"How High is North America?" v team nod spring training

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I have access to vicodin, but honestly, they won't get me high. They are 5's, so I will just stick to the vodka and weed.
It's more for financial reasons that I don't wanna get the viks. I would want 70mgs, and that is just too ridiculous with 5's. Not about to get 14, and CWE them.
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It's more for financial reasons that I don't wanna get the viks. I would want 70mgs, and that is just too ridiculous with 5's. Not about to get 35, and CWE them.

I completely understand...

yessir oxy all day! my only dph i have is combines with psuedo...guess i should just get some benadryl.

the generic stuff you can get at the pharmacy is extremely cheap for a bottle of 100 pills, thats what I do, lasts me a while
Yes they do, and diphenhydramine is just nice to have around. However, today I replaced the diphen with loratadine, as I want to stay awake for a while tonight. =D
20mg JWH-122. unfortunatley with my cannabinoid tolerance I feel high but not overwhelmingly so. Still pleasantly baked:)
Man this thread makes me jones BAD lol. Just gotta get throgh tomorrow and I can cop on fri morn. Then its super nod time lol
does lortadine have a similar effect? we have tons of that stuff lol.

It's an antihistamine but its not sedating so it doesn't really help out the nod but it knocks the itches down really well, I may add some diphenhydramine later on but the beers I'm sipping on on the lorazepam I took earlier and nice and mellow with the bupe, I know if I take any diphen I will nod hard which I'm not trying to do just yet...
You can definitely go through a qp a week. I don't find that unbelievable at all. A good business relationship is about give and take just like any other relationship. Though I wouldn't believe it if his dealer ate some cost everytime but, every now and then is certainly not out of the question. Anyone would want to keep a customer like that regardless of what you're selling.

a qp a week like i said breaks down to 17g/day...your awake for what make 19hrs/day so thats basically 1 (1g) blunt an hour..if your smoking one blunt an hour thats completely wasting your weed cause i dont care if your smoking straight bobby you should be high still from smoking the previous blunt...

the only thing i can see is if your chasing the high and by that i mean your not getting high enough so you keep smoking trying to get to the highness you desire..and by smoking regs your not gonna get to it...(sounds like doin dope lol)

i always said weed in general has a ceiling to it and more so regs then anything..by that i mean if your sittin around smokin regs all day long from the time you wake up, by the end of the night the regs arent getting you high anymore...ill get the same feeling with dank if im sitting on it for more then a week...the weed starts to feel like its not getting you that high, so you switch to something else.

^right? if i had a custy that's dropping $450 every week, that's money you can count on if they've been doing that for literally 20+ years. Those are the people you don't need to make a killing on, do that with everyone else.

he's smoking regs for right now, i'm going to give him a sample of what my people smoke to see how he likes it, deff won't be doing a q a day of this.
you dont make a killing on them but you still make something..i mean hypothetically speaking if a QP runs 400 you might sell it for 500 to one person and to your best customer for 450...your not gonna give it to them for 350 cause they are your best custy and your trying to make them happy..

as a dealer you never take money out of your pocket..thats earned and thats kept...and really you shouldnt fuck with your prices if anything put a little extra on but dont take money off..
I came here to look for clues as to what I did last night, but no such luck.

I will see if purple_cloud has any answers for me, since I saw she was one of 6 or so people I do not remember calling last night.

Chinky, I added a bag of skittles to my cheap vodka last night, it helped a lot.

so what flavor did you use?

im glad you tried it..like i said it turns out real dope and makes drinking it really easy
Smoking a qp a week.. thats serious smoking. Qp lasts me couple months at least..of being constantly high smoking off pipe to conserve..man i couldnt imagine qp/week..

Shit an oz lasts me longer than a week
thats what im saying a quarter pound a week is damn near impossible

but chemist..bricks and stacks and JB all claim its possible..

we where talkin about it like 2 pages back cause the chemist says his boss smoked a Qp a week and that his bosses dealer actually takes a loss of 50bux in the deal..so basically the dealer pays his boss to buy his product
I can hardly believe this...You gotta be smoking almost non stop when your awake to go through that much bud
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