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How many pills have you dropped in the past month?

I usually have to have 6 to feel anything. If I roll the next night it would have to be 10, then the next night would be 15. SO when I roll fri sat and sund, I go through 31 pills. Thats one weekend, I pulled that stunt for a few months ( do the math- thats 121 pills a month- too expensive, even IF you deal) Most of all you know you need a break when it takes more that 5 to roll. From now on I always stop myself for a month when I take 5 and can barely feel anything, I know its time for a break
[edited to meet guidelines]
[ 19 June 2002: Message edited by: masheadatronic ]
UK people are all fucked up.
That's where I need to move, hehe. :)
June: total count: 2 pills.
This month? 3.5 I only had one night out......exams are on.
On average when uni is on.....12-15 a month
When I'm on a break.......15-30 a month
In the last year around 140+.
personally i don't keep count and within a month i' nveva go ova 6, not real;ly a regular user due to umm perhaps i have a little more respect formy body!
Yes i know
it's everyone's own personal choice and everyone reacts differently, but the fact remians no one here is superhumnan, poppin upwards of say 5 in a nite and doing it each weekend will for sure wreck ur body and health, regardless of how u feel now, b it good or bad, the consquences will catch up to u soon enuf. Not just when ur a elderly pensioner ambling around the streets, but most likely than not, way sooner.
If sum ppl here have such disregard for theiur boides well, we dun't need to know. The police may b interested though about large quantity of use.
In the end it's up to each person, but being a democratic thread i had to say my 2cents, it rather saddens me to know ppl are or will b suffering for nuffin.
300. 10 a day. -oosss
well either your maths is realy bad, or your talking shite, im going for the later.
there was 31 days in the last month so there for you should have done 310 pills.
Well, I'm proud of myself but also disappointed. I posted that I'd had 15 to 20 during may, and that I was going to take june off. I'm disappointed because I didn't have the will power to take june off :( But I am proud because I managed to keep myself to 5 for the month. I happened to find a green versace from a really kickass batch I had about a month ago. It fell between the seats in my truck, and it's a damn good thing I didn't get pulled over and searched in the past month. Since i have such a killer tab, I think I'll be able to keep myself to just 1 pill for July (but then, my birthday is in july, hmmmmmm....). Oh well, we'll see.
People tell me what you think of this but:
Im glad that I live in America because I think thats the only reason I use moderation. First of all the prices here can be expensive even if you can get a deal it still breaks the bank if you do alot. Secondly, If I used the high amount of pills I would get flamed by my friends but in the UK the outlook if different in that regards. And lastly the US government has put MDMA in the same category as heroin regarding legality issues. Gettin caught for possession carries very stiff penalties and by doing so many pills so often your chances of gettin caught increase and if you did get caught with alot you are going to get in alot more trouble in the US in the UK.
But I will add this. I definitely need to take a long vacation to the UK.
Well, in the last month?? Um i think once. That could have been two months ago but not sure :) I ate two for the first time ever....I know that sounds really strange to some of you, but I was always a ONE-IE and I thought "Fuck it! I'm having such a good time I'll just take this other one."
I was so bored and I was the only one in this shitty ass bar rollin'. I had always thought it would be boring as hell, but behold! I had a blast! Then I went dancing. Ahhhhhhhh.
Anyhoo, I haven't been able to in a while. It's like the shit has died out :)
I've got to stop drinking Kentucky Gentleman for dinner... ;)
i wish that I could say that I have had one pill...kentucky sux and people are getting busted and shaddy