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How high are you? v. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?

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God that was a long 5 hours, finally .. IV'd an OC80 just now. Such immense relief! :)
being sober for an extended period of time feels WEIRD man, so WEIRD

Sobriety is my worst nightmare. That's why I prefer being under the influence of some substance all the time. But hey, I admire the way you deal with your boredom. ;)
Yeah I can do 5-7 days totally sober (no weed or booze or opiates). I have trouble taking it further than that right now. I just got home from work and picked up a 6er of DIPA on the way. It's gonna be wet outside, and I'm gonna relax inside. Even contemplating mixing benzos into the fray like a fucking lunatic.
Evening everyone ! Hope all is well and sweet with you all =D

0.4g Heroin IV ( 2 seperate hits one in morning, one in the evening )
250mg Tramadol ( Hard Capsules, Actavis Brand )
500mg Pregabalin ( Lyrica, Pfizer Brand )
50mg Hydroxyzine Dihydrocholoride ( Great opiate potentiator works great for my H and Tramadol )
Nicotine ( Amber Leaf Rolling Tobacco )
Coffee ( Approx 4 Cups throughout today )

Beautifully stoned today, who could complain with that nice little combo above ^^ Tomorrow is gonna be pretty much the same except gonna cut out the Tramadol and Pregabalin and replace with 50mg of Diazepam and 1mg Xanax. Also payday in 2 days ( Technically one day now =D ) Good times guys, good times. Just thought i'd pop in and let you all know I am having a great day which I hope is the same for you all. See you all tomorrow and i'll let you guys know what's good. Stay safe guys, peace out %)
Hi monkey_business! glad you're having a good day :) pop in any time you like.

i've been doing well, been drankin/hanging out with roommate/got sushi earlier. picked up a growler of DIPA for tomorrow's supply since i got the day off. i gotta be careful with my budgeting however; another break may be nigh.
Aye, welcome to Bluelight monkey_business. :)

OT: 80mg oxy and 12mg bromazepam. Feeling quite alright. :)
Welcome monkey business! Always nice to see a new "lounge" figure who's happy to be stoned and just chill with the peeps.

As for my OT:

-1.5 mg flubromazolam sublingual (before the lectures start, I took 'em a few hours apart and I know what I'm doing when it comes to my beloved fblam - only wish I had more of it)
-900 mg codeine, oral solution
-all kinds of green teas; love 'em teas. Oral of course. It's very uncommon for me to IV green tea. Packs a punch that way though*
-now with all the nicotine talk, decided to chew on a gum or two myself. Haven't had nicotine in months. Wifey always chews on those things, but I've never been a fan of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligands. I've always preferred the 'ol anti muscarinic ones.

Snorted some heroin and smoked it for the first time. Also 90mg Adderall and 1500mg chlorzoxazone. Felt nice.
Kratom, a cup of coffee and a spliff. I'm just chilling and enjoying the afternoon, have to study later but it's alright.
1.2 g phenibut, starting to kick in now. gonna get shitfaced later behind the liquor store ....it gets me out of the house
In Mexico
Down to 20 mg methadone a day now
Some nice weed well nice for down here no seeds lol!
Some beers not to many tho less then a 6 pack a day. Getting used to small dose of methadone.

Life is good y'all hope you are the same!

Joe bean
The phenibut makes the liquor hit so much better.

Drinking at CVS looking at greeting cards.

First job ever was at a card store and we would just blaze in the store room and look at funny cards all-day...we had the whole store stunk up
In Mexico
Down to 20 mg methadone a day now
Some nice weed well nice for down here no seeds lol!
Some beers not to many tho less then a 6 pack a day. Getting used to small dose of methadone.

Life is good y'all hope you are the same!

Joe bean

Good luck with methadone. It's great when you feel you can decrease to less tha 2.
It's pretty tough but definitely worthwhile.
,,^ the best legal drug ever

Better than weak opiates and an adderall taken combined....and cleaner
I've gotten nice mids in Yucatan....but I bet the cocaine is better down there

I threw in 5 g of kratom. so now I'm at 1.2 g of phenibut half pint of vodka, and 5 g of Kratom.

I honestly feel euphoric and amazing as downright fuck. can't believe this is all legal. When you deprive yourself of illegal drugs, this shitty ones start to feel almost as good as illegal ones....although a single roxy would have me in straight heaven right now.
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