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How High Are You? v. Who Am I And What Is High?

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Experimenting with an increased dose of ephedra

This shit is like herbal amphetamines, I don't know why the hell it took me a decade into my drug taking career to fuck with it.

Tonight is going super smooth even though I'm operating on no sleep fuark ya? And got an iced coffee in the fridge + rice and chicken for later. I'm set. I'm ready to rock this week.
Not high enough - a little edgy but probably kicking in more than I think - considering my typing issues. Multiple shots of h and multiple Klonapin. Just feel a little "limboish." Yep, nods are kicking in...
Ahh, I can't do that anymore… I can't believe I mixed so much for so long… You are young! :)
cocaine got me feeling fantastic like usual. so happy/sad to say that
Damn I passed the fuck out yesterday. And didn't wake up until this morning. LOL. I knew that was going to happen when I took 3 more 2mg xanax bars to my cocktail. I ain't doing that again! Lol but it was like the best sleep I ever had. Good feeling.
back on my klonopin grind today.

80mg Methadone (1 40mg wafer 4 10mg pills)
3mg Clonazepam (3 1mg pills)
20mg Diazepam (2 10mg pills)
120mg Oxycodone IR (4 30mg pills)
600mg Ibuprofen (1 600mg pill)
75mg Promethazine (3 25mg pills)
100mg Hydroxyzine (4 25mg capsules)
Cigarettes (Marlboro 100s)
Caffeine (Strong and sweet Dan Fransico blend, soo good, way higher quality than Starbucks)

another beautiful and blissful morning. Cheers BL's!
Faded... Passed out who knows when ago... Still totally faded out. Couple lines/ shots of H and Klonapin.
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Feeling nice. Some H and Klonapin and cigs. I'm soooo mellow.
I don't want to complely nod out yet, but I have to take my grandma to her salon appointments today. That kinda ruins letting a nice, happy high ride (for a while) into a nice, happy fade out (without worries).
Oh well. At least I got to cop earlier and can enjoy it later also.
last night ended up passing out in basement till 7:30am. Totally faded out. Everything caught up to me!
High as a kite on acid, but I'm not on acid, just stoned on some lovely indica, sorta got a bit of an acid flashback earlier though... got the metallic taste in my mouth and visuals and everything it was weird, but not bad, and it didn't really surprise me somehow, it sort of seemed... logical, I just got really stoned and started thinking about my acid trip from the other day and just sorta started tripping and it lasted about 5 minutes and then it was gone as quickly as it came.
I thought it was DOB/DOC that had metallic taste? Ive never had acid with flavor. Then again ive nevee had DO compounds...

Im sober, no stims yet.
Hell yes, Dexedrine synergizes so well with Xanax. I feel like my body is floating on a cloud while my mind stays ultra-sharp while nothing but dopamine oozes out my synapses.
I thought it was DOB/DOC that had metallic taste? Ive never had acid with flavor. Then again ive nevee had DO compounds...

Im sober, no stims yet.

you never got that weird "acid taste" in your mouth while tripping? RC's taste metallic on contact, but you don't taste that during your trip. LSD always gives me a specific taste in my mouth when I trip.
5cant keep NY eyes open. Just scored yesterday and only have one pack of h left. Done so much that I'm beyond faded. Keep nodding/passing out. Probably shouldn't be taking Klonapin too. Seeing double and typing is tough! Kinda like the rest though. Just don't want to go score again already. Its like when I have the h, I'm compelled to do it! The perils of addiction...
Shithoused, pissed outside a 4 star restaurant, mfers wish they were this below average. Junt then I'm going to bread.
Picked up some poppy seeds the other day from a different grocery store and they sucked, got 150g from the usual place today and had to buy the other 2 bags from another and it's ok.I'm feeling good but not as good as I could :D
sober... this sucks!!!

EDIT: 5-meo-dmt intranasal.... smoking am-2201
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Slightly over a gram of some good clear down so far been smoking, railing, and hot railing since I woke up 17 hours ago, and only stopped to make myself eat for lunch and again for dinner plus breaks for hygiene (showered twice, brushed teeth three times, etc.) Just kicking back alone in my house listening to every song I decide I am feeling at that moment, and fucking around all over bluelight of course haha :) going hard and not thinking about tomorrow because I have nothing important to do anyway haha
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