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How Young is too Young?

-pats Cyna-
I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to imply that. You're only as old/young as you feel (or something).
Nice thread guys... props..... I haven't really thought about it before (as you know i'm an old C**T - my sister is only 2 years younger than me) I was 19 when I had my first.... but the whole thing was still fairly new anyway... and the price back in those days restricted people going overboard compared to how it is now. I haven't had any experiences with younger people wanting to try, but I'll keep all of this in mind if I come across it....
2c worth
What Pleo said.

Also, how mature is a teenager, regardless of how grounded he/she seems, if they think that they are old enough to consume substances that potentially has an effect on their physical development? By physical, I include the physical aspects of the brain, nervous system, etc, as opposed to the mind.
As far as mental, or "mind", development goes, we are constantly growing, even at 60, so as far as that aspect is concerned, it depends on each individual. Afterall, mental maturity is just a gauge of how well an individual fits into social groups. To your average straight-arrow Joe Blow, all of us who consume drugs are "immature" because we do not conform to his set of societal norms. He would be right because by living on the fringe and being experimental, we are taking unnecessary risks instead of being "normal". Conversely, to the educated drug-user, say Timothy Leary for example, your average citizen is immature because they have chosen not to think for themselves. My point is, maturity is subjective. Judge not lest ye be judged.
Given the above, physical development would then be the most viable measure of "old enough", and I would rather people be on the safe side; ie, over 20, the grey area being 17-21. However, as Horsey, plaz and some of the others have said, kids will be kids and there is realistically nothing we can do to control them, whatever our stance may be. In this case, the best option to me would be to simply spread the Harm Minimisation message and be there for those who need our help.
Having said that, you are all too young.
Now give me your pills! ;)
Speaking for myself I am glad I only started when I was 25.
I may have been able to cope emotionally with the effects, although I can not be certain about that, but it would have affected my life for the worse in other areas.
I do not think that I could have completed a university degree if I had discovered drugs before hand, I scraped through as it was.
So I think that it is important to consider if the starting of taking drugs will adversely effect other aspects of your life that you care about.
Mocha: No the feeling. Wasnt til I had a uni degree in one hand and a job that i started trying everything. E taught me a lot, but I dont think i could of done uni if i tried it when i was 18 or something. Least now if i wanna go get fucked up on the weekend its my right. personally after going to uni for 3 years and holding down 2 part time jobs. If i wanna go party now just making up for the time i was doing slave labour at maccas all weekend. im not saying all teens should wait til they have an education and a job. But I no ive made the right decisions for me. Its my life, its their lives their choices. we can only learn and grow.
well, I read this thread a couple of days ago but didn't have time to write a reply, so I have come back.
My first thoughts when reading it were, gotta be in your 20s atleast but then I started to think about my friends and other people I know and how they all handle their drug use.
my own experience:
before I turned 18 I was still pretty into my sport and cos of that I didn't go to that many of the pissup parties that were going on. After I turned 18 and had virtually quit training and competition, I, along with my friends took up drinking with a vengeance. We were damn proud of the fact that we could drink most of the guys we knew under the table, thought nothing of drinking til we passed out, and could easily have got into trouble many a time.
a couple of my closest friends starting experimenting with pills and speed when they were 19 and (after many months of curiousity) I had my first e at 20. On about my 3rd one I had a bad experience and didn't really touch anything again until june this year. About a month after that I found bluelight and since then I have been reading as much as I can find on harm minimisation etc etc.
so for me, physically, for sure I coulda handled pills at 17/18, but mentally there is no way I would have been ready for it. I know the way we used to just go out and completely F*** ourselves up and I don't doubt we would have been the same with pills.
that said, while I am on here all the time educating myself, some of my friends just dont care. I have tried to tell some of them things i have learned, not being pushy, just adding it into the conversation when I feel it is appropriate but they aren't at all interested. I find it frustrating, but it is like the saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink" i can be there with info to help, but I can't make them listen.
so what it comes down to is definitely the mental maturity level. I think once you have reached your physical maturity, if you've got your head together, know how to look after yourself, understand the resposibility of what you are doing, then go for your life.
thats my longest rant in a while!!
stay safe everyone, look out for your health, remember the value of your family, and look after your mates cos losing any of the above is pretty damn painful.
I think 21 is the minimum age. Its not until this age that people have the responsibility to deal with the effects of drugs.
16 year olds have to deal with the responsibility of CHILDREN.
Drugs would be a walk in the park compared.
I had my first e 4 days b4 i turned 17, i had another 9 in that year (my b-day was july)
That was last year, i have had one this year (in january) due to it being my hsc year
For me i was ready, i felt ready, and i am one of those ppl who seem to be able to "go" with a new drug experience rather than freak out
I can also handle (to and extent, not saying im superman, and i do know my limits) cocktails (by this i mean, alchohol mixed with say weed and speed, with more of the alchohol and weed part than the speed)
I never seem to spew, yeh i have felt sick, i have drank insane amounts when looking back, especially since im a pretty small bloke
I feel that 11 - 17 is too young to be taking "drugs"
Sure we all dabbled in a bit of drinking and smoking when we were in those ages, but i think that taking drugs like speed, coke, mdma etc at ages younger than 18 is stupid ( i know im a hypocryte)
Reasoning behind this is that during this time in ones life, our minds and bodies are growing, plus they are still going to be in school
At 13 you are mentally less aware than at 18, aware of dangers, repercussions, responsibilities etc
I know i sound full of myself (im only 18 )
But i feel strongly that a 13 year old taking e regulary will be far more affected in the long run than someone taking e regulary at 18.
Someone dumpoing regulary at 13 might potentially screw up their growth period, slow the development of the brain, effec their hormone balance etc and screw up their school carrer
The coin goes both ways
If you take drugs at any age there are going to be repocussions
I just feel that at younger ages these repocussions will be stronger and stronger
Peace and stay safe :D
[ 30 September 2002: Message edited by: boom ]
Good discussion and Ideas in general. It's good to read something on this as I was thinking the same thing last night before going to bed. Props to Pleo and Syke very full answers.
FYI I started @ 19, after thinking about it for a year @ 18. A guy @ my work offered me, and i declined for another year. Mind you I know a 14 year old, who is very mature in most issues, but can't get her head around e. I'd like to say over 18, but as it's been said, anyone will trying it @ any age as it's illegal. As it's also been said, i'll help anyone out who asks.
To anna and pleo, nuts to you!
No one should take drugs? Hell no. There are many who shouldn't take drugs, but I believe the majority should, within their own limits.
My drug experiences play a large part in the mozaic that is me, and I know my life would be worse off without them. This is 7 years into my drug taking (including alcohol) period of my life (one third of it), and I can't see me stopping, ever. Sure, I'll slow down a lot, and I'll probably leave the harder drugs by the wayside, but there will always be a place in my life for alcohol and pot, and most possibly MDMA.
I started taking pills n shit early 18's.
I met a girl last friday, she was 15...and she was tripping etc taking pills and the like. While I beleive its a bit too young to be doing things of that sort, she was very mature, and she was around people of the ages 19-25, and she fit in really well.. so i think its more about maturity, and to know your limits...
if ya are old enough to afford drugs then ya are old enough to take em.
If you're old enough to speak doesn't mean you should. ;)
There is some rich little daddies girls out there that can afford them. They should not be on them.
Originally posted by Russ:
There is some rich little daddies girls out there that can afford them. They should not be on them.
So now we're putting a "how rich is too rich?" question into this as well? What about people who spend all their dole money on drugs? Should they be taking them?
I'm confused by this comment.
if someone can afford drugs doesnt nessassarily make them able to handle them. neither does age. how many people no people that cant handle a legal drug like alcohol for instance?
if ya are old enough to afford drugs then ya are old enough to take em.
im sorry but that is a pretty damn retarded view on teh matter, and its flaws are seemingly endless
By no means should money come into this
Its about age
Its about maturity
Its about the human body
A 15 year old might be able to buy a bottle of Jim Beam, he consumes that bottle and makes himself very sick because his body cant handle it, he could still afford it though
A 16 year old girl can afford to buy two pills, she takes both in one nite and has a siezure (sp) etc
I dont need to go on
Money should not be a factor as to what age is too young to take drugs
Originally posted by anna!:

So now we're putting a "how rich is too rich?" question into this as well? What about people who spend all their dole money on drugs? Should they be taking them?
I'm confused by this comment.

For FUCKS SAKE - How many 15 year olds are on the fucking dole!!!
You know what I meant.