"How High is North America?" v team nod spring training

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I have to agree with Chinky and Unbreakable on smoking a QP a week. It's just not feasible. That's so much smoking, it might get to the point where you'd be passing out from the lack of oxygen and smoke inhalation from smoking at least a gram per hour that the guy is awake, while giving him 8 hours each night to sleep. That's insanity and I just don't think that's humanly possible. Not to mention that never in the history of the sale of drugs, both legal and otherwise, unless there were extenuating circumstances, has someone paid less than cost for a product. It's never happened, it never will happen and your buddy sure as shit isn't the only person on planet Earth to prove me wrong on that. It's like saying the laws of gravity don't apply in your house, it just can't happen. It just makes no sense that anyone would let someone buy any amount of drugs that cost $X, from them for $Y, when Y<X. Does not compute, ya know?

And not to keep busting your balls Chemist, but why do you snort your K-pins when you should be 100% positive that you're wasting nearly half of the pill by doing so? I understand the appeal of snorting sort of, but where's the appeal in wasting not only your drugs, but your money that you paid to buy said drugs? It'd be one thing if the difference between oral/sublingual and intranasal was like 10 or 20%, but I gotta imagine you only get like 50-60% of the Clonazepam when you snort it, compared to like 95%+ when you take it sublingually, which is the way it was meant to be taken and is in fact somewhat tasty since it has a bit of a minty flavor to it almost.

My point is that your story about a friend being paid by his dealer to smoke 16+ grams of weed per day in addition to you admitting to taking your Conazepam intranasally, which is counterproductive to what you're trying to achieve by taking it, so all this just doesn't add up. It just sounds not right to me and obviously a few other people. You get what I'm saying?

Not trying to be a dick, I just wanted to put it out there without trying to start an argument.
A sweet tart? I dunno. That'd be crazy if one really tasted like a sweet tart. All the one's I've tried, which isn't too many, tasted nasty and chemical tasting, just like you'd think a pill taste. It's only Clonazepam(Klonopin) that has tasted anywhere near half way decent, but I imagine that's because it was meant to be taken sublingually and not orally, so they gave it a slightly minty flavor in order for it to be easier to keep under your tongue long enough.

I keep nodding out and biting my tongue again.....I think it's more from the fact that I've only slept like 8 hours in the past 5 days than it is from shooting dope lol.
There is Niravam which tastes like that. It is the same drug as xanax, but it is a form of it that dissolves.
Klonopins taste like menthol...which is why some people snort them.

I just let them dissolve, still tastes good :)
There is Niravam which tastes like that. It is the same drug as xanax, but it is a form of it that dissolves.

niravam is wayy tooo sweet,

id rather put a regular xanny under my tongue n taste the not soo good xanax n have it take 4x times as long to dissolve then taste that enormous amount of sweetner they put in niravam
if you smoke a qp a week (which i agree is damn near impossible) of ANY kind of weed, you need to put yourself in check. not only would that be ridiculously expensive with whatever kind of weed you smoke (No Prices a week) you are most likely the laziest, most boring burn out on planet earth.
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I have smoked a qp in about 4 days. Not entirely by myself but, it is most definitely possible. Most people that I know that smoke and sell weed smoke 4-5 blunts a day. You can easily kill an eighth in 2 blunts. It's really not that hard and yes it is a fucking waste but, what the fuck does that have to do with whether or not it's possible?

This is quickly turning to a dicksizing topic but, seriously if you're only smoking a gram a blunt I think you are in the minority. Back in the day when everything I did revolved around weed I'd be lucky to get 2 weeks out of a qp. I mean wake up smoking and go to sleep smoking. Again maybe it was a waste but, everywhere you went you were smoking and everytime you stopped you were smoking and after every meal. To say it's near impossible is ridiculous. I'm guessing moms doesn't let ya smoke at home? Trust me not only is it possible it's easy.
omg you guys are twisted up about that still...wow.

team nod status check:

60mg DXM
30mg Oxy
50mg Diphenhydramine.

parents are gone for a while, time to get down. i'm going to smoke a few bowls.

What's up Team Nod? I got some cyclobenzaprine which I've combined with 5mg Dexedrine IR and buprenorphine, no benzos today, at least not yet...
^I do wish we had some nice spring thunderstorms over here on the east coast, although it's supposed to happen this weekend, I'd rather it happen during the week.

Nothing like being nice and opiated with a rainstorm outside your window. :)
Haha, hopefully soon you'll get some rain. It's welcome here, we've been too dry and i'm ready for the grass to really get going...but i can't really complain i got 32 hours in this week, and i'm off until moday.

4-day weekend what what!!!!
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