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⭐️ Social ⭐️ How High Are You? V. How Much Wood Does a Woodchuck Chuck?

Yeah high.

I'm out of redbull
but still have some rockstar.
alright !
I got banned for 7 days on Facebook posting that. People are too fragile lol. Oh well still hilarious piece of art.
I got banned for 7 days on Facebook posting that. People are too fragile lol. Oh well still hilarious piece of art.
- 2 mg Clonazepam - oral
- 50 mg Promethazine - oral
- 75 mg Amitryptiline - oral

-- Peace o/
Vaped some meth earlier
0.5mg of alprazolam
A couple of spliffs
New batch of kratom

Also took some amazonian tobacco snuff (shamanic rapÉ) intranasally.
I have needed to go dentist for years.. And it's only getting worse I'm scared of them and not ashamed and stories like you're which I hear a lot of don't help... what if some incompetent moron fucks up and causes more damage then before they are so bad and weak though, especially for my age
It was the thought of what if stuff gets worse with this covid shit that spurred me to go get my mouth sorted
I was picturing something like the scene in castaway with Tom Hanks and that great actor Wilson where Tom hanks has to do root surgery on himself with the blade from an ice skate
The thought of doing something like that is all kinds of fucked up
So I got my bottle up and went and it’s still painful now five days later so I’m actually glad I went as who knows what would happen if I left it and the dentist went into lockdown
110mg oxy intranasal.
2800mg Gabapentin orally
Packed mighty vape purple stardog
No work today so having a coffee and trying to find something to do so the day isn’t totally wasted
- 5 mg of Methadone - oral
- 60 mg of 2-FA - intranasal
- 2 mg of Clonazepam - oral

No work today and it's 12:15 here and just woke up. :D xP

-- Peace o/
Adding Coffee, Red Bull and Nicotine to the list, that's right, music!

-- Peace o/
I'm in the hospital right now for gallbladder surgery. It's scheduled for 5 tonight. I came to the er crying cause the pain was so bad. The first hospital I went to was super crowded and I ended up laying on a stretcher in the hallway crying for like 5 hours until they finally gave me a Vicodin and a Valium and then immediately discharged me even though it didn't help me at all.

So when I got home I checked the other local hospital and they had a much shorter wait time so I went there (where I am now) and they actually ran tests and found out my gallbladder was the problem. Also they gave me Dilaudid in my iv. Did you guys know that stuff is TOTALLY AMAZEBALLS!? I've always enjoyed alcohol and Hydrocodone but this stuff is on a whole 'nother level! When they first put it in I actually got a real rush for the first time ever from any drug. A hot flush and an almost slightly unpleasant pressure feeling in my head and a big rush to my *special spot* almost like a small orgasm. Then all my pain went completely away and I just feel warm and tingly and cozy and wonderful all over.

But after I got transferred up to a main room from the er they've just been giving me a lame anti inflammatory which does help the pain but not totally and doesn't give me any high at all. But today my stomach hurt bad even after the anti inflammatory so I just now got another shot of Dilaudid. I think the world would be a better place if everyone used Dilaudid all the time.

I'm a little scared about my upcoming surgery but I'm also looking forward to the general anesthesia. It will be my first time being totally put under.
Good luck with that surgery! <3

Currently on:

- 10 mg of Loratadine (Allerfre) - oral
- 75 mg of Amitryptiline (Elavil) - oral
- 3.75 mg of Clonazepam (Rivotril) - sublingual
- 40 mg of Cisordinol (Zuclopentixol) - oral
- 50 mg of Nozinan (Levomeprazole) - oral
- 50 mg of Promethazine (Phenergan) - oral
- 20 mg of Pantoprazole - oral
- 5 mg of Methadone - oral

Basically left a few out but CBA to posr them all.

-- Peace o/