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How open are you about your drug use? Who knows you use drugs?

Alot of people know I smoke weed and take pills but herion is my deep dark secret when it comes to drug use
The people I use with know, but no one else. I would say only about 5 or 6 people know about it.
Only a few of my non-using friends know. My parents just know I smoke weed. And of course my using friends know everything
I blackout too often. Almost everybody has figured it out by now. I don't talk about it, unless someone asks, then I'm usually pretty open. I figure it's a public service. Do drugs and you'll be a 23 year old fast food worker too.

A pissed off ex told everyone she knew I was addicted to coke and DXM (not really true at the time), so you know, trying to hide it would be silly. That was in a different town, but she has some internet contacts in my circle down here, so oh well.
A good rule of thumb is to only let other drug users know you are one. People who don't use often have a hard time understanding those who do. They'll often be wary of you once they know.

yeah i guess thats more wise
Almost everyone I know , knows that I smoke weed. But as for other drugs , I try to keep my history kinda hush hush , unless asked by a close friend or somthing. I dont really use drugs anymore so its a subject I no longer try to aviod.
I'm fairly open. My doctors know because I believe in full honesty with the person dedicated too my health. My mom knows, my friends know, and girls I date usually get told as long as I'm with them fairly long. Alot of my teachers know/knew as well. ;)
I'm not really open at all. There are probably a few people who really know the extent of my drug use, but even my g/f doesn't know. She thinks I stopped using last year sometime. It just doesn't come up in conversation, doesn't effect me enough to bring it up (at least I don't THINK so), and it's not on the top of my priority list in any way.
I'm open with smoking pot with a few people in my family, nobody really gives a shit about that. As to other drugs, I try to keep that shit as secret as possible but some people still know like my brother and one or two friends, other than that the only people that know are the people that I use with or cop from. I learned the hard way not to let anybody find out about that shit, family members callin the cops and shit on me fuck that.
I came out and told my parents I did it. I felt it to be a huge relief for me as I was no longer doing it behind their backs. Not that doing it in front of their faces is any better, but they didn't get half as angry or disappointed as I thought they would.

All my close friends know (some use as well). As for other not-so-close friends, I will only tell them if they ask me. It's no big secret, if they assess our friendship based on that, I know they are not worth my time. If not, I keep it to myself.

My boss and all co-workers know, but I work in a surf store, so drugs is almost a prerequisite haha.
Sometimes if I meet someone new I tend to have this interest in learning if they partake in the same fun as I do. I will often slip in little drug hints to see if they catch on. :) I've met a lot of my favorite drug pals that way. Some were people I worked with for years and the thought never crossed my mind that they did them also.
Definitely not open about experimenting with any drugs. Word travels fast, and you never know what negativity can arise from being so blatantly open about it. Besides, keeping it in a closed group with certain people who feel the same way makes it a lot more fun. Almost like a taboo effect.
i'm not open about it persay but anyone who asks me straight up if i do drugs i'll almost always reply yes unless it's my grandma, etc
but the only thing i do regularly is smoke weed i don't really drink at all so i don't feel a huge need to hide my use
Damn never sleeping is hella sketchy. I think people might suspect something... I'm actually sitting quietly in my room trying to appear to be sleeping to keep people out of the know.
An example of my openness:

Me: "Hey, what's this concentrated Red Bull like?"
Supermarket cashier: "Careful, that stuff will have you bouncing off the walls!"
Me: "Don't worry, I've been there... many times."
My girlfriend: "That wasn't Red Bull, babe."
Supermarket cashier: *nervous laugh*
A good rule of thumb is to only let other drug users know you are one. People who don't use often have a hard time understanding those who do. They'll often be wary of you once they know.

If people can't accept me for who I am, then fuck 'em. I'm better off.
I'll tell anyone who asks as long as they're not a family member, higher ranking employee or member of a 12 step program