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How High Are You? v. Who Am I And What Is High?

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drankin' some cawfee. Feelin a little excite.

broke till weekend so no drugs this week for me.

kill me now

im happy

haha i dont need em

please someone throw an oz of bud like 9000miles my way
smokin the reefer, finally bought a good amount of some dank ak47 :D
Fuck yeah *Tosses a round house, eats shit* refills in a couple days :D! Just normal right now, 2mg flubro. Time to make some edibles.
You need a thizzle / psych when you're owf, Royce!

You said it holmes. This mescaline bean I have has been calling my name recently. So ready to trip/roll my tits off hahaha.

OT: Still val'd out from last night, love diazepam's half life. Still pretty fucking sick though. For now it's bong rips & rest until work time rolls around. Peace. %)
Smoked some dmt during a work break.. it is really the "businessman trip drug"
Nice, para. Contemplating some Texas tea, but my tolerance is forever high.. Another 1.5mg flubro.
More flubroj, pretty sure my vender ripped me off on my MxE, hope less than 30 bones was worth it, lol? Goddamn, I cannot wait to get my refills.. Junt then off to eat some dank ass BBQ.
Codeine, preglabin, xanax, palexia and dalmane. Due to tolerance issues im feeling sweet f all xxx
More burrrr, just got some Miller Lite, T.I. goin' loud as fuck, A1 from day 1..
~10-12mg dl-amp + Old English at work.

Got home, drank about a sixer of Yuengling Black and Tan, about to pack a bowl and then smoke a Red.
PR OG got me like
^that's a good one, a friend of mine grows some primo PR

dabbing some Resinhead OG, rolling up some Sour D for a long day tomorrow, just ate another 5mg oxy
Still drinking and smoking junts like I'm 15, fuck I feel great. About to BZD it up.
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