still got lumps on my left chest only 10 more Letro Tabs left out of 30 fucking shitting it man, it's not getting any worse wich is a good thing and the soreness has went away (dont want to speak to soon) so that's good signs I think, I think it's gna take 90 days minumum of Letro ,

That's were fucking impatience and not having these meds on hand before a cycle gets you ! To anyone reading this who is gna use roids, get your AI's and Anti-E's before u even think about it.

Bit off topic there lol Really enoyed me that deca gave me gyno cos it gave me great results, nothing but spaced out jabs of NPP in future, that goes for all roids with me now , short esters in and out and if u get sides u cant sort it instantly. Just treating that as a learning curve in the world of roids, never running anything again without Letro lol

GF, What is ur opinion on Alpha Pharma ? It is they're Letro 2.5mg I'm using, but Guido has lots of bad things to say about them although hundreds love the lab and the Alpha I got was 100 percent the shit , I'm just curious because if their are bad opinions on the labs even though their roids worked, the Letro may not be as good , just wondering mate as lumps on a man's chest is no laughing matter and I don't have time to fuck aboot , can't wait till this shit's over. :)
The shoulder feels ok now I've been waitng 6 weeks on the g ahead from the physio they just seem to take the piss wth time...

See a sports physio, or at least someone that lifts. Most physios will be very conservative as to what you can and can't do, and they will only take you so far. Will they help you regain function/range of motion? Yes. Will they help you get back into your normal routine? No. Just too conservative.

Diet has been pretty crap lately. I need to stop using the excuse that I'm bulking to overeat. The antidepressant that I'm on makes me a fiend for carbs. I could eat a whole loaf of bread, a whole box of cereal and still be hungry.

Physiquewise I'm 87kg/191lbs at 170cm/5'7". Wouldn't surprise me if my bodyfat was 17-18%, maybe even as high as 20.
See a sports physio, or at least someone that lifts. Most physios will be very conservative as to what you can and can't do, and they will only take you so far. Will they help you regain function/range of motion? Yes. Will they help you get back into your normal routine? No. Just too conservative.

Diet has been pretty crap lately. I need to stop using the excuse that I'm bulking to overeat. The antidepressant that I'm on makes me a fiend for carbs. I could eat a whole loaf of bread, a whole box of cereal and still be hungry.

Physiquewise I'm 87kg/191lbs at 170cm/5'7". Wouldn't surprise me if my bodyfat was 17-18%, maybe even as high as 20.

87kg at 5`7" is heavy, I was 85kg at 5`10" and I'm sure that falls under light heavyweight, sparring with the heavyweights and a couple of super heavyweights, at that time though I was on D-Bol and chunky and bloated, and believe me I feel u on the "I'm bulking the now it's cool" I've been through visiting family this weekend so diet away to fuck , but I'll carry on like nothing happened today, as far as BF mate, I done a calculation on the net and it told me I was high 20's , I didn't want to believe it , fuck that shit lol , I'm not interested in numbers just show me the mirror, the mirror never lies, except from the ones in the gym haha
Been bulking for almost a year. Diet is totally random, at first I was eating as clean as possible (lots of chicken and brown rice) I still eat the same stuff but I've gotten pretty dirty lately lol. Need to cut soon though so I can have a good base to do my first cycle sometime next year.
I'm thinking of going back on pretty soon , 250mgs per week Test with 4 weeks 500mgs test and a short ester compound on and off with different compounds , Blast and Cruise 4 weeks Blast 4 Weeks Cruise (Recover), I've discovered my hair is thinning and I've got 2 kids so as long as I've plenty HCG and AI's I've got nothing to lose :)
My summer goal is getting back to 5% bf. Currently cutting with sort of a leangains style caloriecycling where i refeed on 2 and sometimes 3 of my weekly workouts( i will adjust macro's once i stall).

Rest days:
1.910 Kcal. 175g protein, 100g carbs, 90g fat, 25 grams of fibre

2.705 Kcal 175g protein, 400g carbs, 45g fat, 35 grams of fibre

Stats: 1m78 75KG around 9% bodyfat

Bench: 120KG
Squat: 130KG
Deadlift: 170KG
weighted Dips: +50KG
Weighted chins: +30KG

Never cycled before (no prohormones either). I did try Ostarine once and it didn't do shit, so im thinking i got scammed.

I might cycle someday, but im still making gains naturally (slow as fuck tho)

Hopefully i can stay at 5% this year, because last time i was miserable and after 2 weeks at my leanest broke down and ate about 10.000 calories a day for a week.
The calorie cycling should make it easier to stay lean this time around.