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How open are you about your drug use? Who knows you use drugs?

I usually try to get to know someone before I bring up drugs. Some people just have that care free personality and you can kind of tell that they either do use drugs or used to. I'll often wait for them to bring it up, or make a little joke about smoking weed or something and see where it goes. I take Xanax though so sometimes it kind of slips out, but usually there aren't any negative outcomes. When I get a new job I like to find a friend who does drugs too, always nice to have a new connection, just have to find out discreetly. Like I said, it's usually pretty easy to tell if someone is really uptight and may have a problem with it, or if they are someone that will be ok with it. The only thing I rarely admit to is having an addiction to benzos and opiates.
Yea a month in between rolls would be best, but there aint no way she is doing that,

To be honest, if your friend cant roll responsibly she shouldnt be rolling at all.
Like i said before, show her around this site and make sure she has some idea of what she's actually doing as it doesnt sound like she does at all.
To be honest, if your friend cant roll responsibly she shouldnt be rolling at all.
Like i said before, show her around this site and make sure she has some idea of what she's actually doing as it doesnt sound like she does at all.

yea sounds like a plan. cause shes a good girl under all the drugs
after almost 20 years just about everyone i'm close to, including my fam knows, and just kinda accepts it as part of my gig-even moms is pretty cool as long as i'm not face down in the mashed potatoes when i eat sunday dinner with her-but i don't actively publicize my proclivity towards opiates as its still kinda taboo- even though every mother fucker who walks this earth has his/her vices, be they chemical, sexual or otherwise
hate to sound jaded, and dont want to cause paranoia - but if you dont keep it on the hush you may very well learn the hard way.
in fact i guarantee that provided consumption continues without discretion, you will suffer negative effect of some description.
stay wise.
use with people and around people who are using or in as safer environment as possible.
don't repeatedly be off your face in the common eye.
don't admit anything to anyone who is accusatory or unfamiliar.
keep your mouth shut unless directly asked by someone you know like and trust.
get in the habit now and the habit wont get you down the road.

stay safe, have fun.
everything in moderation.
including moderation itself ;)



Good call there! Being really open about your drug usage just isn't a good idea and you never know when it'll come round to bit you on the arse. Sure, no problem with friends and people you can trust, but that information just doesn't need top be readily available for everyone you meet.
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I've been pretty open about it. It has been rather obvious though as my arms are track-ridden and my eyes are always pinned. Being open has come back to bite me, particularly with respect to relationships. It's hard to drag a woman into this fucked up world I live in.
I only recently started to become open with my girlfriend about my use. She knew vaguely that I was using, and what I was using, but recently I decided to give her all the juicy details. Now we both feel much better about the situation.
i'm pretty open to my friends and my parents, even though it results in people saying "i heard you were a needle junky", so i say "yeah, i WAS, not since 1 and a half years)" but i generaly don't give a fuck about what bitches say behind my back, i just do my thing... and i know where i'm going...
A good rule of thumb is to only let other drug users know you are one. People who don't use often have a hard time understanding those who do. They'll often be wary of you once they know.
Several of my closest friends know that I use opiates on a occasion, but none of them have any idea how frequently I really do use them. They also know that I sometimes use other prescription pills and MDMA. I generally try to keep drugs and my life separate. Unless they are required for me to get drugs, they don't know I use them.

Even my dealers don't know how much I use as I bounce between a handful of dealers who do not know eachother.

The bizarre thing is that I have a lot of friends, 90% of whom are frequent drug users and would totally accept my drug use if I were open about it.
I'm very open about my drug use to my friends and people my age. I'll often talk to people I've just met about drugs.

My parents are a different story. My brother knows I do drugs, but no one else in my family does. I really wish I could tell my parents, because I hate lying about myself.
Everyone close to me knows about my addictions , it would be hard for me to hide

I always try and be honest
My close friends know. Its not something I would outright tell people or brag about but I don't deny it unless I feel you shouldn't know.
If I feel that it is important that you know then I will tell you.
i actually prefer to only associate with people who do certain drugs. they understand and "get it"
I am open about my drug use to most people. I do go around wearing raver kandi, so I look like a raver, and people just assume raver= drug user.

to the extent that my family and friends know (i'm not "open" about it, but it's not a huge secret either), they don't mind. not a huge deal either way, as it's just daily weed and alcohol. but these are people who have seen me go through enough substance-abuse wise to know that where i am right now is a pretty stable, relatively healthy place.

my girlfriend's behavior, on the other hand, encourages me to hide things. if i smoke more than once i hear "i thought you said you were cutting back" . . if i have more than three drinks in an evening, i get an earful about liver damage. then she flips out about how if i'm drinking four drinks a day now (OHNOES!!!) i'll inevitably do the same or worse every day for the rest of my life. so she has less experience with the substances AND less experience with addiction, and yet insists on giving me shit about something that i used to be very open and honest about with her.

my philosophy is that i do a lot of things that are good for me, and a lot of things that i might be a little healthier without. but if i'm healthy, happy and getting my shit done, i'm willing to take a little bad with the good.
More open than I should be. With employers, I don't mention any drug use, though I would bring in my Dexedrine scrip as proof of medicinal use if I were tested. With classmates and people that work with me as research assistants, I put out hints like using certain slang or referencing drug-related media (House and Shpongle are good ones) that straight people could like and watching their reactions from there.

So, probably, too many of my classmates know I am prescribed amphetamines and enjoy cannabis recreationally. But, I've also made some good friends just by knowing about drugs they'll mention offhand. A kid from one of my summer classes mentioned seeing an analyst and through my knowledge of benzos (he had been prescribed them, I've never even seen them in person) I made friendly-acquaintance with someone as introverted as me. I talk about opioids and coke with someone my age at my job, but I don't pester him for connects or even push conversation past the culture (China, Bowie, etc.) aspects. So far, it hasn't gotten me in trouble with important people, but I do know some people who started spreading rumors about me because I "use drugs."
well my brother thinks i smoke weed once in a blue moon if he only knew what greater drugs i´ve moved on too =/ no1 knows i do drugs exept my dealer LOL i roll by myself.