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How many pills have you dropped in the past month?

probably about 7...hmm...should start taking it a bit easier.... :(
too damn expensive....
I rolled twice in May, once on a single pill and once on two pills (at a major party). I usually roll once a month so I will be holding off until (perhaps) sometime in July.
I can't even begin to fathom the amount of damage some of you guys are doing to your psyches and seratonergic systems. :sigh:
about 3/4 of a pill, maybe less.
but i did do 6.5g of base in a sitting, and i can honestly say i wish i'd done pills instead :(
Non since 21 April at the last UK bl meetup :) altough I did 10 the friday before that and then 6 on the night.
Last year god only knows
[ 13 June 2002: Message edited by: Johny Boy ]
I have done 2 in the past month. (Double Dropping is the shit) Well I roll about once a month and I set my limit at no more than 2. I like ecstasy too much lose the magic or to build a big tolerance. To anyone in the UK or US Im not trying to flame you, but 20 pills in a weekend is a damn lot. Where I live doin 5 is considered crazy. I can imagine how good doin 10 in a night would feel but face the facts it is not good for your brain, heart, liver, kidney.
I dont wanna sound like a parent but just stay safe, and if you are using alot and not experiencing any depression all the power to you.
I just wanna be able to drop for a long time.
dun around 16-18 this month, but i go clubbing like 2 times a week, i have no worries with e anymore
5 pills so far for the month of June. good news is that I'm done for the month, no more parties until long weekend in July :)
For comparison, I have done 6 in May, 0 in April, and 1 in March. For me, it depends largely on the occasion - either a friend's birthday, long weekend, or special club event.
[ 17 June 2002: Message edited by: haveanotherpill ]
i've used pills for 10 years now. had a 1 year break 4 or 5 years ago. my usage has gone up and down. i am currently taking 15 - 20 a month. never had any mental health problems (Thank fuck). the worst i get is quite sentamental about tue/wed like weeping whilst watching animal hospital. usualy weeping and laughing at the same time cos i don't really like animals.
errr..... just read my last post and starting to worry about my mental health.
i am surprised at the number of pills taken. i couldnt imagine taking 15 in a night. the most ive done is 2 for one event and that was a 12 hour dance party and i danced on and off for 10 hours.
i roll maybe once a month sometimes every 2nd month on one pill.
you guys who do lots must spend a small fortune each year on drugs.
But then.. I have done 3/4g of pure MDMA powder which is about 10 alright pills.
If you'd have asked me this time last year it would've been about 30-40. Seriously. It's quite common for people to do over 10 pills a weekend for a couple of months. It just happens i suppose. At least I know what I'm doing to myself unlike the majority of the British population.
I never got in as deep as some people go. Once i got to taking 10-15 pills in a weekend I was getting a bit bored with the whole environment I was going clubbing in. It wasn't "losing the magic". Pills still worked just as before. I'd get fucked easily off one. When I did pills in different places to my regular club it was far more fun.
Once again this is highlighting the massive difference in MDMA use between the UK and US.
[ 18 June 2002: Message edited by: mik82 ]
I've had 1 in the past month. I prefer to wait for the depresion finishes befor i drop again, this usualy takes 3/4 of a month. I find your roll is alot better if u wait for the seratonin builds up again (I don't have enough money to keep buying 5HTP)
I have made a diary of how many pills ive taken titles are
type ( mdma)
how many (1)
mixed with ( alcohole 2 cans speed grass)
venue (gatecrasher)
company (I find this plays a big part of my fun)
Then when you look at your diary you can only be honest with how many pills you've taken also good for finding which pills work the best for you as everyones different and which mixtures dont work
however now that your taking 11 pills in one night id say your nealy ready to burn out dont forget if your a regular user your going to need more to get that same hi
love pill bunny
me again pill bunny
just read over one month 11 pills ops sorry
thinking about it now 11 one nite youd be f**ked
he he he
I think 5, on 3 seperate occasions. I'm pretty sure I'm done for the month, though...gotta start savin money...
Originally posted by funk:
i agree, im from the uk and some i my friends have done 15 in a night!!i dont do it to that extent but im normally about 12 a month.but ive had exams so i havent flipped in 8 weeks-but in the summer i normally do it every weekend and do about 3/4-but it depends where i go.
You can't expect americans to drop 15 in a night, especially because of the insane prices they pay for pills... My own record in a night was 6.
During the last month I dropped just one pill.