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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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suboxone, klonopin, nicotine, caffeine


Hopefully getting a couple bags of dope later...
2 mg alprazolam, 400 mg codeine 300 mg lyrica - god damn i miss oxycodone - gonna keep on with this break tho. Trying herion has beeen on my mind a lot recently and I know it's only a phone call away. it's bad considering how compulsive i am with oxycodone.

Edit: forgot to mention a few johnny walker blacks.

as in a few whole bottles of black label? 8(

@OT just scored some tar, a rare thing for me, as it seems to come around my parts very rarely and briefly. preparing it to smoke now.

UPDATE: I'm feeling prfdetty good man. It's like I"m having a bubbble bath in a cloud. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
as in a few whole bottles of black label? 8(

@OT just scored some tar, a rare thing for me, as it seems to come around my parts very rarely and briefly. preparing it to smoke now.

UPDATE: I'm feeling prfdetty good man. It's like I"m having a bubbble bath in a cloud. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Na, a few singles on da rocks. Rethought that herion decision it would be comiitting suicide with my life. I have a bit of control with oxycodone/codeine/tramadol (mainly because I have to wait for a new scripts as I use em so fast). There wouldn't be that element if i could jus call a money hungry dealer whenever i wanted.
sippin on a brew. i finally have teh loot for a small sack of green and an oc 30 or some dogfood to go with it, but that would require extraordinary circumstances far out of my control. i'd be happy just findin some green tonight. the only thing worse than being broke without any connects is having dough and still no connects.
Bleh no heroin score today.

40mg methadone nasal
1mg alprazolam sublingual
tiny bit of bth heroin I could manage to scrape IV
K well I took 48mg of codeine. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. I had a lot of ice earlier this week, and my parents ended up catching me. Now they have taken 100% control of my cash flow. They have my debit card, and credit card. And now will look at my account summary and statements at the end of the month. I can't spend SHIT on ANYTHING. THEY ARE FUCKING PISSING ME OFF TO NO END. THEY WON'T EVEN ALLOW ME TO DRINK.

I either have to stick with their bullshit or find a new place to live. I don't know what I'm going to fucking do.

Ha, sounds familiar!

Shot some heroin, plugged an adderall, I'd say I'm decently intoxicated. I REALLY am planning on putting the dope down though, like, Tomorow (though that's what everyone says huh..), regardless, I hope to not announce any IV diamorphine intoxication within the next week guys. Just adderall, and some benzo's here and there. Perhaps I'll go wild and start smoking PCP too, the possibilities will be limitless! But in all seriousness, I don't want to look back on this post Ina month and think 'yeah right" as I draw up some heroin into a 1mL syringe. I'd like to proclaime "ah! How far I've come", as I plug some amphetamines after a nice warm shower.
What's going on, guys? Haven't been around much, I know, but I should be back to cruising the boards a bit more often from now on...

So how high am I? Well, we've been broke lately, but we managed to come up with enough money for a Friday night bundle. The dope was OK, but honestly, the stuff that we were getting before was better. The dealer ran out of that stuff today, like, literally, a few hours ago... *sigh*

So I'm high enough but not as high as I'd like to be. That seems to be the way of it, eh? ;)
Hopefully this heroin breaks through the suboxone I snorted like 11 hours ago.

I'm hoping for the bestg because my fucking addict brain cannot resist. God damn.
^ Yeah I know what you mean, brother. How much suboxone did you snort, if you don't mind me asking ?
Noddin' for the past 4ish hours not getting much of anything done. haha. The needle contained 100mgs O-DT, 75mgs MXE, 10mgs 2c-t-7, 8mgs of 2c-b, 1mg DOC, and some DiPT! Good shit. Also dosed a mg of Etizolam and 40ish mgs of 2-FMA to keep myself alert.
^ Yeah I know what you mean, brother. How much suboxone did you snort, if you don't mind me asking ?

Yeahh haha isn't that a bitch! But hey guess what good news...I'm feeling it and feelin it good!

So hells yeah I'm sippin on some mikes hard and vaping some weed after a really long work day.

And I snorted 2mg verso...more than I usually snort so I'm suprised I felt it! Goood news though indeed.
I've been snorting a fat bag of heroin all night long....feeling noddy :D
Stone IPA & spliffs right here. Should be picking up more chronic tomorrow. Any festivities beyond that may have to wait a little longer.
day 2 of oxy "break" feels like way longer. 180 mg codeine 300 mg meprobamate 1 mg alprazolam. All my OC doctors have black listed me (except 1), so I only have one which will give me 60 OC 20s a month (if im lucky). Still more than 3 weeks to go for that repeat and I say again - with all the doctors firing me if I'm lucky, so the days of doing 160-300 mgs a day of OC with my insurance paying for it all are this time - well and truly over.

But a suppose a codeine addiction is better than an OC one right ? I will admit the thought of buying herion has crossed my mind, but I've banished that.
About to IM a shot containing 80mgs O-DT, 75mgs MXE, 1 mg DOC, 2mgs 3-MeO-PCP, 10mgs of bees, and 12mgs of T7. The rush is probably going to be great, have my n2o canister ready to go with two chargers in it. Probably enough to keep me good today/into tomorrow! Woo-hoo! Break after this one most likely to avoid tolerance/WD's!
Half gram of meth smoked and iv'ed since the afternoon of yesterday it is now 6 in the morning almost 7 lol
Soo I went to pick up a gram of K anyway yesterday and finished it too. Hung out with some friends at someone's place. Also did quite a bit of amphetamines, alcohol, and some cocaine. Oh and loads of bowls.

I'm feeling fried, but I'm still gonna get moar ketamine. :\ Shouldn't really but hey.. My tolerance is getting too high aswell.
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