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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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^Well I could go for a good nod myself right now hehe. I'd probably even leave the ketamine be if I had something strong enough to get me typing like that! haha, I'm just playin' brah.
I love the onset of alprazolam.

2mg of alprazolam
30mg of methadone
1 bag of heroin (I somehow was able to acquire powdered heroin)
1 Cup of Coffee
1 Kamel Red
Gonna take 200mg tramadol and 10mg diazepam and chill. Possibly some K later. This time fo' real, I'm ending my binge after this gram. Lol.
Is it cut BTH? Or mexican brown? I've gotten "powdered" heroin in Texas. Most of the time its BTH cut with dormin (diphenhydramine - it actually does increase the rush and is a good mix with BTH. Some places still will give you a .1 worth of BTH even if it is cut with the dormin, so some IVers don't mind). Some of the time it's mexican brown (which could be actual mexican brown powder or BTH cut with some sort of brown cutting agent). Neither are like ECP (I've got heroin from texas and NC so I've seen a mix of all types of heroin). If it is some actual good ECP like heroin and not just cut tar, thats awesome. I'd love to get some around here, but of course its real rare.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of snorting my methadone pills, so I just made another oral syringe from a insulin 1CC syringe. I fill the sucker up with the slurry of methadone pill and water (usually around 1.2mL of water per 10mg roxane pill), pulled the plunger back a little more, stuffed a little but of cotton in the hole where the needle was on the fixed insulin syringe. I'm just excited to have a new oral syringe in action for nasal methadone.

so I'm now at

2mg of alprazolam
50mg of methadone

I feeeeel goood. I just need some weed or k and I'd be perfect.
^Well I could go for a good nod myself right now hehe. I'd probably even leave the ketamine be if I had something strong enough to get me typing like that! haha, I'm just playin' brah.
Lol quick bro lets trade!:p Diss's+opi's ='s heaven...! Just think about holing while your under the warmth of the opiate blanket!
^I know how great it is but I've cut strong opiates from my "diet" quite a while ago. It's still pretty great even without opiates though, hehe.

All I the opiates/oids I still take now now are tramadol, codeine and tilidine.

OT: about to blast to a K-hole, having some friends over. Hope they want to take some K too, else I'll be pretty asocial the first hour or so lol as I require loud music. :D
Doing my morning 1/2 gram shot. My tolerance is back up to where it was before I went to jail and its only been ten days. :(

The day I got out of jail I od'd and fell asleep on my leg and woke up with it numb from the hip down. Went to er and they discharged me w physical therapy orders and a walker and said to come back if feeling hasn't regained in a week. Its been 9 days and my leg is still fucked up I damaged the peroneal nerve in my leg and now I have an appointment with a neurologist this week to figure out extent of damage. I've mastered driving with my left foot though. And people are more polite when they see you hobbling with a cane. I took my legs for granted.
Just think about holing while your under the warmth of the opiate blanket!
Doing a nice fat bump of S-Ket right after a shot of Hydromorphone, omggggg =D

What I just stated is insanely dangerous and should not be attempted under any circumstances.
Doing a nice fat bump of S-Ket right after a shot of Hydromorphone, omggggg =D

What I just stated is insanely dangerous and should not be attempted under any circumstances.
Its not that dangerous as long as you make the morphone lowered doses, though I hate hydro but would love love some oxy! Still noddin' puffing on EW. Just ate a cap of AH as well. Life is goooodddd right about now! I routinely IM 120mgs of MXE along with 50-100mgs of O-DT/AH along with other goodies, and I don't have much of an opi tolerance besides the annoying natural one I was given at birth...:( The IM rush from Diss/opis is out of this world though, its so crazy nice and euphoric, like being launched of the Top Thrill Dragster compared to an old 1920's wooden roller coaster, haha. Most users would want to start insanely small though as nods come easily with this combo and its actually easy/possible to black out for 10 or 20 minutes after dosing if you got to wild with it, though that only happened to me once and it was one of those "Holy shit where the fuck....oh yeah I dosed opi's,..." sort of nods lol.
Hmmm lets see in the last hour; 2 more mgs alprazolam, 22.5 mg midazolam 2 mg loprazolam and in addition to all the codeine taken earlier - a further 180 mgs to hopefully get me to sleep.

Codeine's euphoria is probably a 1/10 compared to a nice dose of oxy which is about a 10/10 as in shit i feel so good i don't know wtf to do with myself. Which is why it sucks to adjust to it and probably why I'm abusing my benzos so hard.

Anyway - sleep time.

Edit: Just snorted 7.5 mgs more midazolam and 10 zolpidem.

I'm so fkin suprised I'm typing this coherently, I mean I feel completely fucked, but I can still write. Wtf is going on here.
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Crazy amount of midazolam 8o Wish I had some.
But all in all Im feeling amazing!!! Havent been nodding this hard for a looong time =D
Had about 1,5mg bupre today and 30mg of oxazepam and lots of weed, my head is almost hitting the table as I write
1 mg xanax
20 bag of crack (it was how my friend paid me back)
4 bags of heroin
bowl of some Grandaddy Purp
pack of ciggs.
absolutely floored after prepping 300mg of morphine for an IV and the "left overs" set up for plugging, i took 2-mg valium

exactly what i needed after a weekend of totaly debauchery which included drinking IPA's, skulling Cap't Morgan from the bottle and much more drinking. bender out of the way, won't need to revisit there for a while as i don't drink too often but it was worth it i guess. having the proper "recovery tools" is a necessity;)

now i'm at home waiting for the football grand final to make it onto the idiot box. just gonna smoke a few cigs and drink coffee in the mean time:)
absolutely floored after prepping 300mg of morphine for an IV and the "left overs" set up for plugging, i took 2-mg valium

exactly what i needed after a weekend of totaly debauchery which included drinking IPA's, skulling Cap't Morgan from the bottle and much more drinking. bender out of the way, won't need to revisit there for a while as i don't drink too often but it was worth it i guess. having the proper "recovery tools" is a necessity;)

now i'm at home waiting for the football grand final to make it onto the idiot box. just gonna smoke a few cigs and drink coffee in the mean time:)

i'm so glad i recorded the game. i was nodding out hardcore throughout the majority of the game. coffee was no help at all!

i'm still in and out a little, drinking coffee and having the odd small toke from the bong.
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