Hows Your Diet Lads ? And Any Goals For The Summer ?

otherwise how about you interpret the data yourself, and just write the important clif notes, and link the paper as reference. atm its wall of text. nobody is reading it, and your smoke screening all the good shit out of view.

perhaps thats on purpose?

When GF posts a massive paragraph of jibberish I read every bit of it , not understanding a thing but guaranteed I will learn at least 2 new things from every 1 of his massive posts,

He's not trying to look like a smart arse, hes trying to genuinely fucking help people in the same game sort their issues, fuck it was only last week that I learned esters carry a weight that are removed so 100mgs test is more like 70mgs etc etc, and I learned that from GF, so now I know exactly how many mgs I am REALLY getting of whatever compound minus x ester, that came as a surprise that I;ve been into this shit so long and I just found out about that, so now I am planning my next run better because I can calculate it properly whereas before I thought 500mgs of Test was 500mgs of Test and so I could have been over cautious and wasted gear with using less than I could have,

Moral of the story: GF is a cool guy, a person you can learn from, not trying to lick the guys arsehole, but I am correct.
Seconded. It may take a few to read but it gets read, and low and behold I find my self learning shit from time to time. The point is what is important to him may not be to you. So he gives us the whole of what he finds. And he will go out of his way to look for specific things if you ask, he has helped me a few times tighten up my own research. Hes a good dude, who isn't smoke screening any thing, rather hes just forcing every one to read and evaluate based on what they are looking for not what a third party deems relevant.
im getting a little sick of copy and paste unless this is your own publish research?

You're missing the point yet again "copy-&-paste" in my view: generally refers to copying articles from other web-sites and pasting them as your own work..
Offering abstracts of scientific studys that relate to topics currently being discussed is acceptable here on Blue Light....

Blue Light is about information on drug harm reduction of which SD is one small part.. Science is the whole reason we do anything, without science and an understanding of current scientific data how do we offer advice to anyone..?

If you had taken the time to read some of the information I have offered here on SD (which you have clearly stated you don't bother reading anything) you would be aware I have posted research done by myself and others on the esterification process, which I have freely shared with members here on SD, and in PM..

You have been very dismissive of science put forward, offering nothing in return apart from hocus-pocus.... No detailed daily diet, Macro's, or weekly exercise regime..

From your earlier post: You stated 94kgs was your heaviest bodyweight.. you have recently lost 12kgs, you are currently at 12-15% BF...

From your recent information supplied it would appear you are an argumentative, dumb-arsed, skinny, wussy, little fat cunt......

You might conclude I'm getting a little sick of you.....!!!
He is trying to set up good conversation and I was on his side a bit but yeah just begin totally dismissive and on top of that not given the info that all of us at one time or another have laid out be it a sample daily.weekly diet, work out regimen what ever. Kinna shitty to because the guy likes to talk and defend his position which i respect but, He is just going about it in a half assed way. I mean with those stats, and being that arrogant about the info thats begin posted is off putting. he is just being contrary on purpose, his diet is a lot of fad diet shit, like the gluten free nonsense, that seriously unless you have celiac or a related allergy gluten is not going to harm you at all. Paleo is fine, I incorporate pieces of it myself. But there is nothing special about what he is doing, but he was going to drop some knowledge on us about novel ways of training and diet. And they are where? Another thing the Hunting thing pissed me off, must be living with super vegan douche-bags if they look down on you for hunting and saying you dotn need the image of cleaning an animal in your head? But you want to learn to hunt but want some one else to clean the kill WTF is that shit, that tells me you have no respect for the animal and the tone you had implied that hunters are less evolved then people of your ilk. That rubbed me the wrong way.
How do you guys deal with how hungry you get after working out.. I am ravenous and am going to end up huge and this isnt my intention?
Eat a couple of lean pieces of beef or chicken, turkey, I personally don't like seafood but fish as well, ZERO Carbs, will just put some quality protein into you without anything that can store, to spice up dry meat, cook it in the oven WELL seasoned on both sides with natural spices, that's what I do.
How do you guys deal with how hungry you get after working out.. I am ravenous and am going to end up huge and this isnt my intention?

If I'm bulking I just eat until I feel full. If I'm cutting I'm always hungry, chewing gum and diet coke help suppress my appetite
when your trying to drop weight some times you just have to deal with being hungry lol. But try to schedule in the calories for a snack, or two. Drop the calories from carbs, get them from protein and good fats ( carbs can be good BTW so don't cut them totally) point benign the protein and fats will help keep you sated longer.
A bottle of Lucozade Sport goes down a treat after a workout, went back to the gym yesterday for the first time in a while cos of my back pain, felt brilliant just getting right into it again , although I felt weak, just as well I'm going on juice again soon lol , this time I'm on for good , my test still feels non-existant about 3 months after stopping Deca with a fucked up PCT, so I'm gna go on 400mgs per week cruising to start off with just to get that manly feeling back again then when I'm not using any other compunds I will drop it to 200mgs,

Looking forward to D-Bol again as well, very curious about T-Bol, 1 for the to-do list defoe would really like to know how people rate it.
T-bol is interesting. The gains are not what you would call big, but the quality is great, though I never favored it because it lacked the mental aspect D-bol had, and frankly id rather watch the water weight a little closer and have the mental feeling lol.
Yeah D-Bol does have a feel good factor to it , when I ran 50mg I got serious bloat on the belly but using letro EOD wich I will be doing with all cycles from now on maybe that will calm it down and I can just get the good effects the steroid offers, only 1 way to find out.
s well as keep some of the bloat down. I know I have said this a few times, but I hold to it, it will help a fair bit as well as keep the libido up with 19 Nors.
Got a $50 bill from my boss today for extra work and gonna spend it on a huge steak and sweet potatos :D had and awesome leg day and ran for a bit after. Fucking starved!
otherwise how about you interpret the data yourself, and just write the important clif notes, and link the paper as reference. atm its wall of text. nobody is reading it, and your smoke screening all the good shit out of view.

perhaps thats on purpose?

You see that X in the top right hand corner of the computer screen? If you don't like what you see here and don't want to advance your bodybuilding knowledge and physique, then by all means mover your cursor over that X and click it.

Read the studies and learn how to digest them. Not only will it help your goals it will help you in the real world.

Furthermore, don't be quick to pass off what you read here as bullshit. Genetic Freak and a few others here are EXTREMELY knowledgeable bodybuilders. There are also others here like myself that hail from a private bodybuilding board full of nothing but top level pros, national pros, regional pros, hormone experts, pharmacological experts, and bodybuilding experts. Everything you get here is the undiluted truth, no run around, no fucking bullshit.
Well said guido :)
@Neo I never actually had any problems with sex drive / libido when I was on Deca , I was running Test over 100mgs higher of course, but I have still not recovered man it's been about 3 fuckin months, sex drive came back today for the first time so that's a good sign but one thing I will advise anybody to do if running several compounds is finish your cycle with Test Prop going into PCT so that you are just recovering from Test something your body recognises, I recover from just Test alone in no time at all, but fuck me it's true what they say about the 19nors, they shut you down to fuck and I now know that I am prone to lumps on the chest with Deca whereas Test doesn't do that even at high doses , you live and learn, before I even order ANY anabolics at all now as I've said I'm going on for good, I'm stocking right up on Letro and Zydex Pro PCT looks good for it as well, Clomid/Nolva/Proviron combo.
I think that is something that gets repeated a lot about deca. Run your test at least a week longer than the deca, then pct.

But honestly, fuck pct too. Never. Come. Off.

My goal at the moment is cutting down to 10% bf, then never go above it again. Been running my tren and t3 for a week.
I will never take these two lightly again...
I am fucking famished all day long. And going back to sleep after waking up is near impossible. But, I am down 5lbs already.

Probably going to have to go grab some coke zero to curb this hunger. Or some dexaprine....which should be fucking illegal.