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⭐️ Social ⭐️ How High Are You? V. How Much Wood Does a Woodchuck Chuck?

337 EU. It's the highest end vapor quality and psychoactivity though as well as so smooth you feel nothing.

High efficiency though. In a device like this, a gram will go further or at least get you noticeably higher than the Mighty, Plenty, even Volcano.

So a very efficient desktop pays back too and enhances the experience more for me than changing weed.

It's good weed too though!

You wouldn't be able to buy this anyway there's about a nine month waiting list and just one man making it I managed to basically get myself one specially made up and sent ahead of the queue after just contacting him to enquire about the waiting list and placing my name on it.

There's people all over the world can't wait for theirs to be built let alone receive one and there are so many others who probably can't be bothered to wait a year for one to be made though. I paid obviously but It's the only model he has worked on since I contacted him a few weeks ago now but I can't judge time anymore because one day is like three and a month ago therefore can feel like yesterday.

There are a lots of similar very high quality desktops by which they give you more bang for your buck in the short and long run.

The Mighty is rated though and is quality with that sleek discreteness too. Never sticks out. So it's perfect for your life in that regard.
Hey brother have you ever done a bucket
I used to swear by them
Imho it’s almost as strong as a dab with just regular flower 💐
They are addictive as fuck though but I always swore by them
And if you do one before heading to work in the morning then the wakenbake is (pardon my French)
Fuckin phenomenal me brother from another mother
8 beers
100mg sertraline
2mg Alprazolam
0.5g D-Methamphetamine
0.2g D/L-Methamphetamine
Half a packet of TicTacs
Hey brother have you ever done a bucket
I used to swear by them
Imho it’s almost as strong as a dab with just regular flower 💐
They are addictive as fuck though but I always swore by them
And if you do one before heading to work in the morning then the wakenbake is (pardon my French)
Fuckin phenomenal me brother from another mother
Yeah man. Was my ROA from day one. 3 huge pure hash buckets each mornong 8.45 am 1st week using cannabis 17, 3 mile bike ride through rush hour to strict private school (fully govt funded lol including the best school dinners and tuck shop (not free but the works. Old skool like in the Beano. Sausage rolls, scotch pies, wine gums, giant strawberries, space raiders...

School shooting range. Fencing, badminton, squash, basketball, tennis, swimming, Rugby was it's "thing" above all.

Real posh place. I was off me head there 16-17 on e's and acid.

17 first used cannabis. Right away 3 big buckets before riding to school at lightspeed right out of bed.

Everyday. What a buzz too.

Buckets for years. All designs, gauzes, sizes. 1.75 gram buckets in 2 even lungs.

It's insane. Did that for years as well as daily edibles.

And yes. Leaving house. Any time but when you don't want to like 6 am for job- humungous bucket bong and the whole day is a trip.

Every job too. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dustman, Tescos (Numerous).
8 ounces vodka
Unknown, visually moderate dosage of methamphetamine in water (no scale)

I guess I'm a simple man.
Sipped booze too quick today just got some Johnny Rocket sauce down the hatch though will uppercut the overwhelming depressing somewhat dizzying while seated ethanol rush with a propyl rush sue me Sammy
I've spent 80 quid on heroin in two days got half an egg yesterday and half just now on tick I am in dept up to my eyeballs I wasn't gonna get anymore but he rang me that he's coming past told him that I need to pay this one seperstely out my next giro and he's like nah I ain't waiting 2 weeks give it me back then yeah right so I said fine but you gotta sort me a tick when I pay "yeah yeah of course bro" yeah my dad has just died who you have known all your life cuz you grew up with him the funerals in a few days and you can't let me take a roll over wow what a prick the only good thing is because I owe him so much money he will come quick as the wind and he will have to tick me already half an egg happy birthday to me in a week already spent all my money weeks earlier... And it's a few days after the funeral what a month.
Fuck it looks like one of those days just gotta be a bit smarter like for example I just downed half a bottle of Listerine mouth wash which has alcohol in it all these idiots wasting money on beer I be like I got my own clean beer mate so clean it's actually put in cleaning products hmm does toothpaste also have alcohol in if it did though how would I take it, it's already a paste I just need a base
Amazing how heroin becomes your best friend again after a grievance cus all you wanna do is numb the pain.
I took 600 ug of acid 12 hours ago to enjoy the sunset and a thunderstorm. I planned to go to bed about 1 AM and spend all of today doing urgent chores and admin in preparation for a super productive week. But at some point I started chugging unmeasured ml’s of liquid LSD and now it’s dawn and I still feel like I’ve only just peaked and have another 12 hours of weirdness to come.
Fuck it looks like one of those days just gotta be a bit smarter like for example I just downed half a bottle of Listerine mouth wash which has alcohol in it all these idiots wasting money on beer I be like I got my own clean beer mate so clean it's actually put in cleaning products hmm does toothpaste also have alcohol in if it did though how would I take it, it's already a paste I just need a base
Hey man. I am real sorry you lost your Dad. I am. I'm lost for more words there, just me atm but since I read your posts time dilated (recently basically), I was thinking shit the world feels like such an uncaring place at times.

It's not entirely so but it can feel so lonely when down and it really feels like noone really gives a damn.

I don't think toothpaste has booze in it? I haven't used toothpaste since 2006 though I'm actually allergic to all brands of toothpaste I just use pink Himalayan salt now.

So, keep an empty listerine bottle in your car door, say you were having a panic attack about your bad breath again and overdosed on mouthwash. I don't drive myself.
Hey man. I am real sorry you lost your Dad. I am. I'm lost for more words there, just me atm but since I read your posts time dilated (recently basically), I was thinking shit the world feels like such an uncaring place at times.

It's not entirely so but it can feel so lonely when down and it really feels like noone really gives a damn.

I don't think toothpaste has booze in it? I haven't used toothpaste since 2006 though I'm actually allergic to all brands of toothpaste I just use pink Himalayan salt now.

So, keep an empty listerine bottle in your car door, say you were having a panic attack about your bad breath again and overdosed on mouthwash. I don't drive myself.
I was joking about the Listerine although I didn't make it obvious thanks though I appreciate it
8 beers
100mg sertraline
2mg Alprazolam
0.5g D-Methamphetamine
0.2g D/L-Methamphetamine
Half a packet of TicTacs
Damn brother you washed down a whole .7g meth with half a packet of tic tacs? This mfer goes hard in the paint
I was joking about the Listerine although I didn't make it obvious thanks though I appreciate it
I like jokes and not being obvious isn't actually a matter long as things make sense on reflection is what counts I reckon.

The fact that you can still make a joke is a really positive indication of your character and mental strength and depth.

I already could see that you were commanding yourself emotionally very well at this time. And I'm actually glad that you have the sense I thought you were paid to defined better coping mechanisms then drinking mouthwash lol!

I have done crazier things myself and I'm sure I would have been down for that in my youthful prime. Fortunately as I got older I came to my senses gradually in bumps. 🙂
That's actually a good idea 💡💡💡

On to the off license!!!!
I succeeded in my quest to get a beer and didn't even need to trade weed just gather the courage to ask my grandma for yet more money seriously though I hate asking people for stuff I've never once panhandled in my life and I've had lots of times where I'm homeless and had nothing and no one and I know how much people generosity can help because I have had change off people but I didn't ask them for it I'm just to proud for that I wasn't raised like that plus you never know who you might meet that's what my mum always told me it's quite a black person thing to say and before someone calls me racist my mum is black which makes me quarter cast so I'm allowed to say black people your not though ;)