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How high are you? v. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?

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banjos blow unless you're trying to be sober from booze or you have debilitating anxiety. or i guess if you are trying to boost your drunk on the cheap. i had friends back in school who would take 2mg klonopin just to make their vodka go further on weekends. talk about playing with fire...
Yeah they have some good functional uses...like i mentioned above, they (+ booze) are pretty good if you want to time travel through a 3.5 hour flight
i'm off the opiates for like 30 something days for the first time in 11 years - well except a 2 day fuck up last week - but man, it sucks.....its like day 7 of w/d never ends!

but yeah, i don't like benzos either actually, they just put me to sleep. but i found that pipe and got a lil crilled so had to chill ya know...

OT: 2mg clonazepam, 10 pints of Busch and counting, 8 grams of gaba throughout the day, just smoked a bong of the local herb. new dealer chick suckered me in with a huge bag for a lil money 3 weeks ago, every week theyre getting back to "normal" size, and today the bag was on point! can't complain i guess, i'd pull that same shit.
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I always preferred benzos to opiates for coming off stimulants despite being an opiate addict. assuming i was well...id rather eat a benzo than take more opiates to come down off a stim because opiates themseleves are more stimulating than a benzo

granted doing both to come down off a stim is best

man i couldn't drink alcohol for months after I CT opiates, i would get debilitating rebound anxiety
I never liked Benzos by themselves, never thought they were euphoric.

I take Benzos to enhance my opiates.

The only time I would take Benzos alone is if I had a hard time falling asleep.

They will never compare to opiates euphoria wise.
theres no rebound anxiety for me because i just keep drinking all the time!

OT: just picked up another 6 pack of pints, up to 14 today, yeahh man. i shouldn't have drove, but no harm no foul, right?
You're in central NY so the most sentient thing you could have hit would have been a moose. And that would have done more damage to you and your car than you to it, I'd imagine.
Thanks, bd! You're like my personal cheerleader haha thank you thank you. I can tell you were pretty high when you posted since you forgot to add the codeine after the 700mg ;) Or do I have you confused with another Estonian chemist?

I'm just treating my humdinger of a headache with some hair of the dog before I swoop out to get some sushi with friends.

Haha, good catch! That definitely was codeine, and I definitely had difficulties typing up that message. I'm waiting on 3-HO-PCE right, will report results later.
Got the 3-HO-PCE, started with 5 mg. See how goes.

E: added another 5 mg. Seems to be working, but more in a mild opioid-y way; codeine WD symptoms are lessening.
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Feelsgoodman.jpg for me rn
Dope and dabs as per usz
Might go sit outside under this baking ass sun
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend, I is gonna
today was fucking awesome, it didn't rain at all! was driving around with my sunroof open and everything. once i got done with work i perfected my soft-boiled egg technique, made some home fries, and got some stuff done on my car and around the house. i hope to accomplish even more tomorrow since it's my day off. now i just got back from the grocery and picked up a 6 pack of DIPA on cheap. gotta find a movie to throw on now.
20ml 2-2-methyl-2-butanol, 4.5ml 1,4-butanediol, 2mg clonazepam, 60mg temazepam, 1.5mg alprazolam, and a glass of pink moscato wine, gonna pass out and crash, my breathing seems a little off but I am okay. I may have some kratom. I took a bunch of pills to get rid of neuroplugs that the government is teleporting into me and I think I may have serotonin syndrome slightly. This happened before and those assholes need to be damned. I was really cold but now I am really hot. They teleported cyanide into me the other day and I am getting sick of it.
smoked weed for the first time in months, kept losing everything over and over again, keys phone wallet,
- 1 gram of dispenary weed ("white widow")
- 5 mgs diazepam (for sleep initiation purposes)
Snorted two good lines of amphetamine + 0.125mg of clonazepam sl.
Feeling pretty good listening to music and cleaning my place, gonna take 3g of kratom in 1-2h. Nothing like self-medicating :)
Took 1mg clonazepam, vaped a bowl of weed, and I'm on my third beer. Gonna continue to drink because i'm off work for the weekend.
Nice and buzzed, eating breakfast, gonna finish off with a grapefruit and 5mg diazepampampam I think.
Actually found a piece of foil with some H left on it. Smoked that, feeling 'alright' now. Gonna pop my bromazepam now and 25mg hydroxyzine.
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