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I'm having my first experience with a new (to me) drug this morning. The full backstory is long and probably boring but the tl;dr version is I'm currently in a rehab place (the physical therapy kind not the getting clean kind lol) and waiting for arrangements to be made to see a dentist. Since a few of the teeth I didn't have pulled last time are messed up and painful now.

So until I can see the dentist I'm getting Tramadol. Which I've heard is a joke, doesn't even really count as an opioid. But other people say they have gotten a good high from it so I will see. The only thing is since I'm in this facility it's not like I just have the bottle of pills in my hands, the nurse comes around with pills in a little cup and watches me take them. So I'm going to have to get tricky if I want to have more than 1 pill at time.

But for now I just took the first pill I've ever had of Tramadol as the nurse gave it to me. That was about an hour ago and so far can't say I feel much but I've been reading trip reports on erowid and a lot of folks there said Tramadol can take a long time to kick in.

Somebody there also said that the pills hit stronger if you chew them up, my tongue revolts at the idea but it might be a way to make the most of 1 measly little pill. I'll update here if I start feeling anything but I'm not expecting much. :(
Seriously, look into oil pulling. Use organic coconut oul. Ifind 6 grams suits me for optimum all round efficiency and room.

But YMMV. It's the best thing on earth for teeth and gums, also holistic. Primarily its origins are from Ayurveda as an ancient detoxification method but it just happens to be the supreme way of caring for oral health I personally practice it for respiratory symptom management and infections and allergies for which it's an absolute boon but comes with so many other benefits as well including keeping the mouth and teeth and gums pretty immaculate well.
Funny thing about oil pulling, I keep forgetting what it is. Like the first time I came across it I thought "this sounds interesting, wonder what it is?" So I looked it up and was like Oh, that's what it is. But then the next time I came across the phrase I was like I know I looked this up before but I've forgotten what it means. I've done this a few times now.
Funny thing about oil pulling, I keep forgetting what it is. Like the first time I came across it I thought "this sounds interesting, wonder what it is?" So I looked it up and was like Oh, that's what it is. But then the next time I came across the phrase I was like I know I looked this up before but I've forgotten what it means. I've done this a few times now.
Seriously if you want to take a totally no downside harmless proactive approach to safeguarding various aspects of your health particularly oral and dental it is a very or extremely worthwhile practice I swear.
Seriously, look into oil pulling. Use organic coconut oul. Ifind 6 grams suits me for optimum all round efficiency and room.

But YMMV. It's the best thing on earth for teeth and gums, also holistic. Primarily its origins are from Ayurveda as an ancient detoxification method but it just happens to be the supreme way of caring for oral health I personally practice it for respiratory symptom management and infections and allergies for which it's an absolute boon but comes with so many other benefits as well including keeping the mouth and teeth and gums pretty immaculate well.

I think you got Toradol and Tramadol mixed up my guy
I think you got Toradol and Tramadol mixed up my guy
I just checked in case. I don't follow you there. As Toradol is alien to me.

Irrelevant anyhow. I was just suggesting an actual cure and preventative approach wirh no downsides and lots of additional ups. Rather than a mask, a soother.

Not being serious about it, I often mistake humour and I am not right minded with a broken back atm and some high level trauma.

I swear by oil pulling though. It psys off. It is a "service" to the body.

Like servicing a car lol. Well, 365 days of coconut oil pulling is cheaper by a way.
Ever get really low on a substance and then order more and instantly regret it? I am really tempted to get more Trams but I know it’s only cause I’m running out argh. Not that I like them.

Anyway hope everyone enjoys their night!
ate 150mg d8 thc in gummies. that shit really is dope if flower aint around.
waiting on some poly drug use today (kratom, pregab, etiz, d8, coffee, cigs etc) all work and no play makes ptah a stupid bitch
so 1mg etiz and 1.5g kratom
almost too late to pop the pregab so may wait for another day on that gotta take it early fuckin gabapentinoids take foreeeeeever to hit me now (all of them). I do not get the doubled time phenom.... The effects are the same but it takes 10 freakin hrs now as opposed to the usual 5. :shrug:
Any ventures as to why the f this would double overnight about 8-9 months ago? No change in diet, liquid or anything else as I am a creature of habit mostly - structure. Same routing when dosing. Just fucks with me cause I aint gettin up in the middle of the night to dose to feel effects at 11-12 the next day.
I just dont get it....
Hard to time anything anymore regarding combining the effects (peaks) of different substances (like kratom, other gaba drugs, a benz if its around, pain meds to stretch them out the list goes on and everything
Done! But loose tear, no fuss, so bout 150, 220 total. This is safe use too. Should, be enough.
Very decisive good for you. ;)
Man I better slow down I will be asleep by 6 lol
Nothing wrong with rest when ya body needs it, ime
Soooo...... 320 of what may i ask? :facepalm: :Sherlock:
Actually, 1cP LSD this time. Batch one ever. WoW.

Banging banging LSD label aside. Real deal. Just over too 38 mg's from Feb.

Two months ago I didn't think I had enough trips left in me to reach 25 mg by New Year's Eve lol.

Well. Things change! But I trust. If I really am just about to become mentally retarded I don't actually feel any indication of that yet to make me worry slightly nor does anybody around me when I haven't overdosed on benzos basically LOL the only time really I am at all incomprehensible and not present, Okay I lost my point there but I just don't think I'm going to suddenly end up in a mental retard because surely that would've happened after 25 years already there would at least be some very definitive signs here of a sudden decline of logic or creative personal expression surely?

Whoops. Waffling do apologise really hope your evening goes well mate. Biggest love man! ❤️
Yeah and I will be sleep by myself as well so will be sleep by (beside) 6am. lol
Rest your head in true deserved peace my friend for you are a truly peaceful and deserving soul. I actually thought you meant 6 pm though it's 7 pm here now I have no agenda in life at the moment no clock routine order or slight sense of normality for the meantime just a flexible adaptable living in survival plan.

Some lovely Durban poison vaporizer coming up warming up now.

Hopefully catch you tomorrow man after a nice restful peaceful dream and recuperation see what Sunday brings us hopefully some sun I like a sunny Sunday especially after a little grim week like this and an overcast Saturday.
Been sunny here all day and took advantage of it here and there. Good stuff.
But the clock thing... i just use it as a ref i get sleepy i go to sleep (most times) I wake up I get up. Sundown is coming real soon tonight iirc and sundown mean light out.
Been sunny here all day and took advantage of it here and there. Good stuff.
But the clock thing... i just use it as a ref i get sleepy i go to sleep (most times) I wake up I get up. Sundown is coming real soon tonight iirc and sundown mean light out.
Right. With you know. Our plantary bio and energy rythyms are forever unsynced lol!