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How many of you are non-drinkers?

You do realize you don't have to drink that much, right? The enjoyable effects peak when one is slightly tipsy if you ask me, any more than that is inadvisable.

I try not to drink more than a pint (err not a real pint since things have gone metric, but 375mL) of 80 proof liquor in an evening, if I start immediately after dinner. I sort of drift between drinking and sobriety phases, on a sober one currently. Booze is great since it can be reliably euphoric, is cheap, and is pretty damn hard to develop physical addiction to. GHB/GBL is emphatically preferable though, but alas, haven't had any of that since 2010...

That's kind of the problem with me and alchohol actually. I love the initial buzz, when you start to come up on it, but it always fades so fast, so I either drink more to keep it going (and end up too drunk), or I just say forget it.

i also prefer GBl, I find it's a lot easier to control the buzz, and I never got a hangover from it. Plus it's so short acting that you can be really fucked up, and then perfectly functional a few hours later, or at least that's been my experience (which is limited) with that substance. With alchohol, a night of hard drinking will incapacitate me for a whole day.
I abstain completely from any ethanol consumption on a matter of principle. However I am partial to LSD, mushrooms and or MDMA
That's kind of the problem with me and alchohol actually. I love the initial buzz, when you start to come up on it, but it always fades so fast, so I either drink more to keep it going (and end up too drunk), or I just say forget it.

Here's something that works well for me, get a 32oz soda at a convenience store (they go for like a buck), pour in 200-275mL liquor, drink away at a leisurely rate. Smoke some cigs (cigars or pipe smoking work great as well, if you're into that) while you're at it, listen to music or whatever activity you feel like doing, extends the pleasurable coming up time and levels you off in a nice place.

Well if I go over 250mL liquor I might get the 44oz, tolerance comes into play obviously. I usually go for a caffeinated soda, but you don't have to of course. I do this with the cheapass shit of course.
also, usually when i drink it's because i've been clean for awhile and i just want a head change. but drinking just makes the urge to get high unbelievable which is another reason i try not to. and i swear, i could be clean for a month but when i drink i feel like i'm in opiate withdrawal. i don't know if it's in my head, does this happen to anyone else?
The only thing more annoying than the anti-drug drinker is the anti-drinking drug user. You're all fucking losers.


I'm sorry, GET FUCKING REAL. I have absolute respect you as a member and your contributions have always been well recieved and enjoyed by me, if slightly on the hippy-ethos side, but this is the reality:
*I I have been a drinker for 14 years
* I have been a harddrug user for 10 years
* I have been, more or less, a highly functional polydrug addict for 5 years

I ain't never seen a junkie put someone in hospital cos 'they looked at them funny'. A friend of mine was beaten to death by a group of drunk skinheads.
I ain't never seen a benzo addict do anything more than drool on themselves and ask me for money.
I ain't never seen a ketamine addict who was able to construct a sentence, let alone commit a violent crime.
I really can't see any psychonaut being physically able to commit violent crime while under the influence of anything that could be called psychedelic.
I ain't even even seen a mephedrone fiend (even the IV-mephedrone-pill-addicted ones) wanting to do anything more than talk my fucking ear off.
Hell, I've only ONCE seen someone become violent on meth (though meth-fuelled crimes are pretty standard practice, meth to be 'on point' or some shit)

But drinking? Fuck, when I was living like an alcoholic I was commiting crimes on a daily basis. I got into a fist-fight a minimum of once a week. I commited countless property crimes- theft, vandalism, breaking and entering, boosting cars (even though I don't have a driver liscence- can drive, never got a liscence) for ramraids- I'm no saint so I'm not blaming the alcohol, but I have always been gainfully employed no matter how fucked up I've been. 90% of crimes I have commited in my life I only commited because I was drunk. The other 10% was out of sheer poverty. Alcohol makes you stupid. Moderate drinking works for some, but the drunker you get the stupider you get resulting in drinking more and BAM- 'motherfuck, why am I in this car, did I boost it? Where did that TV come from? And who the fuck are you?'.

DPH is the only other drug that I've ever experienced that leads to the levels of retardation alcohol does. Drink a 12 pack of 5% beer over 4-6 hours (which qualifies as a 'light drinker' in NZ) and film yourself speaking- the resemblence between drunk people and people who are mentally retarded is astounding.

And I'm in no way unique in this lifestyle, this is a group of about 25-40 males who know eachother via our schooldays. I'm not some psychopathic anomoly- my behaviour was normal for that subculture and the hard-drinking subculture is one of the biggest subcultures in NZ. We have a population of 4.5million people and 800,000 would be medically defined as alcoholics- bearing in mind that excludes youth drinking, so the figure is probably over 1 million- so 1/4 of the country I call home has an alcohol problem of one form or another. That's FUCKED. Those figures are like opium addiction rates China in the 19th century.

I've hungout/crashed at/lived at dozens of shooting galleries and I ain't saying I ain't seen fucked up shit. I lived with IV-Meth users for a hellish 8 months, yes crime and generally fuckwittery happened on an almost daily basis- but 80% of the the time it was methheads fucking over other methheads. I'm not saying that drugs don't cause crime or that if drugs were legalised there wouldn't be drug related crime- there absolutely would still be methdeads sticking up petrol stations so they can buy an extra Q. What I'm saying is alcohol-related crime dwarfs drug-related crime (i.e. crime commited under the influence, not junkies stripping copper from some house cold and sweaty), even if ALL drugs (PCP & methamphetamine were legal). Why? Alcohol, unlike most recreational drugs, makes you a fucking retard.

Seriously, film yourself tanked as sitting on a couch talking enthusiastically about something- you will look like you are mentally retarded. Film yourself on almost any other drug and you're just gonna look....well, obviously on drugs.

I don't judge people because they drink, I don't just turn the tables on prohibition. Sadly, my best friend is an alcoholic. But alcohol is destructive on a level that I have never seen produced by any other drug anywhere in the world. Sure crack and heroin has destroyed suburbs, cities, towns- but alcohol has destroyed entire nations, entire cultures. Look at your own country- Alcohol + ghettoisation + marginisation (reservations)= death of a culture. And if a reservation is 'dry' that means it has more alcohol within its boundries than a 'wet' reservation. They seemed to be doing pretty well smoking tobacco and taking naturally occuring psychedelics, before booze can along.

Alcohol is a drug. Some drugs are a whole load more toxic/dangerous than others. It is possible to drink responsibly, much most people don't. Just....the undeniable fucking carnage that follows alcohol everywhere it goes.

Maybe things are different where you're from. But where I'm from, alcohol causes problems. It's our single largest social problem and compounds most of our other social problems.
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Don't mind the hypocrit:D

Yeah GBL/GHB is much nicer but only when tolerance is at it's lowest; when the euphoric aspect fades it just becomes a boring sedative(imo). I love dopamine rebound.
I used to be a drunk and drank nearly every day for years. When I got deeper into opiates it stopped feeling as good and I gave it up, and now being on suboxone maintenance I have maybe a single beer a month and when I do only something top shelf. While being a dope fiend obviously isn't a picnic at least I can more or less keep my composure. Haven't been drunk in over a year.
You do realize you don't have to drink that much, right? The enjoyable effects peak when one is slightly tipsy if you ask me, any more than that is inadvisable.

I try not to drink more than a pint (err not a real pint since things have gone metric, but 375mL) of 80 proof liquor in an evening, if I start immediately after dinner. I sort of drift between drinking and sobriety phases, on a sober one currently. Booze is great since it can be reliably euphoric, is cheap, and is pretty damn hard to develop physical addiction to. GHB/GBL is emphatically preferable though, but alas, haven't had any of that since 2010...

YOU don't have to drink that much. I do. There is a very fine line between "I dont feel anything" and "holy shit I am way too hammered" and there is no logical explanation I can give you as to why, because I have yet to find that out >_<

That's why I use ketamine. Its like being drunk, but without the mad suckage sickness room spins etc. Its like the creator of Alcohol realized how terribly bad he messed up the first time, and did it right the second time and ketamine was born haha.


And when you get to the point that you can say that both ketamine and GHB can be described as 'safer alternatives' to drinking alcohol, you know that alcohol is some seriously fucked up shit.

The most popular hepatoxin in the world! Ethanol!

According to poison guides and toxicology books/articles I've read the human body can 'safely' (i.e. no lasting physical damage) around 15ml of pure acetone, while you can only 'safely' drink 10ml of pure ethanol in a 24 hour period. Knowing shit like this makes me worry teh health of about half the people I know.
Jesus.. I consume around 150 ml of pure ethanol on a regular party night o_O

Uh oh , WHAT HAVE I DONE!!??!?


And when you get to the point that you can say that both ketamine and GHB can be described as 'safer alternatives' to drinking alcohol, you know that alcohol is some seriously fucked up shit.

The most popular hepatoxin in the world! Ethanol!

According to poison guides and toxicology books/articles I've read the human body can 'safely' (i.e. no lasting physical damage) around 15ml of pure acetone, while you can only 'safely' drink 10ml of pure ethanol in a 24 hour period. Knowing shit like this makes me worry teh health of about half the people I know.

Yeah I always find it ironic that alchohol, the one legal and socially acceptable drug, is also one of the most toxic, it effects so many parts of the body it is not even funny. I'm not going to get all self righteous about it though, it's just dumbfounding
i stopped drinking 16 years ago and smoking 5 years ago....horrible stuff
i prefer mdma or ecstacy and ket, and ive been enjoying mxe recently
in the north west of ireland its amazing how many people are fucked up by alcohol yet we have crazed vigilantes(most of them alcohol users) running round killing young drug users
I used to have a very strong love affair with alcohol and when I was around 16 or 17 until not so long ago. Now, I can barely stomach the stuff.
In college I used to drink ALL the time. Since I had this dope addiction I never drink anymore and its been that way for quite a few years now.
I HATE ALCOHOL! IT IS DISGUSTING... in all seriousness.. it is horrible. it is poisonous to your body and makes one do all sorts of horrible things. The most horrible things have happened to me while drinking. I've made terrible dangerous mistakes, been raped, and have many scars from cutting myself while drunk. i will never drink again. I cant drink without obliterating myself, and now i have no urge to at all. I find the whole social scene around alcohol gross. why go out and pay tons of money for weak drinks, the goal getting drunk and most likely making a fool out of yourself. i am an opiate addict (oxy right now) and i think alcohol is far more dangerous... i will never understand why it is so socially accepted and legal. ive never made a fool out of myself high on heroin or oxy. NEVER. i am also a highly functional addict, and no one knows. That said i have a very bad reputation as someone that is dangerous to drink with....ha..ha

OH..just wanted to add:

I absolutely hate the hypocritical people that think heroin addicts, or people that use opiates are disgusting and a disgrace, yet have no problem with getting wasted all the time. ive had someone shout at me about my drug use saying things like " USING HEROIN?!DO YOU HAVE NO SELF ESTEEM??!"... then I hear they go and get drunk nearly every night and wander around with all sorts of gross people. this double standard disgusts me.
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I only enjoy a couple beers or maybe half a battle of wine. I don't drink to get drunk anymore because of stomach issues and acid reflux. I used to drink quite a bit.
I use alcohol as an excuse to use a substance on different "special" occasions. For instance, every St. Patrick's Day, I'll buy a 12 pack of Guiness and a bottle of cheap whisky to share with a friend or two. When we were young, we'd bring out backpacks to the local Patty's Day Parade and fill McDonnald's cups with the Guinness, take shots of the whiskey in the portable potties or in a business's bathroom along the rout of the parade. We'd end the day at one of our houses and pass out happily drunk. :) Other holidays: I always drink whatevers around on New Years Eve.. I always get some alcohol the weekend after my birthday. I always buy booze to mix with different things at the annual local and state fairs. Every year, for 4 years now, I go to the hippy festival in my area and I always end up spending copious amounts of money on alcohol there. People sell Beer for $1 a pop and I always fall for the $3 mixed drinks out the back of their tents, made and mixed in plastic party cups above a cooler full of booze bottles. (always get my annual sunday morning bloody mary with the celery stalk stirrer in it, of course. Of course, right? lol) Hmm lets see.. When else do I drink? In my high-school years, I drank every weekend (without fail) I would run away from home to the fire-lit woods behind my school, we'd order copious amounts of drugs and bring COPIOUS amounts of booze. I'd fall asleep with the other run-aways next to the flickering fire, wake up in the evening, hit the park for literally 2 or 3 hours, and then head right back into those woods to repeat the fiasco for a week and a half, or until we began to smell. ;) We had always gotten the cheapest available to us. It was always Dubra vodka, McCormick vodka, McCormick whiskey, Wilson's whiskey, Majorska, and, in the early days... We were drinking vanilla extract mixed with coke. (the vanilla extract is almost like slurping down grain alcohol we had read. If you got the wrong type of extract, you were drinking some horrible shit that did nothing more than destroy your stomach, quit literally actually) Drinking was... My DOC for a while, at the, end of high school. Now, it just makes me feel sick, and tired. (and I get enough of that feeling from my DOC, so, I tend to try my best to avoid alcohol.. Especially hard alcohol. It makes me cringe. These days, I pretty much hate alcohol, unless its added to other substances. I can't smoke cannabis unless I get drunk first. (then, a couple hits make me feel warm and light headed, happy and care-free. I think this is pretty much the only "safe" alcohol + drug combination out there. (however I have tried most, and disliked... none?) If I am running out of my drug of choice, then I will sometimes take 2 or 3 shots throughout the night to boost the effects. (not recommended, in the name of harm reduction) I have heard that cocaine isn't cocaine unless your drunk when using it. Me, I personally believe that drinking with cocaine is extremely dangerous. (which it truly is) Cocaine and alcohol mixed together is actually the leading (#1) drug related cause of death in the United States. (So, because of this, I advise against it with all my heart. DO NOT drink on cocaine, or vice/versa, it isn't safe, especially if you are a new cocaine user with low tolerance) I really cant be drinking these days due to my medication. Submarines dislike distilled water?
I pretty much grew up around copious amounts of booze, first got drunk and smoked pot at age 11. And I still drink like a fucking fish 8 years later. I'm not at the point where I'm like "I'm diseased need to quit". I think alcohol can be great as a social lubricant and recreational drug its just that once you cross that 4-5 drink good buzz you get into "i needa drink more social retard diarheaa of the mouth" mode. Which is where I really think alcohol can be a horrible drug. Because you essentially do dumb ass shit and not think about it. But I personally think that kind of stuff can happen no matter what drug youre using.

I've witnessed the social costs of alcohol first hand, and I know it can be a very destructive drug. But I'm not about to quit drinking just cause there's funner drugs out there.