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How many pills have you dropped in the past month?

honestly .5 pills...yea thas right, HALF one..woo hoo...
and Mash, as long as you stay healthy and happy boy!!
[ 09 June 2002: Message edited by: lola72 ]
in the last month zero
since jan 1 - 1 and a half in the beginning of the month.
i don't think i'm doing them until june of 2003...that is if i decide to do the again at all...we'll see
around 4. it's intense right about now because i have so much study to do :( but u got to release!)
Originally posted by Heero:
[QB]E is a drug that I am really afraid of and would never do every weekend. I'm really, really smart and I dont want to destroy my mind. It's the best drug I've ever done, but I have a lot of long term goals that I don't want to mess up just for 8 hours of pure pleasure.[QB]
I am the same as you. I've got a lot of intelligence (got my Cambridge entrance exams in 2 weeks for Maths) but I really like E. I plan on using it in this coming summer a lot but I don't want to fuck up my brain. I'm not bothered too much about the emotional up and downs, I'm a very level person emotions wise. Its lossing my quick thinking that scares the nuts off me.
I havent done any this month.
Ive rolled once since New Years, I think.
Used to do it quite frequently (every weekend).....and its SOOOOO much better when its only every onece in awhile.
Some of you guys will be regretting it someday... but who am I to tell you what to do.
On the other hand, I should be getting some MOLLY soon and I cant wait to roll my sac. off!!
6,5 since 1st of may (two parties)
and to people who talk about 20-50...
wtf? are the pills in uk really that much weaker than in eastern europe or what?
i mean 20!!? a friend of mine who had been a heavy user for a two years took 7 and ended up in hospital with severe(!) kidney damage (even though he's still dropping once in a month he has never gone above 4 since then)
is it really possible to take 20 in one weekend and still be around to party at the next?
robbie williams got kicked out of take that because he admitted taking 12 pills at once in media but i thought that was THE limit...
and how DO you take over 10 pills at once anyway :D ??
That was Brian Harvey not Robbie Williams and he admitted he did 12 in a night, I havent done more than 10 in a night although I have managed to do 10 in a couple of hours before 8)
In this past month. I have only taken 2. Before that, was March 2nd. I took 3 that night. I don't roll as much as I use too.
I'm obviously a very light user compared to some in here, but my come-downs suck. I roll hard, though. Just like the first time. I'm probably going to only do it on special occasions from this point on.
Originally posted by Exx_head:
I'm obviously a very light user compared to some in here, but my come-downs suck. I roll hard, though. Just like the first time. I'm probably going to only do it on special occasions from this point on.

Keep it that way Exx_head, and you'll go far.
[ 10 June 2002: Message edited by: Si Ingwe ]
Zero. It's been six months for me! I'm very moderate! For me, it's like my first time everytime.
0 and it's also been 6 months for me but for different reasons. i used to be a pill head for 2yrs and finally admitted that i just couldn't stop once i started and would try and drag the party out even after everyone went home. i'm going to do it once a yr from now on. i might drop in aug for my bday but i might wait and stay clean this entire yr. phew!
I moved from London to New York in December and must be one of the dumbest things I did. You cant get any E here, and if you could, theres are so many COPS everywhere, you just cant trust anyone.
I am moving back to the UK in August... I CANT WAIT... damb the US sux!
Haven't rolled since March, and before that it was another 4 months. I don't plan on rolling again anytime soon.
Reason: Pills have been on a continuous downward spiral in my area since before the beginning of the year. It's not worth taking them anymore because 1 pill feels like 1/2 but you still end up paying $20 for it...darned if I'm going to spend $40 to roll; it's not worth *that* much to me, certainly not on a monthly basis.
I haven't had a pill since Feb 16. I am planning on having a year off pills (maybe longer) cause i am trying to get my head and my life together. I was never a huge user but after 6 years i was starting to feel the effects.....plus i've gone back to syudy and i wanted to have a clear head for that.
i had about 70-80 pills since new years eve...
e is beginning to be *boring*
cant wait for these shrooms [edit] :)
[ 11 June 2002: Message edited by: stardragon ]
About 16 over the past 30 days. I'm taking a month off though. No more rollin till July. We'll see if I can restrain from dropping more than 10 or so during July.